Full match filtering
You can specify an element value in an XML message to implement full match filtering. If multiple
element values are provided, the system returns the data that matches all the specified values.
# Copy the following text to the client to retrieve configuration data of all interfaces in UP state:
<rpc message-id ="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
<filter type="subtree">
<top xmlns="http://www.hp.com/netconf/data:1.0">
You can also specify an attribute name that is the same as a column name of the current table at the
row to implement full match filtering. The system returns only configuration data that matches this
attribute name. The XML message equivalent to the above element-value-based full match filtering
is as follows:
<rpc message-id ="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
<filter type="subtree">
<Interface data:AdminStatus="2"/>
The above examples show that both element-value-based full match filtering and
attribute-name-based full match filtering can retrieve the same configuration data for all UP
Regular expression match filtering
To implement a complex data filtering with characters, you can add a
attribute for a specific
The supported data types include integer, date and time, character string, IPv4 address, IPv4 mask,
IPv6 address, MAC address, OID, and time zone.
# Copy the following text to the client to retrieve the descriptions of interfaces, of which all the
characters must be upper-case letters from A to Z: