Страница 1: ... REM30E 2 3g 14 Features ofyouroven p6 Cooking bytime p8 Cooking bytemperature p9 How tousetheshelf p14 Toremove theMicrowave from uibinet mount p16 Save timeandmoney Before yourequest service usetheProblem Solver pr7 The GE AnswerCent 4 ...
Страница 2: ... Ovenis registered It isimportantthatweknowthe locationofyourMicrowave Oven shoulda needoccurforadjustments Yoursupplierisresponsible for registering youastheowner Pleasecheckwithyoursupplierto be surehehasdoneso alsosendin yourConsumerProductOwnership Registration Card Ifyoumove or ifyouarenottheoriginal purchaserpleasewritetous statingmodelandserialnumbers Thisappliancemustberegistered Pleasebec...
Страница 3: ...inetMount 16 ProblemSolver 17 ConsumerServices 19 Warranty BackCover J Makesureallutensilsusedin yourMicrowave Ovenarelabeled suitableformicrowaving Papertowels waxpaper and plasticwrapcanbeusedtocover dishesinordertoretainmoisture andpreventspa ering Somemicrowaved foodsrequire stirring rotating orrearranging CheckyourCookbook forspecific instructions Steambuildsuppressureinfoods whicharetightlyc...
Страница 4: ...iskoffirein theovencavity Donot overcookfood Carefully attendapplianceif paper plastic or other combus tible materials azeplaced inside the ovento facilitatecooking Removewire twist tiesfrom paper or plasticbagsbefore placingbag in oven Donot use your microwave ovento dry newspapers Paper towelsandnapkins waxpaper Recycledpaper productscan containmetalflecks which maycause arcing or ignite Paper p...
Страница 5: ...mpty utensils to microwaving 3 Do not permit childrento use plastic utensils withoutcomplete supervision Whencookingporkfollow our directionsexactlyand always cook the meat to at least 170 This assuresthat in the remote possibilitythat trichinamaybe present in the meat it willbe killed and meat willbe safe to eat Boilingeggs inandoutof shell isnotrecommended for microwavecooking Pressure can build...
Страница 6: ...orLight Turnson whenthedoorisopenedor when theovenisoperating 7 Removable GlassCooking Tray Donotoperatetheoven withoutthecookingtrayinplace 8 MICROTHERMOMETERTM temperature probe Usewith TEMPCOOKfimctiononly 9 ReceptacleforTemperature Probe Temperature Probemustbe securelyinsertedintoreceptacle whenusingTEMPCOOK 10 DOUBLE DIJTYTM shelf Letsyoumicrowave severalfoods atonce SeeSafetyInstructions fo...
Страница 7: ...kitchentimer asa holdingperiodafterdefrostor asa delaytimerbeforetime cooking SeepageH 5 Clock Touchthispadtoenter timeofdayor check imeofday whilemicrowaving Tosetclock firsttouchCLOCK padandthenentertimeofday For example if timeis 1 30 touch numberpads 1 3 andOand 1 30 willappearindisplay Touch START pad Toresetor change time simplyrepeataboveprocess e timeo t mperatu eduringco ing functions pow...
Страница 8: ...ppened A Sincehousepowervariesdue totimeor locationmanyTime Cookrecipesgiveyoua timerange topreventovercooking Setthe ovenforminimumtime testthe foodfordoneness andcookyour disha littlelonger ifnecessary Q I wanttocookon a Power LevelotherthanHI whatdoI needtodo A TochangethePowerLevel touchthedesiredPOWERLEVEL padafterenteringdesiredcooking timeandthentouchSTART Q WhathappensifI accident allyoper...
Страница 9: ...above display showstemperaturecountingup Step6 When125 is reached the ovenwillsoundanddisplay HOLD Theovenwillthenholdthe temperature Step7 TouchtheCLEAR OFF padtostopthecycle Step8 Remove probeandfood fromtheoven Coo T Usea lowerpowerlevel itwill heatmoreevenlyeventhough requiringmoretime Besurefrozenfoodhasbeen completelydefrostedbeforeinsert ingprobe Probemaybreakoffif usedin frozenfoods Coverf...
Страница 10: ...rowave cooked Besuretoremoveanyfoil covers Keepmetaltraysatleast1 awayfromcavitywalls CheckyourCookbookforother defrostingtips Questions andAnswers Q WhenI pressSTART I hear a dullthumpingnoise Whatisit A Thissoundisnormal It is lettingyouknowtheovenis usinga PowerLevellowerthanI II Q Can IDefrost smallitemsin a hurry A Yes buttheywillneedmore frequentattentionthanusual Raise thePowerLevelafterent...
Страница 11: ...is automatically setonPowerLevel LObutcanbechangedbytouching thedesiredpowerlevelpad Step4 Setstandingorholdtime bytouchingMIN SECTIMER 0 appearsondisplayandHOLD TIMEflashes Step5 Touch1 0 0 andOtohold fortenminutes 10 00appearson display Step6 TouchTIMECOOKpad Thedisplayshows 0andHI and TIMECOOKflashes Step7 Touch2 5 0 andOfor twenty five minutesofcooking time 25 00appearsondisplay 11 Step8 Touch...
Страница 12: ...the oventray Thismayberemoved with acleansersuchasBarKeepers Friend CleanserbySerVaas Laboratories Inc AfterusingBarKeepersFriend Cleanser rinseanddrythoroughly following instructions oncan Do notuseBarKeepersFriend Cleanseronthepaintedsurfaces suchasthewalls Itmayscratchthe paint BarKeepersFriend Cleanseris soldinmanygrocery hardware anddepartmentstores DOUBLEIXJTYTM shelf Your shelfaccessoryisde...
Страница 13: ...wallreceptacletoprovideproper polarityintheconnectionofthe powercord Caution Attachingtheadapter groundterminaltothewall receptaclecoverscrewdoesnot groundtheapplianceunlessthe coverscrewismetal andnot insulated andthewallreceptacleis groundedthroughthehouse wiring Youshouldhavethecircuit checkedbya qualifiedelectricianto makesurethereceptacleis properlygrounded Whendisconnecting thepower cordfrom...
Страница 14: ...nch squareorother2quartsize casseroles Extrasteamgenerated ffommultiplefoodcookingmay makeutensilshotterthanwith regularmicrowaving Use hoMers when handling metal shelfand utensils They maybe hot I49 not store or use crow ve browningdishonrnetalsheif I utensils for shelf Heatingandlleheating Beforeplacingfoodinthedishes youplantouseforshelfmicro waving checktoseethattheywill fittogetheronorunderth...
Страница 15: ...se oftime stirorrearrangefoods do microwave energyenterstheoven notreversepositions Checkfoods fromthetoponly Also itis topshelfespecially after oftotal importanttorememberthatfoods timeandremoveanywhichare absorbmicrowave energyat done Continuecookingothers differentrates Ratescanbeaffected bythesizeofthefood andits startingtemperature Becauseofthevaryingrates you mayneedtostartreheatingalarge or...
Страница 16: ...ve withsomethingsturdy Forexampleusetelephonebooks or encyclopedias stackedevenly andcloseenoughtobalancethe weightoftheoven Mount I ill possible Step3 Liftupandpullforwardto releasemicrowave ovenfromthe brackets Step3 Openyourcabinetandwith yourscrewdriver beginto remove the screwsholdingthemicrowave oveninplacebyturningthem counterclockwise Alternatebetweenscrewssothat ovenisloosenedasevenlyas p...
Страница 17: ...ftertouchingTIMECOOK CLEAR OFFwastouchedaccidentally Resetcookingprogramandtouch START Makesureyouhaveentereda desiredfinishedtemperatureaftertouching TEMPCOOK HOLD FOODSAREEITHER Cookingtimesmayvarybecauseofstartingfoodtemperature fooddensity OVERCOOKED OR or amountoffoodsinoven TouchTIMECOOKandadditional cooking UNDERCOOKED timeforcompletion IncorrectPowerLevelentered CheckCookbookforrecommended...
Страница 18: ...te Major ApplianceConsumerActionPanel 20North WackerDrive Chicago Illinois60606 ServiceContracts Fortrmh e i ree servicebeyond thewrittenwarranty period If youprefer to budgetyourrepairexpenditures insteadof beingsurprisedby them Hotpoint offers servicecontractsfor varyinglengthsof time on all Hotpoint major appliances With a contract we llkeepyour appliancein good operatingconditionduringthe cont...
Страница 19: ...and states Alaska Hawaii and Washington D C All warranty service will be provided by our FactoryService Centers or by our authorized Customer Care servicers during normal working hours Look in the White or YellowPages of your telephone directory for HOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINT FACTORYSERVICE or HOTPOINT CUSTOMERCARE SERVICE 1SNOTCOVERED mproper installation c Failure of the pr...