Страница 1: ... How tooperate yourdishwmher p4 baded right dishes getcleaner p8 Whatisdishwmher safe p10 Save timeandmoney Before yourequest service usetheProblem Solver p12 37 5160 ...
Страница 2: ... labeljust insidethedishwasher door Thesenumbersarealsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership Registration Cardthatcomeswith yourdishwasher Beforesendingin thiscard pleasewritethese numbershere ModelNumber SerialNumber Usethesenumbersin any correspondence orservicecalls concerningyourdishwasher If yourweived a damaged dishwasher immediately contact thedealer orbuilder thatsoldyou thedishwasher save time a...
Страница 3: ...o damage the door seal and B Load sharp kniveswith the handles up to reduce the risk of cut type injuries Do not touch the heating element during or immediately after use Do not operateyour dishwasherunless all enclosure panels are properly in place Do not tamper with controls e Do not abuse sit on or stand on the door or dish rack of the dishwasher QClose supervision is necessary if this applianc...
Страница 4: ...dryingtime Useofthisoptionreducesthe electricalenergyusedbythis modelapproximately10 for theNORMALWASHcycle Estimatedyearlysavings dependingonyourlocalelectrical rates areas follows Electric Rate perKwh 05 08 11 Estimated Yemly Savings 4 95 7 90 10 90 STEP4 Selectthecycleandstart thedishwasher If yourdishwasherdrainsintoa foodwastedisposer operatethe disposeruntilit is emptybefore startingthedishw...
Страница 5: ...tdriedon Wash WaterUse CycleTime Wash Gallons approx cycles approx minutes CycleSequence NomAL WMEZ 11 4 Main Rinse nse 56 wash Rinse RinS wash Rinse Wash Main Rinse Rinse Rinse Wash LIGHTWASH 7 7 47 NNSE HOLD 3 8 12 Rinse Rinse RyING H AT_oN Add 28 minutes RINSEHOLD Forrinsing partialloadswhichwillbewashed later SelectDRYINGHEAT OFFdryingoption Do notuse detergent PLATEWARMER Forwarming cleandish...
Страница 6: ...s recommended Rinseagentscomeineitherliquid or solidform Yourdishwasher s dispenserusesthesolidform If youcan tfindanyrinseagent write ECONOMICSLABORA RY mc JETDRY OsbornBuilding St Paul Minnesota55102 How tochoose and use the right dete ent First useonlydetergent specifical y madeforusein dishwashers Othertypeswill causeoversutilng Second checkthephosphate content Phosphatehelpsprevent hard water...
Страница 7: ...lamountsof sofifoods butlargeamountsof foodassoftasmashedpotatoesor applesauce willbedifficult tohandle 3 Trytoremovefoodscrapsand placedishesindishwasher before soilhasa chancetodryandbecome hard Disheswithdried onsoilare moredifficulttowashandmay notcomecleanintheNONAL WASHcycle Wmembertouse your SE HOLDcycleforsmall holding loads Note Thefoodsmentionedabove areforexamplesonly Otherfoods notment...
Страница 8: ... portionsofthecycle Don tblockitor loadtall ningsnexttoit Also be careti nottoletportionsofitemssuchasknives skewersor pothandlesextendthroughthebottom rack ofthesilvewdrebasket Thetoprackisbestforglasses cupsandsaucers Cupsandglassesfitbestalongthesides Thisisthe placefordishwasher safe plastics too Makesure smallplasticitemsarelodgedintightlysotheycan t fdl ontotheCalrod heatingunit Saucepans mi...
Страница 9: ...andcasseroles MUST be pla ers potsandbowlsalongtheides corners loadedin ebottomrack ficipgdown Propthe or intheback brpilerpanandrackalongtheedge Shallowitems maybeangledprovidedthelowersidedoesnotshield thesoiledsurfaceinsidefromthewater withthesilverwareontop 9 ...
Страница 10: ...scan stainif lefton Drydetergentcancausedifficult to remove blackspots Placeinbacksectionofsilverware basketto avoidexposuretodetergentfromthedetergentcup YES Stainlesssteel YES SterlingSilver andSilver plate YES Don tputinsamesilverware basketwithstainlesssteel Contactbetweenmetalscan damagesilver Don tusecopperutensilsin thesameload Silvermaygeta brownfilm Adhesive usedtoattachsome hollow handle...
Страница 11: ...sea mildcleansing powder Scouringpadsandharsh cleanerscanmarthefinish How h prepare your hwasher for winkr stor e If thedishwasher istobeIefi unusedinan unheatedlocation duringthewintermonths have a servicetechniciantakethe following stepstopreventthe machinefromfreezing Remove fusesortrip circuit breakersto removeelectricpower fromthedishwasher Turnoffwatertodishwasher Disconnectthew terinletline...
Страница 12: ...esttogether Avoidoverloading UNCLEANDISHES Checkinletwatertemperature It shouldbe atleast140 F Totest seepage 6 ANDFLATWARE Toobtainthebenefitsofa completecycle be carefulthatyoudo notturnthedialany futiher thannecessaryto startthedishwasher Waterpressuremaybetemporarilylow m ona faucet Iswatercomingoutslowerthan usual If so waituntilpressureis normalbeforeusingyourdishwasher Pluggedair gap Seepag...
Страница 13: ...ocompletethecycle If vinegarrinsedoesn twork Repeatasabove exceptuse cup 60d ofcitric acidcrystalsinsteadofvinegar Mostdrugstorescarry citricacidcrystals If yours doesn t callHotPointFactoryService Usingavinegaror citricacidcrysti rinsemorethantwicea month Considera homewatersofiener If vinegaror citricacidcrystalrinsedoesn twork the cloudinessis etching Tile filmcannotbe removed It canbeprevented...
Страница 14: ... TPUMP If theentirebottomofthetubhaswater youmayhaveadrainproblem Cleantheairgap OUTOF THETUB ifyouhaveone Seepage11 Checkthekitchensink Is it drainingwell Youmayneedaplumber If dishwasherdrainsintodisposer rundisposertoclear Besuredisposeris notclogged SUDSIN THETUB Sudsingdetergentsarenotmeantfordishwashers USEONLYAU MATIC DISHWASHER DETERGENTS AVOID SUDS G Toremovesudsfromthetub Openthedishwash...
Страница 15: ...llinois60606 ServiceContracts Fortrouble freeservicebeyond thewrittenwarrantyperiod If you prefer to budgetyour repair expenditures insteadof beingsurprisedby them Hotpoint offers servicecontracts for varyinglengthsof time on all Hotpoint major appliances With a contract we llkeepyour appliancein good operating condition during the contract period at no additional charge I _ ___ 1 Servicecontracts...
Страница 16: ...eatthe addressbeloworcall toll free TheGEAnswerCenterTM 800 626 2000 consumer information service Improper installation Ifyouhaveaninstallation problem contactyourdealerorinstaller Youareresponsible forproviding adequate electrical plumbingand otherconnecting facilities e Replacement ofhousefuses or resetting ofcircuitbreakers e Cleaningorservicing of airgap deviceindrainline Failureoftheproductif...