Oven Cooking Charts - Top Oven
- Baking, Meat
Not e: If s of t mar gar ine is us ed f or cake making, t emper at ur es r ecommended by t he manuf act ur er s s hould be
f ollowed. Temper at ur es r ecommended in t his char t r ef er t o cakes made wit h block mar gar ine only.
The most accurat e met hod of t est ing t he readiness of joint s of meat or whole poult ry is t o insert a meat t hermomet er int o t he
t hickest part of a joint , or t he t hickest part of poult ry t highs, during t he cooking period. The meat t hermomet er will indicate when
t he required int ernal t emp has been reached.
- Rare:
60 C
80 C
Poult r y:
90 C
70 C
Por k:
90 C
Well Done:
75 C
75 C