This appendix includes the following topics:
When the Server Does Not Start—You are provided with step-by-step
instructions on what to try and where to go for help with the most common
problems encountered during initial Power-On Self-Test (POST). A successful
startup requires the server to complete this test each time you power up, before
the server can load the operating system and start running software applications.
Problems After Initial Startup—After the server has passed POST, you may
still encounter errors, such as an inability to load the operating system. You are
provided with instructions on what to try and where to go for help when you
encounter errors after the server completes POST.
Other Information Resources—This section provides a list of references for
troubleshooting beyond the scope of this guide.
HP ProLiant ML310 Server Setup and Installation Guide
Writer: Ted Weiman File Name: k-appd.doc
Codename: Son of Beast Part Number: 274431-002 Last Saved On: 11/22/02 2:09 PM