1. In the GUI, choose Hardware.
2. From the list of arrays, click the array you want to fail over.
3. In the Array view, note which controller is Active and which is Standby.
4. Click Make Active on the Standby controller.
5. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
During the failover operation, the standby controller first goes into Solo mode, and then into Active mode. The active
controller goes into Unknown mode, then into Stale mode, and finally into Standby mode.
Fail Over a Controller Using the CLI
A failover switches management of the array from the active controller to the standby controller.
Before you begin
Failover requires one controller to be in Active mode and the other controller to be in Standby mode.
1. Determine the name of the array.
array --list
The name of the array appears in the list.
2. Perform the failover.
failover --array array_name
During the failover operation, the standby controller first goes into Solo mode, and then into Active mode. The active
controller goes into Unknown mode, then into Stale mode, and finally into Standby mode.
$ failover --array datamaster-a
Determine the Operating State of the Controllers Using the GUI
1. In the GUI, choose Hardware.
2. Click the link of the array you want.
3. Look for Controller A or Controller B.
4. Check the operating state of each controller.
One controller should be in Active mode and the other in Standby mode.
Determine the Operating State of the Controllers Using the CLI
List the controllers.
ctrlr --list
A list of controllers appears with information including their operating states.
One controller should be in Active mode and the other in Standby mode.
Power Supply Maintenance
The procedures for maintaining power supplies is the same for all storage arrays and expansion shelf models.
Maintenance Procedures 75