Hotpoint RVM122J Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание RVM122J

Страница 1: ...anel 6 7 Temperature Cook 15 Cook NWatch 10 Temperature Probe 15 17 CookingCompleteReminder 8 TimeCook 10 CooktopLight 6 20 TimeDefrost 11 Defrosting 11 Warranty BackCover ExhaustFan 6 19 ExtensionCords 20 Features 8 GreaseFilter 19 GroundingInstructions 20 HoldTime 9 LightBulbReplacement 20 GE AnswerCenter Microwaving Tips 3 800 626 2000 Use andCare of Counter Saver model RVM122J Meelectricoutput...

Страница 2: ...owave oven Steamor vaporescapingfrom aroundthedoor Lightreflectionarounddooror outercase Dimmingovenlightandchange inblowersoundmayoccurwhile operatingatpowerlevelsother thanhigh Dullthumpingsoundwhileoven is operating SomeTV Radio interference mightbe noticedwhileusingyour microwave oven It ssimilartothe interferencecausedbyothersmall appliancesanddoesnotindicatea problemwithyouroven 1 you ecl s ...

Страница 3: ...d andisnotintended forlaboratory orindustrial use Forbestoperation plugthis appliance intoitsownelectrical outlet toprevent flickering of lights9 Mowing offuseor trippingofcircuitbreaker 49 ns n or locatethisappliance onlyinaccordance withthe provided Installation Instructions DO notcoverorMock any openings ontheapp iance Donotimmerse power cord orpluginwater C eqpower cordaway from heatedsurfaces...

Страница 4: ...designed formicrowave cbokingisveryuseful butshould beusedcarefully Evenmicrowave safeplasticmaynotbeastolerant ofovercooking conditions asare glassorceramicmaterialsand maysofienorcharifsubjected to shortperiodsofovercooking In longerexposures toovercooking thefoodandcookware could ignite Forthesereasons 1 Use microwave safe plasticsonlyand usetheminstrictcompliance withthecookware manufacturer s...

Страница 5: ...t for non vented instillation Thismicrowave ovenis UL listedforinstallation over electricandgasranges Never leave surfaceunits at high heat settings Mlovercauses smoking andgreasy spillovers thatmayignite andspread ifexhaust fanisoperating To minimizeautomatic fanoperation useadequate sizedcookware and usehighheatonlywhennecessary h the event of agrease fire smotherflaming panonsurface unitbycover...

Страница 6: ... cook meatwithautomaticpresetprogram Seepages16and17 7 CLOCK Touchthispadtoentertimeofdayor check timeofdaywhilemicrowaving TosetClock firsttouch CLOCKpadandthementertimeofday Forexam le if timeis 1 30 touchnumberpads1 3 andOand 1 30 willappearindisplay ThentouchSTART pad Toreset or changetime simplyrepeataboveprocess 8 POWERLEVEL Touchthispadbeforeentering anotherpowerlevelnumberifyouwantto chang...


Страница 8: ...Light Lightcomeson whendoorisopenedor whenoven isoperatinginanyfunction 7 Receptaclefor Temperature Probe Probemustbe securely insertedintoreceptaclebeforeoven willstartanytemperatureor Auto Roastcooking 8 MicroThermorneterTM TemperatureProbe Usewith TempCook HoldandAutoRoast fimctionsonly This is to certi that C F M Sores this unit has been tested at 0 10W 3 5 5 Vert in conformance with AMCA 230 ...

Страница 9: ...ngor holdtime by ouchingMIN SECTIMERpad Thedisplayshows O and ENTERTIME flashes Step 5 Touch1 0 0 andOtohold for 10minutes 10 00 appearson displayand TIME flashes Step 6 TouchTIMECOOK1 2 pad Thedisplayshows 0 and POWER10 ENTERCOOK TIMEI flashes 9 Step7 Touch2 5 0 andOfor25 minutesofcookingtime COOK TIME flashesand 25 00 and POWER10 appearondisplay Step 8 Touchthe START pad DEFTIME and 15 00 counti...

Страница 10: ...rcookingoperations Here showtodoit Step 1 Placefoodinovenin microwave safe containerandclose thedoor Step2 TouchTIMECOOK1 2 Displayshows O and POWER 10 ENTERCOOKT IME I flashes Step 3 Selectyourcookingtime Forexample touch2 1and5 fora cookingtimeoftwominutesand 15 seconds Displayshows 2 W and POWER10 COOKTIMEI flashes Step4 TouchTIMECOOK1 2 Step5 Setyourcookingtime How tochange PowerLevel Afterset...

Страница 11: ... partofthe waythroughthe defrostingtime Family size pre packaged frozenentreescanbe defrosted andmicrowaved If thefoodis in a foilcontainer transferittoa microwave safe dish Checkthecookbookforother defrostingtips 11 Questions andbswers Q When 1touchthe STA Tpad I hear a dull thumping noise What isit A Thissoundisnormal It is lettingyouknowtheovenis usinga powerlevellowerthan10 High Q Can I defros...

Страница 12: timedesired anda finaldigitfor thepowerlevelrequired The codesgivenontheguiderepresent theminimumtimeneededtoavoid overcooking whichcandryout foodandmakeit tastelessand tough If youfeelthatmore cookingisneeded addadditional timebychangingthefirstdigitof thecode Youcannotaddseconds tothecycletime codes arefor wholeminutesonly If yourrecipe callsfort owerlevelchangesor differen amounts oftim...

Страница 13: ...50 40 70 665 25 20 Chuck Roast 3 lbs Eggs Baked 2 Eggs Eggs Scrambled 2 Eggs Breads and Desserts Mk h Apples 2 60 Entrees Frozen 8 oz 16OZ 2 Ibs 50 110 180 60 Bran Muffins 5 6 27 y 11 Brownies Mix 60 Y Cakes Mix 16cups fluted mold 110 1I I 1 Fish Fillets 1lb Cheese Bread Yeast 1loaf 105 Chocolate Chip Bars 50 Nut Bread Mix 1loaf 97 Pudding Mix 3 oz pkg 60 Beverages Coffee Soup 1cup 10 Milk Bases 1...

Страница 14: ...theSTART pad If internaltemperatureoftheroastis lessthan90 F displaywillshow COOL if temperatureis90 F or above displayshows temperaturecountingup Step6 When 160 F isreached theovenwillsoundanddisplay Hold Theovenwillthenhold thetemperature Step 7 TouchtheCLEAR OFF padtostopthecycle Step8 Removeprobeandfood fromtheoven Cootillg mps Usea lowerpowerlevel foods willheatmoreevenlythough requiringmoret...

Страница 15: ...ovenwithprobeto theright Insertcableendofprobe firmlyintoreceptacleonovenwall HowtoAutolitOt BeefRoasttoMedium L TouchAUT13 ROAST pad ROAST appearsonthedisplay and ENTERCODE flashes Touchnumberpad 1 l andthe selecteddonenesscode inthis Note BytouchingtheAUTO ROAST padduringcooking the meat sinternaltemperaturewillbe displayed COOL willbe displayed untilmeatreaches90 F Whenpadisreleased doneness co...

Страница 16: Placeprobe1inch fromtopsurface Stirafter3 hours ifpossible Chicken Stewing 180 F 4 6 SIM Add4 cupsliquid Insertprobe intomeatiestareaofinnerthigh frombelowendandparallelto leg Turnoverafter 1 2oftime Broiler Fryer 180 F 3 4 SIM Sameprocedureas above HamorPork Roast 180 F 4 6 SIM Add4 cupsliquid soup Stock Vegetable 180 F 7 1o SIM Makesurethatvegetables and meatarecoveredbyliquid Stir every3 ho...

Страница 17: ...on bottomofaBrown NSeardish maycausethegreasetoburnonto theovenfloor Thismayberemoved withacleansersuchasBonArni brandcleanser AfterusingBonAmi brand cleanser rinseanddrythoroughly following instructionsoncan Do notuseBonAmi brandcleanser onthepaintedsurfacessuchasthe walls Itmayscratchthepaint AutomaticTemperature Probe Probeis sturdy butcareshouldbe takeninhandling Donottwistor bend avoiddroppin...

Страница 18: ...terdownward andto thefr t Thefilterwilldropout Toreplace greasefilter slidethe filterintheframeslotontheback oftheopening Pullfilterupwardandtothefront tolockintoplace 19 Toclean greasefilter soak thenagitatefilterinhotdetergent solution Don tuseammoniaor otheralkalibecauseit willdarken metal Lightbrushingcanbe used toremoveembeddeddirt Rinse shakeandremovemoisturebefore replacing Filters shouldbe...

Страница 19: ...hegreaseandduston hoodsurfacesoften Usea solution ofwarmwateranddetergent About 1tablespoonofammoniamaybe addedtothewater Takecarenot totouchthefiltersandenamel surfaceswiththissolution ammoniawilldarkenmetal Thisappliancemustbegrounded Intheeventofanelectricalshort circuit groundingreducestherisk ofelectricshockbyprovidingan escapewirefortheelectriccurrent Thisapplianceisequippedwitha powercordha...

Страница 20: ...OOKED OR UNDERCOOKED eIncorrectpowerlevelentered Checkcookbookforrecommended powerlevel eDishwasnotro ted turnedorstirred Somedishesrequirespecificinstructions Checkcookbookorrecipeforinstructions eToomanydishesinovenatsametime boo ng timemustbeincreasedwhencooking morethanonefooditem Checkcookbooktimerecommendations ProbenotinsertedproperlyintomeatordishwhenusingTempCook HoldorAuto Roastfunction ...

Страница 21: ...nicationDevice for the Deaf today or tomorrow or at your con venience 7 00 a m to 7 00p m week days 9 00 a m to 2 00 p m Saturdays Our factory trained technicians know your appliance inside and out so most repairs can be handled injust one visit hdividwds qwdifled to servicetheir own appliancescan have needed parts or accessories sent directly to their home free of shipping charge Our parts system...

Страница 22: ...POINT FACTORYSERVICE or HOTPOINT CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE s No r Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product Read your Useand Carematerial If you then haveany questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or call toll free GE Answer Center 800 626 2000 consumer information service Improper installation If you ha...
