PE connections for mains power should be made through an M6 stub.
Powerline disturbances
Reliable operation of your processing station depends on the availability of relatively noise-free AC power.
In order to ensure optimum performance and reliability, your processing station should be protected from
variations in line voltage, which are common to production printing environments. Lighting, line faults, or
the power switching commonly found in machinery in factory environments can generate line transients
that far exceed the peak value of the applied voltage. If not reduced, these micro-second pulses can disrupt
system operation.
The processing station is professional equipment with a total rated power greater than 1 kW, therefore it
conforms with the EN 61000-3-2 standard.
You are recommended to include overvoltage (OVP) and transient protection on the power supply to the
processing station.
All electrical noise-generating equipment, such as fans, fluorescent lighting, and air-conditioning systems,
should be kept separate from the power source used for your processing station.
The processing station must be connected to a good-quality, dedicated ground line in order to avoid electrical
risk. Note your obligation to comply with the National Electrotechnical Code (NEC) in the country of installation.
The following grounding tasks must be fulfilled to meet the site preparation requirements:
Grounding wires should be insulated and at least equal in size to the phase conductors.
Ground impedance must be less than 0.5 Ω.
The installation of a single point and dedicated ground.
Power stabilizer equipment that is supplied by three uninterrupted phase wires and one uninterrupted
copper ground wire from the main building service panel. These should run in the same conduit and should
be at least equal in size to the phase wires.
Compressed air
An air compressor or pressurized air line is required, and must be provided by the customer. It should provide an
air pressure of at least 6 bar, which should be stable: within ±0.2 bar.
HP recommends that you use an air compressor with a pressure gauge that measures in bars.
A tube of 6 mm diameter should be connected from the air supply to the processing station.
The minimum air quality should be ISO8573-1:2010 Class 4.4.3.
Required air flow: 20 liters per minute as minimum flow available.
Compressed air