Страница 1: ...Howtoget thebestfrom A Use andCare of model Features p5 Cooking byTime p6 Cooking byTemperature p7 Defrosting p8 fi ...
Страница 2: ...ndthemona labelinside theoven Thesenumbersarealsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership Registration Cardthatcamewith yourMicrowave Oven Before sendinginthiscard pleasewrite thesenumbershere ModelNumber Seriai Number Usethesenumbersinany correspondence or servicecalls concerningyourMicrowave Oven BesureyourMicrowave oven i Ii w teredo Itisimportantthatweknowthe locationofyourMicrowave Oven shoulda needocc...
Страница 3: ...e onlyinaccordance withthe provided installation instructions w Cetin toplacethefront surface ofthedoorthreeinch or moreback romthecounte op edgetoavodaccidental tipping oftheappliance innormal usage eDonotcover orblock any openings ontheappliance Donotuseoutdoors ODonotimmerse power cordor pluginwater oKeep power cordaway from heated surfaces Donotletpower cordhangover edgeoftableorcounter eDonot...
Страница 4: ...ourdirections exactly andalways cookthemeattoatleast170 F Thisassures that intheremote possibility thattrichina maybe present inthemeat itwillbe killed andmeat willbesafe toeat Boiling eggsisnot recommended inamicrowave oven Pressure canbuildup inside theeggyolkandmaycause ittoburst resulting ininjury Foods withunbroken outer skin such aspotatoes sausages tomatoes apples chicken livers andothergib...
Страница 5: ...ewingWindowwithMetal Shield Metalscreenpermits viewingof foodsandkeeps microwaves confinedinsideoven U Temperature ControlKnob Usewithtemperatureprobetoset thedesiredfinishtemperatureof yourfood 9 GlassCooking Ikay Tray mustbe inplacewhenusingthe oven Cookingperformancewillbe unsatisfactory withoutthetrayin place Thetraymaybe removedfor cleaning 5i E w a Ii3z s _ ti m _ 4 ModelandSerialNumbers 5 O...
Страница 6: ...ovenforthetime calledforintherecipe butatthe endofthetimeallowed mydish wasn tdone Whathappened A Sincehousepowervariesdueto timeor locationmanyTimeCook recipesgiveyoua timerangeto preventovercooking Settheoven forminimumtime testthefd for doneness andcookyourdisha littlelonger ifnecessary Q I wanttocookona power levelotherthanHIGH What doI needto do A Tochangethepowerlevel turnVARIABLE POWERknob ...
Страница 7: ...nd turnroastover Closedoorandtouch START Remember tore insert probe Ovenwillcontinuetocook roastuntilinternaltemperatureof 125 F isreachedandthenshutsoff Step6 Remove probeandf d fromtheoven ad iing l s Usea lowerpowerlevel it will heatmoreevenlyeventhough requiringmoretime o Besurefrozenfd hasbeen completely debsted beforeinserting probe Probemaybreakoffifused infrozenfoods Coverfoodslooselyformo...
Страница 8: ...Estkms andf mswers Q WhenI pressSTART and starttheoven I heara dull thumpingnoise Whatis it A Thissoundisnormal It isletting youknowtheovenisusinga Power Levellowerthan 10 HIGH Q CanI defrostsmailitemsin a hurry A Yes buttheywillneedmore frequentattentionthanusual Set TimerandturnVariablePower Controlknobtodesiredsetting PowerLevel6 MEDIUM cutsthe timein 1 2 her Level10 HIGH cutsthetimetoapproxima...
Страница 9: ...erslotintheadaptermust bealignedwiththelargerslotinthe wallreceptacletoprovideproper polarityintheconnection ofthe powercord Caution Attaching theadapter groundterminaltothewall receptaclecoverscrewdoesnot groundtheapplianceunlessthe coverscrewismetal andnot insulated andthewallreceptacle isgroundedthroughthehouse wiring Youshouldhavethecircuit checkedbya qualifiedelectrician tomakesurethereceptac...
Страница 10: ...tthe cookingtrayinplace Specialnotewhenusing Brown NSearDish If greaseis present highheatgeneratedon bottomofa Brown NSeardish maycausethegreasetobumonto theoven tray Thismayberemoved witha cleansersuchasBarKeepers Frien CleanserbySerV as Laboratmies Inc AfterusingBarKeepersFriend Cleanser rinseanddrythoroughly following instructionsonchn Do notuseBarKeepersFriend Cleanseronthepaintedsurfaces such...
Страница 11: ...kCookbook timerecommendations onincreasing time Probe notinsertedproperlyintomeatordishwhencookingbytemperature Check Cookbookforspecificinstructions AUTheseThingsAreNormal withyour Microwave Oven Steamorvaporescapingfrom aroundthedoor Lightreflectionarounddooror outercase Di ng ovenlightandchange inblowersoundmayoccurwhile operating atpowerlevelsother thanhigh Dullthumping soundwhileoven isoperat...
Страница 12: ...ACTORYSERVICE or HOTPOINT CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE 1 I Service trips to your home to N o Replacement of house fuses or teach you how to usethe product resetting of circuit breakers Read yourUse and Care material If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below Improper installation If you havean installation prob...