Software and configuration utilities 56
The server ships with the same version programmed on each side of the ROM.
Safety and security benefits
When you flash the system ROM, ROMPaq writes over the backup ROM and saves the current ROM as a
backup, enabling you to switch easily to the alternate ROM version if the new ROM becomes corrupted for
any reason. This feature protects the existing ROM version, even if you experience a power failure while
flashing the ROM.
Keeping the system current
Access to HP Support Materials
Access to some updates for HP ProLiant Servers may require product entitlement when accessed through the
HP Support Center support portal. HP recommends that you have an HP Passport set up with relevant
entitlements. For more information, see the HP website
Always perform a backup before installing or updating device drivers.
The server includes new hardware that may not have driver support on all OS installation media.
If you are installing an Intelligent Provisioning-supported OS, use Intelligent Provisioning (on page
) and its
Configure and Install feature to install the OS and latest supported drivers.
If you do not use Intelligent Provisioning to install an OS, drivers for some of the new hardware are required.
These drivers, as well as other option drivers, ROM images, and value-add software can be downloaded as
part of an SPP.
If you are installing drivers from SPP, be sure that you are using the latest SPP version that your server
supports. To verify that your server is using the latest supported version and for more information about SPP,
see the HP website To locate the drivers for a particular server, go to the HP website on
Drivers, Software & Firmware
. Then, enter your product name in the
Find an HP product
field and click
Software and firmware
Software and firmware should be updated before using the server for the first time, unless any installed
software or components require an older version.
For system software and firmware updates, use one of the following sources:
" on page
) from the HP Service Pack for ProLiant