Hotpoint RE1409 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание RE1409

Страница 1: ...gGuide 10 11 ExtensionCords 25 Features 5 GroundingInstructions 25 Heatingor ReheatingGuide 8 9 LightBulbReplacement 24 Microwaving Tips 2 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 PowerLevels 5 7 Precautions 3 ProblemSolver 26 RepairService 27 SafetyInstructions 3 4 Warranty BackCover GE AnswerCenter 800 626 2000 Use and Care of Countertop Irnodd RE1409 Theelectricoutput ofthismicrowave oven is700watts ...

Страница 2: ...rself optional Accessory available atextracostfromyour Hotpointsupplier N6 I nstdation Kit converts thisoventoa built inwalloven Thismicrowave ovenis W listed forinstallation overHotpointwall ovenswithblackglassdoors Ml thesethkgs r e normal withyour emWave mm Steam or vaporescapingfrom Dullthumpingsoundwhile aroundthedoor ovenisoperating Lightreflectionarounddooror SomeTV Radio interference outer...

Страница 3: ...breaker Installor locate this appliance only in accordance withthe protidedimb ation instructions Becertain to piace the front surfaceofthedoorthreeinchesor more back from the countertop edge to avoidaccidental tipping of the appliancein normalusage Donot cover or block any openingson the appliance Donot use outdoors DCB not immerse powercord or ping in water Keeppowercordawayfrom heated SWfkMx L ...

Страница 4: ...ven Plastic msik Plasticutensils designed formicrowave cooking areveryuseful butshouldbe usedcarefully Evenmicrowave plastic maynotbeastolerantof overcooking conditions asareglass orceramicmaterials andmay softenorcharifsubjected toshort periodsofovercooking Inlonger exposures toovercooking thefd andutensilscouldignite For thesereasons 1 Usemicrowave plastics onlyandusetheminstrict compliance with...

Страница 5: energydistributing system Do notremovethiscover Youwilldamagetheoven GlassChokingTray Traymust be inplacewhenusingtheoven Cookingperformancewillbe unsatisfactory withoutthetray inplace Thetraymayberemoved forcleaning 8 OverR Interior Light Turnson whentimerison I 9 35 MinuteTimerwith expandedfirstfiveminutes Settimertodesiredcookingor defrostingtime 10 VariablePowerLevell Knob Thisknobcanbe set...

Страница 6: microwave safedish Checkdefrostingguide pages10 and 11 forotherdefrostingtips 6 Questiom a d Awwers Q when 1pressSTART and start the mm I heara dull thumpingnoise Whatk it A Thissoundisnormal It isletting youknowtheovenisusinga power levellowerthanHigh 10 Q CanI defrostsmallitemsin a hurry A Yes buttheywillneedmore frequentattentionthanusual Set Timerandturn VARIABLE POWERcontrolknobtodesired s...

Страница 7: ...sbacktowardOwhile ovenruns Step 5 Whentimeisup theoven sounds ovenlightandfanshutoff 7 w QuestiomandAd Rfwwrs IQ Iset myovenfor the time calledfor in the recipe but atthe end ofthe time Mowed myfood wasn tdone whatIk3ppem d A Sincehousepowervariesdue totimeor locationmostrecipes giveyoua timerangetoprevent overcooking Settheovenfor minimumtime testthefoodfor doneness andcookyourdisha littlelonger ...

Страница 8: ...erplateoffoodwithwaxpaperor plasticwrap Mea W Rd Main Di hes Saucymaindishes chopsuey spaghetti 1to2 servings 150 1600 HI 10 3t07 creamedchicken chili stew macaroniand 3to4 servings l o joo HI 10 6 to 10 cheese etc 4 1cup serving 1can 16 oz 150 1600 HI 10 4t05 Thinlyslicedroastedmeat Rarebeefroast minimumtime mediumrare 1to2 servings MEDHI 7 2to2 maximumtime 3to4 oz serving 3 to4 servings MEDHI 7 ...

Страница 9: ...ate butterscotch cup 125 HI 10 Y2 to 1 2 1 cup 125 HI 10 1to2ti Meator maindish chunkytype gibletgravy hcup 150 1600 HI 10 1to2 spaghettisauce etc 1cup 150 1600 HI 10 2t04 1can 16 oz 150 1600 HI 10 3t06 2cup 1cup 140 1500 HI 10 140 1500 HI 10 ltol m 2t02 Creamytype Tip Coverfoodtopreventspatter m BakeryRmd Cake coffeecake doughnuts sweetrolls 1piece nutor fruitbread 2 pieces 4 pieces 9 in cakeor 1...

Страница 10: Setaside Microwave 11 to 12minutesmore Scrapeandsetaside Breakupremainingblockandmicrowave 3 to5 minutesmore Placeunwrapped roastinoven Afterfirsthalfoftimeturnroast over Defrostforsecondhalfoftime Letsand for30minutes Placewrappedpackageinoven Thrnoverafterfirsthalfoftime Aftersecondhalfoftime seperatepieceswithtableknife Letstand tocompletedefrosting Placewrappedpackageinoven TWnoverafterfirs...

Страница 11: ...t09 6t08 Placeunopened package inoven Iffishisfrozeninwater placein cooking dish llrn package overafterfirsthalfoftime Aftersecond halfoftime letstand10minutes thenholdundercoldwatertoseparate Letstandafewminutes tofinishdefrosting Placefishincooking dish Turnoverafterfirsthalfoftime After secondhalfoftime rinsecavitywithcoldwatertocomplete defrosting Spreadshellfishinsinglelayerinbakingdish Arran...

Страница 12: ...omcarton turnback papertray cover filmtoexposepotatoes Rotatetray1 2turn afterhalfoftime Welshrarebit 10 oz Microwave Yes LOW DEF 3 5 min Breakupbeforecontinuing safedish HI 10 3 to5 min Stirbeforeserving mhtk sh IIrMh Crabor shrimp Package No HI 10 3 to5 min Puncturepouch3 or4 timeswithforkto newburg 6 oz pouch vent Fish chips Package tray No HI 10 3to6 min Remove foilcover Returntraytocartonor 5...

Страница 13: Placeonmicrowave trivetor dish 7 02 safedish Canned Microwave Lidor HI 10 Placevegetables inmicrowave safedish 8to9 02 safedish plasticwrap 1to3 min Add1 2cupliquidor liquidfromcan 15to 17 02 28to32 oz Instantmashed potatoes 2to6 servings 8to 12servings Soufflefrozen 12 02 pkg Potatoes baked stuffed frozen lto2 3t04 Microwave Lidor safedish plasticwrap Microwave No safepieplate andcustardcups M...

Страница 14: ...r MED 5 orcasserole plasticwrap 20to25min perpound Brushwithbrowning sauceandadd 1 2cup waterto3 to5 poundroast Turnoverafter halfoftime Addvegetables ifdesiredafter halfoftime Recoverandfinish Add1cupwaterperpoundofmeat Turn overafterhalfoftime Letmeatstandin brothat least10minutesaftercooking For boileddinner removemeat cookvegetables inbroth lhrn roastsoverwhentemperaturereaches 90 or afierabou...

Страница 15: ...rbecuesauce microwave a fewminutestofinish Shieldtopedgeofhamwith1 inch strip offoil Aftercookingperiodlethamstand 10miimtesbeforecarving Letstand5 minutesbeforeserving If aglazeisdesired spoonpineappleor apricotpreservesovercookedhamloaf a fewminutesbeforeserving _ Lamb Chops Brown NSear No HI 10 5 to7 min Brushchopslightlywithoil Placein 4chops dish preheateddish Turnmeatoverathalfof preheated f...

Страница 16: ...aceofcooked birduntilbrownandcrisp mrkey Largeoblong Cookingbag MED 5 13to 16min Brushwithbrowning agentifdesired Add1 2 dish perlb cupwatertocookingbag Slitbagnearclosureto vent Donotme metaltieonbag Cookbreast sideup Or placeturkeybreastupindishand coverwithplasticwrap Microwave atMED 5 20to22minutesperlb Remove plasticwrap basteandrotatedish1 2turnafterhalfoftime Brea Crustonbreadswillbesoftand...

Страница 17: ... to 1 minuteperegg Letstandinwatera fewminutes Meltbutterinpieplate addomelet Microwave atMED 5 6 to8minutes Sprinklecheese overomelet Microwave atMED 5 to 1minuteuntilcheeseisslightlymelted Combineandmicrowave filling stirringevery 2 minutes Pourfillingintoprecookedshell Microwave additionaltimeshownatlefl Rotate dish 1 2turnallerhalfoftime cheese Fondue Microwave safe Coveror HI 10 Toheatwine Ad...

Страница 18: ...minutesbecause 14to 18min vegetables areblanched Potatoes No HI 10 Prickskinsofpotatoesbeforecooking Wintersquash cauliflower etc Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cutinpiecesor halves Add1 4cup 9 to 12min water 7to 10min Uselargeenoughcasseroletoslowfor 15to20min boilingindish 10to 15min 10to 12min Tostir fryonetypeofvegetable substitute1tablespoon oilforwater andfollowtimesincookingguide 2 to5 min Blanchonly1...

Страница 19: ...0min Lasagna 8to 16 oz Manicotti 5to8 oz j 3 qt oblong dish 2 qt oblong dish Rice regular longgrain 1cup Rice Minute lk cups 3 qt casserole HI 10 18to21min HI 10 4t06min 2 qt casserole cereal 1 Always usemicrowave safeutensils plasticorglass Uselarge 3 Donotcover enoughcontainertoavoidspillover 4 Stirhalfway throughcookingtime 2 Startwithhottesttapwatertoshortencookingtime Food Container Cover Pow...

Страница 20: ... to9 min HI 10 9 to 11min HI 10 2 4to3 min Pineappleupside downcake 8 in round dish Cupcakes 6 Paperlined cupcaker Barcookies 8 in square dish 2 qt oblong dish HI 10 6 to8min 8to 14min Bakedapples or pears Microwave safedishor Lidor HI 10 3to4 min plasticwrap per piece Piercefruitor peeltopreventbursting casserole candies L Always usemicrowave safeutensils plasticorglass Foreasy 2 Candieswhichareb...

Страница 21: ...ventbursting Rotating ccasionally repositioning a dishintheoven helpsfoodcookevenly Torotate1 2turn turn thedish untilthe sidewhichwastothebackoftheovenistothe front Torotate1 4turn turnthedishuntilthe side whichwastothebackoftheovenistotheside If youusea meatthermometerwhilecooking make sureit is safeforusein microwave ovens Effedsof FoodChamcterktics on Microwaving DensityofFood In bothconventio...

Страница 22: ...avies Reducesome seasoningsalso theywillnotloseintensityinshort microwaving times Saltmeatsandvegetables after cooking If aningredient takeslongertomicrowave than othersin thesamedish precookthatingredient before addingtotheothers conventional Method Cutofftopsofgreenpeppers removeseedsand membrane Cookpeppers5 minutesinenoughboiling watertocover drain In mediumskilletonrangetop cookandstirgroundb...

Страница 23: ... Lenox Temperware Marsh Mikasa Pfahzgraff LJEMUMBW Dinnerware suchas CorningCentura I itzandFloyd Oven to table Ware Melamine Disheswithmetaltrim PapeBo TowelsandNapkins waxPaper Ghs Ceramk Pyroeeram suchas CorningWare ProgressionG byNoritake SpecialtyLMMkmic am Porcelain suchas H Camino F B Rogers HeUer MarshIndustries Waltzgmff Shafford Cookinggroundbeef colander Defrosting Heating Avoidheatingb...

Страница 24: ...thedishwasher Thetraycanbebrokenif dropped Remember do notoperatetheoven withoutthecookingtrayin place Specialnotewhenusing Brown NS r Dish If greaseis present highheatgeneratedon bottomofa Brown NSeardish maycausethegreasetoburnonto thecookingtray Thismaybe removedwitha c eanser suchas BonAmi brandcleanser AfterusingBonAmi brand cleanser rinseanddrythoroughly followinginstructionson can Do notuse...

Страница 25: ...ean adapter pluginthese situationsbecausedisconnecting of thepowercordplacesunduestrain ontheadapterandleadsto eventual failure oftheadapter groundterminal Youshouldhavethetwo prongwall receptaclereplacedwitha three prong grounding receptaclebya two prong wallreceptacle bytheuse qualifiedelectricianbeforeusing ofa ULlistedadapter Fig 2 whichisavailable atmostlocal hardwarestores theappliance use o...

Страница 26: ...cookingifnecessary Dishwasnotrotated turnedorstirred Somedishesrequirespecificinstructions Checkcookingguideorrecipeforinstructions Toomanydishesinovenatsametime Cookingtimemustbeincreasedwhencooking morethanonefooditem Checkcookingguidetimerecommendations onincreasing time AM thesethingsarenormalwithyourmicrowave oven Steamorvaporescaping from Dullthumping soundwhileoven aroundthedoor isoperating...

Страница 27: ...her help FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased In most cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyou are still not pleased write all the details including your phone number to Manager ConsumerRelations Hotpoint AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemis still notresolved write 3 e asw ___ w k iiiFiF U MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWa...

Страница 28: ...charges HOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINT FACTORYSERVICE or HOTPOINT CUSTOMERCARE SERVICE WHAT Is NOT COVERED o service rip 0 your home 0 Replacement of house fuses or teach you how to use the product resetting of circuit breakers Read your IJseand Care material If you then have any questions Failure of the product if it is used for other than its intended purpose about operating th...
