: Specifies the interval for automatically saving the running configuration, in minutes. The value is
in the range of 10 to 525,600 (365 days).
Use the
archive configuration interval
command to enable the automatic saving of the running
configuration and set the interval.
Use the
undo archive configuration interval
command to restore the default.
By default, the system does not automatically save the running configuration.
When you execute this command, the system saves the running configuration with the specified filename
to the specified path at a specified interval (the value of the
Configure an automatic saving interval according to the storage media performance and the frequency
of configuration modification:
If the configuration of the device does not change frequently, HP recommends that you save the
running configuration manually as needed
HP recommends that you save the running configuration manually, or configure automatic saving
with an interval longer than 1,440 minutes (24 hours).
If you use a high-speed storage media—such as a CF card—and the configuration of the device
changes frequently, HP recommends that you set a shorter saving interval.
Before executing the
archive configuration interval
command, you must configure the filename prefix
and path for saving configuration files by using the
archive configuration location
When you execute the
archive configuration interval
command, the running configuration is only saved
to the active MPU, and the standby MPU cannot save the configuration. However, the command is also
executed on the standby MPU to ensure the rollback of the configuration after an active/standby
switchover. (In standalone mode)
When you execute the
archive configuration interval
command, the running configuration is only saved
to the active MPU of the IRF fabric, and the other MPUs do not save the configuration. However, the
command is also executed on the other MPUs of the IRF fabric to ensure the rollback of the configuration
after an active MPU change. (In IRF mode)
# Configure the system to save the running configuration every 60 minutes.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] archive configuration interval 60
Info: Archive files will be saved every 60 minutes.
archive configuration location
archive configuration location
undo archive configuration location
System view