host bus adapter for Windows and Linux installation guide
Recording Reference Numbers
Each HBA ships with a unique address identifier that is stored in flash memory. Fibre
Channel industry standards issue two unique identifiers: WorldWide Port Name
(WWPN) and Node Name (NN), each of which is derived from the HBA’s IEEE
address. Combined, the WWPN and NN create the WorldWide Name (WWN) which
is an 8-byte field that uniquely identifies an HBA on a FC circuit.
The WWN address and serial number are clearly marked on the HBA. Record the
addresses on the lines below for future reference.
NOTE: The WWN is a static identifier that cannot be changed.
IEEE address: __________________________________________________
Serial number: __________________________________________________
Installing the HBA into a Computer
Following is the procedure for installing the HBA into a computer.
WARNING: Be sure to observe the ESD precautions for this procedure.
1. Make sure the computer is powered off.
2. Remove the screws on the computer cover, and then remove the cover.
3. Wearing a static wrist strap, remove the blank panel from an empty 64-bit PCI or
PCI-X bus slot.
Compare the removed panel to the bracket on the host bus adapter. Follow
steps 4-7 to change the bracket if they are different sizes.
NOTE: The host bus adapter comes with a standard PCI bracket installed. The low-profile
mounting bracket is shorter than the standard bracket; approximately 3.11 in. (7.9cm) compared
to 4.75 in. (12.06 cm) long.
4. Remove the mounting bracket screws from the top of the host bus adapter.
5. Remove the bracket and store it for future use.
6. Align the new mounting bracket tabs with the holes in the HBA.
NOTE: Be careful not to push the bracket past the transceiver housing's grounding tabs.
7. Replace the screws that attach the HBA to the bracket.