HP EliteBook 2570p
Lighten Your Workload
This ultra-portable laptop turns heads
with its petite size and business rugged
design. Get to work with a standard
voltage processor, wireless connectivity
and an optical drive.
HP recommends Windows
Ultraportable and polished
Starting at 3.60 lb (1.63 kg), this ultraportable laptop
blends modern design and precision engineering. Slip
this beautiful, light-weight laptop into your carry-on
and you’re ready for business on the go.
See crisp images on the 12.5-inch diagonal HD
without adding cumbersome size to the notebook.
Its business rugged design protects your laptop against
the bumps common with mobile use so your laptop
looks as good as you do.
Powered for business
Tackle daunting tasks with the powerful processing
capabilities of Intel's latest technology. This notebook
offers a standard voltage processor so you don't trade
power for its petite size.
Whether you're across the street or around the globe,
HP's extensive wireless technologies have you covered.
With optional WiFi and optional integrated HP Mobile
Broadband featuring 3G and 4G LTE, you can
conveniently access the internet, corporate networks,
email and mission-critical information in more places
around the world.
Enhance presentations, reports and more with
impressive visuals, using UMA graphics.
No compromises
This premier notebook combines small size with
uncompromised performance so professionals stay a
step ahead.
Gain the convenience of an integrated optical drive for
additional storage and easy access to data.
Engage in video conferences, web-based trainings,
streaming videos with smooth audio quality that’ll
surprise you coming from a notebook. SRS Premium
Sound PRO also allows you to share crisp, powerful
sound directly from your notebook. Forget the extra
speakers during your presentations.