Microsoft Services for NFS
NAS 1500s and 500s Administration Guide
Simple mapping tab
Simple (or implicit) mapping is the first level of user name mapping. In simple mode, user and
group names that match exactly in name are automatically equated.
While simple mappings are the most easily managed and are the most forthright type of map,
security problems can arise. For example, if a UNIX user is coincidentally an exact match of a
Windows user, the system will equate them and an inadvertent mapping will occur, granting a
user inappropriate access.
To use simple mappings, the feature must be enabled. If this feature is turned off, the
administrator must manually create an explicit map for each user.
To enable simple mapping, click the Enable Simple Mapping option and then select the
Windows domain name.
Figure 68: User and Group Mappings page, Simple Mapping tab
Explicit user mapping tab
Explicit (or advanced) mappings allow the administrator to map any user or group manually to
any other user and group. Advanced mappings override simple mappings, giving
administrators the capability of using simple mapping for most users and then using advanced
mappings for the users with unique names on the different systems. Alternatively, simple
mapping can be disabled completely, relying solely on explicit mappings. Explicit mappings
create the most secure mapping environment.
Security issues seen in simple mappings do not exist in explicit mappings. Explicit user
mappings specifically correlate two users together, thus preventing the inadvertent mapping.