Hotpoint HDA-997 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание HDA-997

Страница 1: ...I Energy SavingTips p2 How tooperate your dishwasher p4 hadedright dishes get cleaner p8 What isdishwasher safe p10 Save timeandmoney Before yourequest service usetheProblem Solver p12 f 7...

Страница 2: ...properly Keepit handyforanswerstoyour questions Ifyoudon tunderstandsomething or needmorehelp Call tollfree The GEAnswerCenter 800 626 2000 consumerinformationservice orwrite includeyourphone number C...

Страница 3: ...theyarenotlikelytodamage thedoorseal and B Loadsharpkniveswiththe handlesuptoreducetherisk ofcut typeinjuries Donottouchtheheating elementduringorimmediately akr use D o notoperateyour dishwasher unle...

Страница 4: ...aldryingtime Useofthisoptionreducesthe electricalenergyusedbythis modelapproximately8 for theNORMALWASHcycle Esttiated yearlysavings dependingonyourlocalelectrical rates areas follows m STEP4 SelectWA...

Страница 5: ...thathavebeenpre rinsedbefore loading Also forwashingvery lightlysoileddisheswithsoilsthat havenotdriedon Minimum Wash CycleTime approx minutes CycleSequence 45 45 8 WATERTEMp BOOST ON The timer Will n...

Страница 6: ...uid form Here showtofilltherinseagent dispenser Unscrewthecap Add theliquidritiseagentuntilitjust reachesthebottomofthelipinside thedispenseropening Replacethe cap Thedispenserautomatically releasesth...

Страница 7: ...le 3 Trytoremove foodscraps and placedishes indishwasher before soilhasachance todryand become hard Dishes withdrid on soilaremoredifficult towash and maynotcomecleaninthe NORMAL WASH cycle Remember t...

Страница 8: ...baded right dishesgetcleaner Howtoloadthe P RACK...

Страница 9: ...HowtoloadtheBoTmM MCK 4 i M m...

Страница 10: ...n ifIefion SterlingSilver YES Don tp ltinsamesilverware Rinseifnotwashingimmediately Salty or acidfoodscan and Silver basketwithstainlesssteel stainiflefton Drydetergentcancausedifficult to remove pla...

Страница 11: ...tto removewater Replacewatervalveandwaterline Cleantheoutsidewitha good appliancepolishwax Theoutside cabinetfinishis durable butit can scratch Souse no scouringpads harshor grittycleaners e Removeplu...

Страница 12: ...loading Checktherinseagentdispenserto seethatit snotempty UNCLEANDISHES ANDFLATWAW Checkinletwatertemperature It shouldbe atleast120 F Totest seepage6 Toobtainthebenefitsofa completecycle be carefulth...

Страница 13: ...asher 6 Closethedoor andallowtocompletethecycle If vinegarrinsedoesn twork Repeatasabove exceptuse Mcup 60ml ofcitric acidcrystalsinsteadofvinegar Mostdrugstorescarrycitricacidcrystals If yours doesn...

Страница 14: ...m Cleantheairgap OUTOF THETUB if youhaveone Seepageil Checkthekitchensink Is it drainingwell Youmayneeda plumber If dishwasherdrainsintodisposer rundisposertoclear Besuredisposeris notclogged SUDSIN T...

Страница 15: ...llinois60606 Service Contrac Fortrouble freeservicebeyond thewrittenwarrantyperiod If you prefer to budgetyour repair expenditures instead of beingsurprisedby them Hotpojnt offers servicecontracts for...

Страница 16: ...s aboutoperatingtheproduct please contactyourdealerorour Consumer Affairsofficeatthe addressbeloworcall toll free TheGEAnswerCenterTM 800 626 2000 consumerinformation service Improperinstallation Ifyo...
