Hotpoint RE50C Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание RE50C

Страница 1: andCare ofmodel RE50C Features ofyouroven p5 Cookingby time p6 How toUse Defrost Defrosting Heating Cooking Charts p8 Save timeandmoney Before yotirequest service usetheProblem Solver p22 The GE Answer ent 800 626 2000 ...

Страница 2: ...purchaserpleasewriteto us statingmodelandserialnumbers Thisappliancemustbe registered Pleasebecertain thatit is Writeto Hotpoint RangeProductService AppliancePark Louisville KY40225 If youreceiveda damagedOven Immediately contactthedealer orbuilder thatsGldyouthe Microwave Oven Savetimeandmoney Beforeyourequestservice checktheProblemSolveron page22 It listsminorcausesof operatingproblemsthatyoucan...

Страница 3: ...gthis applianceinto its own electrical outlet to preventflickeringof lights blowingof fise or trip ping of circuit breaker Installor locatethisappliance onlyinaccordance withthepro videdinstallation instructions Becertainto place the front surface of the door three inches or more back from the countertopedge to avoid accidentaltipping of the appliance in normal usage Donotcoveror blockany openings...

Страница 4: ...gned or recommended foruseinthe microwave oven Plastic utensils Plastic uten sils designedformicrowave cookingareveryuseful but shouldbe usedcarefully Even microwave plasticmaynotbe as tolerantof overcooking condi tionsasareglassorceramic materialsandmaysoftenor char if subjectedto shortperiodsof overcooking Inlongerex posuresto overcooking thefood andutensilscouldignite For thesereasons 1 Use Mic...

Страница 5: ...ftimeris on or whentheovenisoperating 7 StirrerCover Protectsthe microwave energydistributing antenna Donotremovethiscover Youwilldamagetheoven 8 PowerControlKnob Thiscon trolcanbe setatLQW DEFROST or HIGH Ma w m 2 DoorLatches 10 Cooking JlayRetainers 3 ChbkeDoorSeai H RefiovableGlassCooking Tray Do notoperatetheoven withoutthecookingtrayinplace 4 Door Screen Metalscreen permitsviewingoffoodsandke...

Страница 6: ...ecipesgiveyoua timerange topreventovercooking Setthe ovenforminimumtime testthe Step2 TurnPowerControlknob foodfordotieness andcookyour to PowerLevelHIGH dishalittlelonger ifnecessary Q Whathappensif I accidental lyoperatethemicrowave oven withoutfoodinit A Accidental useforshort periodsoftimedoesnotdamage theMagnetron but it isnot recommended Q CanI interruptmyTime Cookfunctiontocheckthefood A Ye...

Страница 7: ...metaltraysatleast1 awayfromcavitywalls o Checkthefollowingchartsfor otherdefrostingtips Q Whydon tthetimesinthe defrosting chartsseemrightfor myfood A Thesetimesareaverage Defrosting timecanvaryaccording tothetemperatureinyourfreezer Setyourovenforthetimeindicated inyourdefrostingcharts Ifyour foodisstillnotcompletelythawed attheendofthattime resetyour ovenandadjustthetime accordingly Q Shouldallf...

Страница 8: ...rowaving Pork 2lb 8 2 3 Spareribs 2 4 2 3 Placewrappedpackageinmicrowaveoven Turnover Pork 2lbs perpound perpound afterfirst oftime Aftersecond oftimeseparate pieceswithtableknife Letstandtocomplete defrosting Steaks 2 4 2 4 Placeunwrapped packageinmicrowaveoven Turn Chops perpound perpound overafterfirst Y2 oftime Aftersecond oftime Cutlets separatepieceswithtableknife let standtocomplete Beef La...

Страница 9: ...Allersecond oftime holdunder coldwatertoseparate Shellfish 31 4 4 3 4 Spreadshellfishinsinglelayerinbakingdish smallpieces Rearrange piecesafterfirst oftime 1lb __ llc_L 2 3 2 3 Placeblockincasserole Turnoverandbreakupwith _ blocks forkafterfirst oftime Crabmeat6oz Shellfish wmngeincookingdishwithlightundersideup Turn large8 10 oz 3 2 3 overafterfirst oftime CrabLegs Breads G es Breador Buns 1lb 1...

Страница 10: ...tate 4turnafterfirst oftime Letstand5 minutes 17 190Z tocompletedefrosting Fruit Fruit 10 16 oz 1 4 1 4 Removefoil Placepackageinmicrowave oven After first 4oftime breakupwithfork Repeatifnecessary Fruit in 2 1 2 Placepackageinmicrowave oven Afterfirst oftime plasticpouch flexpackage 10oz Fruitpie 3 4 3 5 Rotate turnafterfirst oftime or nutpie8 in Creampie l 1 2 4 Rotate turnafterfirst oftime cust...

Страница 11: ...4 8 chopsuey spaghetti stew 3to4 servings 9 15 cup 1 cupserving 1can 16oz 5 7 Hamburgers or meatloaf 1to2 servings z 4 oz per serving 3to4 servings 2 4 HotDogsandsausages lto2 1 2 3t04 3 4 Riceandpasta 2A cupserving Toppedor mixedwithsauce 1to2 servings 1to2 servings 2 3 5 9 3 to4 servings 10 15 Tip Coversaucymaindisheswithplasticwrap Coverothermaindishesandmeatswithwaxedpaper soups Waterbased 1to...

Страница 12: ... drainedhamburger FrozenMeats 5 8 oz 4 7 Ifpouchpackageisused puncturewithforktovent 10 16 OZ 6 12 16 320z 13 21 Frozen Dinners HeartyT V Style 17oz 15 17 Removefoiltrayandreturntraytocarton Ifmetaltrayis RegularT V Style 11oz 7 1o e morethan inchdeep placefoodinmicrowavesafe PremiumEntree8 9 oz 8 10 container Rotate turnafterhalfofcookingtime 21oz 23 26 32OZ 26 28 PastaandI e Cannedspaghetti etc ...

Страница 13: ...geinsinglelayeronpapertowels Perslice safeplate towel or ontrivetsetindish Layermany slicesbetwkenlayersofpapertowels Porksausage Microwave Wax HI lo Arrangeinsinglelayer raw safeutensil paper 2patties 3 4 min 4 patties 6 7 min Porklinksausage Microwave wax HI 10 Arrangeinsinglelayer raw safeutensil paper 2 links 3 4 min 4 links 5 6 min 8links 7 8 min Canadianbacon Microwave Wax HI 10 Arrangeinsin...

Страница 14: ...d Container Cover PowerLevel Time Comments Eggs m Scrambled Glassmeasuring cup No HI 10 1 min Place1teaspoonbutterpereggin orcasserole peregg dish MicrowaveatHI 10 until melted Scrambletheeggswiththe butterand1tablespoon milkperegg Placeinovenandmicrowavefor of totaltime Scrapeportionsfromthe outsidetothecenter Allowtostand1 to2 minutesto seteggs Poachedeggs 1 qt casserole Casserole HI 10 5 6 min ...

Страница 15: ...dd2 cupswaterand 1teaspoon longgrain 1cup plasticwrap salt Stirafter10minutes Rice minute 1 qt casserole Lidor HI lo 4 5 min Add1cupwaterand1teaspoonsalt 1 cups plasticwrap Stirafter2 minutes Cerd Alwaysusemicrowave safe utensils glassor plastic Uselargeenoughcontainertoavoidspillover 2 Startwithhottesttapwatertoshortencookingtime 3 Donotcover preventsspillover 4 Stirhalf waythroughcool gtime Food...

Страница 16: ...king Saltvegetablesaftercookingorputsaltinthecasserolewiththewaterbeforeaddingvegetables Power Level High Vegetable Amount Time Minutes Comments Asparagus Fresh llb 7 gyj Cutinto1 in pieces Add cupwater Frozen spears 10oz 8 lo Fresh GreenorWax 1lb 9 12 Cutinto1 in pieces Add 4cupwater Frozen 9 oz 9 12 Bmccol i Fresh spears 1lb 9 11 Add 4cupwater Frozen choppedor spears 10oz 9 12 Cabbage Fresh chop...

Страница 17: ...rozen 10oz 7 9 4 Camed Vegetablm Er Amount Undrained Drained Comments All kinds 8OZ 2 3tin 2 2 min Placevegetablesinmicrowave proofservingdish 15oz 3 A 5 min 3 3 min Coverwithplasticwrap Checkatminimum time Stir 17oz 5 6 min 3 4 min andserve Vegeable Convenience Fm vegetable Amount Power Level Time Comments M aded w getabk 7oz pkg Frozen HI 10 3 4 min Placeontrivet orplatesuitableformicrowaving Co...

Страница 18: ...e CakeMixwith 8or9 in HI 10 6 8 min puddingincluded roundcakedish Commercialmix 8 in round HI 10 4 6 min Use2cupsbatter Rotate turn or square every3 minutes Letstand10minutes beforeinvertingtocool 16 cupbundt HI 10 12 14 min Useallbatter Rotate turnevery5 minutes Letstand15 20 minutes beforeinvertingtocool e Cmdm 1 Alwaysusemicrowave safe utensils glassorplastic Foreasycleanup meltchocolateinpaper...

Страница 19: ...ave cooking covers holdinmoistureandspeedheating Conventionally partial coveringallowsexcesssteamtoescape Ventingplasticwrapor coveringwithwaxpaperservesthesamepurposewhen microwaving Arranging onoven Shelf Inconventional baking youposition foods suchastomatoesorpotatoes sothathotaircanflow aroundthem Whenmicrowaving youarrangefoodsinaring so thatallsidesareexposedtomicrowave energy Stirring Inran...

Страница 20: ...cetrayintowaterjustafter cooking Washitcarefullyinwarm sudsywaterorinthedishwasher The tray canbebrokenifdropped SpecialnotewhenusingBrown N SearDish Ifgreaseispresent high heatgeneratedonbottomofa Brown NSeardishmaycausethe greasetoburnontotheoventray Thismayberemoved witha cleansersuchasBarKeepers Friend Cleanser bySerVaas Laboratories Inc AfterusingBarKeepers Friend Cleanser rinseanddry thoroug...

Страница 21: ...seanadapterplugin thesesituationsbecausediscon nectingofthepowercordplaces unduestminontheadapterand leadstoeventualfailureofthe adaptergroundterminal You shouldhavethetwo prong wall receptaclereplacedwitha three prong grounding receptaclebya qualifiedelectricianbeforeusing theappliance Use of Extension Cords Becauseofpotentialsafetyhazards undercertainconditions westrongly recommendagainsttheuseo...

Страница 22: ...n yourMicrowaveOven 8 Steamor vaporescapingfrom aroundthedoor Light eflectionarounddooror outercase Dimmingovenlightandchange inblowersoundmayoccurwhile operatingatpowerlevelsother thanhigh o Dullthumpingsoundwhile operatingatpowerlevelsother thanhigh SomeTV Radio interference mightbenoticedwhileusingyour microwave oven It ssimilartothe interference causedbyothersmall appliances anddoesnotindicate...

Страница 23: ...trouble freeservicebeyond n m Ihm thewrittenwarranty period b i If you prefer to budgetyour repair expenditures Servicecontracts let you paytoday spricesfor insteadof beingsurprisedby them Hotpoint ti servicea month a year or severalyearsfrom offersservicecontracts for varyinglengthsof i i now And you llreceiveservicefrom Hotpoint timeon all Hotpoint major appliances With a e _ mm trained servicet...

Страница 24: ...icers during normal working hours Look in the White or YellowPages of your telephone directory for HOTPOINT FACTORYSERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINT FACTORYSERVICEor HOTPOINT CUSTOMERCARE SERVICE Ir WHAT1s INcY r COVERE __12 Improper installation Failure of the product if it is used for 1 t mI I h ll nn installation problem other than its intended purpose or fhakr m instalkr YiwI used commercially...
