Software Problems
HP Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Writer: Ted Weiman File Name: d-ch3 Software Problems.doc
Codename: Generic TSG Part Number: 161759-007 Last Saved On: 11/19/02 9:35 AM
Verification that the ROM version to which you are upgrading can be used for all
of the servers or array controllers that you are upgrading.
Network connectivity is required for flashing remote clients only.
Also be sure that you are following the instructions for the Remote ROM Flash
procedure, located on the following website:
Select the family, model, and operating system of your server.
If you continue to encounter errors, refer to Table 3-4, which describes the possible
failures that can occur during this procedure, their symptoms, and possible corrective
Table 3-4: Remote ROM Upgrade Errors
Problem Symptoms
Command-line syntax
If the correct command-line
syntax is not used, an error
message describing the
incorrect syntax is displayed
and the program exits.
Correct the syntax, and then restart
the process.
Invalid or incorrect
If incorrect parameters are
passed into command-line
options, an error message
describing the invalid or
incorrect parameter is displayed
and the program exits.
(Example: Invalid source path
for system configuration or
ROMPaq files.)
Correct the invalid parameter, and
then restart the process.
Access denied on
target computer
If you specify a networked target
computer for which you do not
have administrative privileges,
an error message is displayed
describing the problem and the
program exits.
Obtain administrative privileges for
the target computer, and then restart
the process.