For a Fibre Channel Backup system, a new “unknown” device will be discovered in
Device Manager. This device is required only to ensure that a Fibre Channel target exists as LUN
0 in the SAN. No functionality is provided by this device and no driver is required.
iSCSI Initiator (optional, VTL only)
This section is not relevant if you are configuring only FC library devices, Catalyst stores or NAS
shares on your HP StoreOnce Backup system.
FC products may be configured with a mixture of FC and iSCSI Virtual Tape Devices. If
you are configuring your HP StoreOnce Backup system to have iSCSI Virtual Tape Devices (for
hosts attached via the LAN ports), this section is relevant. However, if you are configuring it to
have only FC devices (attached via the FC ports), it is not necessary; you may use the StoreOnce
GUI or CLI to create FC library devices, see the HP StoreOnce Backup system user guide.
iSCSI is a protocol for sending SCSI commands via Ethernet. It defines how SCSI packets are
translated to Ethernet packets and connects to the required devices. An iSCSI initiator may be
hardware or software and should be running on each host. If the host does not have an iSCSI
initiator, it will not be able to connect to the library configured on the HP StoreOnce Backup system
and will not be able to perform backups.
For Linux and UNIX operating systems an iSCSI initiator is embedded in the operating system.
Please refer to the Linux and UNIX Configuration Guide on the HP StoreOnce Backup system
CD-ROM for further information. Make sure that you have downloaded the latest operating system
patches before you configure your system.
For Windows systems the Microsoft iSCSI initiator is required to connect to any Virtual Tape Libraries
created on the HP StoreOnce Backup system. The iSCSI initiator ships with later versions of Microsoft
Windows, but not with XP/2003 or earlier. HP is not permitted to include the iSCSI initiator on
the CD. So, if required, it must be retrieved from the Microsoft website.
With some versions of Windows the iSCSI initiator service is not started by default. This
component must be configured manually by the user to run on startup. Do this through the Control
Drivers, iSCSI and FC installation and configuration