Do you need a direct attached or shared storage solution within your BladeSystem enclosure?
Direct attached storage
Direct attached storage
Direct attached storage
Direct attached storage
The D2200sb Storage Blade delivers direct attached storage for c-Class servers, with support for up to twelve hot plug small form
factor (SFF) SAS hard disk drives or SAS/SATA SSDs or SATA Midline hard disk drives . The enclosure backplane provides a PCI
Express connection to the adjacent c-Class server blade and enables high performance storage access without any additional cables.
The D2200sb Storage Blade features an onboard Smart Array P410i controller with 1 GB flash-backed write cache, for increased
performance and data protection.
Two ways to create shared storage with the D2200sb
Two ways to create shared storage with the D2200sb
Two ways to create shared storage with the D2200sb
Two ways to create shared storage with the D2200sb
Use HP P4000 Virtual SAN Appliance (VSA) software to turn the D2200sb into an iSCSI SAN for use by all servers in the enclosure
and any server on the network. HP VSA software is installed in a virtual machine on a VMware ESX host server adjacent to the
D2200sb. HP P4000 VSA turns the D2200sb into a scalable and robust iSCSI SAN, featuring storage clustering for scalability,
Network RAID for storage failover, thin provisioning, snapshots, remote replication, and cloning. Expand capacity within the same
enclosure or to other BladeSystem enclosures by adding additional D2200sb Storage Blades and HP VSA licenses. A cost effective
bundle of the D2200sb Storage Blade and a HP P4000 VSA license makes purchasing convenient. If storage needs increase, add
HP P4300 or P4500 systems externally and manage everything via a single pane of glass.
The HP X1800sb Network Storage Blade is a flexible storage server solution for BladeSystem environments. Combine the X1800sb
with the D2200sb Storage Blade to enable file serving and iSCSI shared storage inside the BladeSystem enclosure.
1. Product information tag
4. Hard drive drawer handle
2. LED panel
5. Storage blade locking lever
3. Hard drive drawer release latch
* Removing the storage blade from the enclosure removes
power from the hard drives.
What's New
What's New
What's New
What's New
Support of new Enterprise 300GB 15K SAS HDD
Support BL 860c.
HP D2200sb Storage Blade
HP D2200sb Storage Blade
HP D2200sb Storage Blade
HP D2200sb Storage Blade
DA - 13714 Worldwide — Version 11 — March 2, 2012
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