Downloading HP PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI by product name or number (select products only)
You can download HP PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI by product name or number (select products only) to a USB
flash drive.
For some products, you might have to download the software to a USB flash drive by using the product
name or number.
Go to
Enter the product name or number, select your computer, and then select your operating system.
In the Diagnostics section, follow the on-screen instructions to select and download the specific UEFI
Diagnostics version for your computer.
Using Remote HP PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI settings (select
products only)
Remote HP PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI is a firmware (BIOS) feature that downloads HP PC Hardware
Diagnostics UEFI to your computer. It can then execute the diagnostics on your computer, and it might upload
results to a preconfigured server.
For more information about Remote HP PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI, go to
, and then select Find out more.
Downloading Remote HP PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI
HP Remote PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI is also available as a SoftPaq that you can download to a server.
Downloading the latest Remote HP PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI version
You can download the latest HP PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI version to a USB flash drive.
Go to
. The HP PC Diagnostics home page is displayed.
Select Download Remote Diagnostics, and then select Run.
Downloading Remote HP PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI by product name or number
You can download HP Remote PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI by product name or number.
For some products, you might have to download the software by using the product name or number.
Go to
Select Software and Drivers, select your type of product, enter the product name or number in the search
box that is displayed, select your computer, and then select your operating system.
In the Diagnostics section, follow the on-screen instructions to select and download the Remote UEFI
version for the product.
Customizing Remote HP PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI settings
Using the Remote HP PC Hardware Diagnostics setting in Computer Setup (BIOS), you can perform several
Chapter 8 Using HP PC Hardware Diagnostics