Страница 1: ...ience FoodGuide 20 21 Temperature Probe 11 13 CookingCompleteReminder 5 TimeCook HI CookingGuide 22 31 Warranty BackCover Defrosting 7 DefrostingGuide 18 19 DelayedCooking 32 ExtensionCords 33 Features 5 GroundingInstructions 33 Heatingor ReheatingGuide 16 17 HoldTime 32 Light BulbReplacement 36 Microwaving Tips 2 Minute Second Timer 32 GE AnswerCenter ModelandSerialNumbers 2 800 626 2000 use 2md ...
Страница 2: ...me and money Before yourqlest service checktheProblemSolveronpage37 It listscausesofminoroperating problems thatyoucancorrectyourself optional Axessories available atextracostfromyour Hotpointsupplier JM6 InshilationKitconverts thisoventoa built inwalloven A thesethingsam normal with your microwave OWm Steamor vaporescapingfrom EM thumpingsow id while aroundthedoor ovenisoperating QLightreflection...
Страница 3: ...stallor locatethis appliance onlyin accordancewiththe providedinstaHationinstructions Be certaintoplacethefront stiace of the doorthree inches or I RRore backfromtheCountertop edgetoavoid aecidentil tipping d the appliance in normal usage DOnotcoverorblockany openingson the appliance DOnotuseoutdoors QDo notimmersepowercord or plug in water Keeppowercordaway from heatedsurfaces DoMM M powercod han...
Страница 4: ...stUO F Thisassuresthat intheremote possibility thattrichinamaybe presentinthemeat itwillbe killedandmeatwillbesafetoeat Boiling ggs isnot Tecom meRlded ina Illicrov ave WYH3 PRSIWS canINIM up int j j heep JigyolkandmayCatise h Gbwxt T8WMIlg i M y 0IhM with uidbmkim mm W W suchaspotatoesj sausages lmrnaioes apples chickenIjvers andother gMe andeggyolks seepreviouscaution shouldbe piercedtoallowstea...
Страница 5: ...imctionsonly 8 ReceptacleforTemperature Probe Temperature probemust be securelyinsertedintoreceptacle whenusingTEMPCOOK HOLD or AIYN3 ROAST 9 OwmShelf Letsyoumicrowave severalfoodsat once SeeSafety Instructionsandpages34and35 for specialinstructions Whenthis shelfisnotinuse pleaseremove fromtheoven 10 GlassCookingTray Tray mustbe inplacewhenusingthe oven Cookingperformancewillbe unsatisfactory wit...
Страница 6: ...methodfor enteringcookingtimeandpower level Seepage 14 o 0 0 e 43 m m AppealsonDisplay WhenusingTEMPCOOK HOLDfimction youhave enteredatemperaturelessthan 100 F or morethan 199 F oWhensettingclock youhave notenteredavalidclocktime 1 9 TEMPCoOK HOLD Usethe temperature probetocookbyusinga p et temperature Oncefd reaches presettemperature ovenswitches toHOLDsettingandmaintainsthat temperatureuntilyout...
Страница 7: ...nthepackage Forevendefrosting somefoods needtobe brokenupor separated partofthewaythroughthe defrostingtime Family size pre packaged frozendinnerscanbedefrostedand microwaved If the foodis in a foil container transferittoa microwave safedish Checkthedefrostingguidefor otherdefrostingtips w thentouchdesirednum erfor newpowerlevel 7 Questions andAnswers Q WhenI touchSTART I hear a dullthumpingnoise ...
Страница 8: ...losedoor 4 Enterweight Forexample press NumberPads1and2 forweightof 1 2pounds 1pound 3 ounces see ConversionGuideonnextpage 2 PressAUTODEFROSTpad Displayshows 1 2 and START flashes 5 PressSTART pad Displayshows DEF TIME andDefrostTime Note If EEEE appearsondisplay checktheCodeGuide Makesure weightcorresponds toCodeNumber Onceduringdefrosting theoven beeps4 times turn95 flashes4 timesandovenshutsof...
Страница 9: ...reasand breakapart Turnoverandshieldwhere necessary 2 to 3hours Roasts bonein 3 0to5 9pounds 11 wn overandshieldwhere necessary 2 to3 hours Roasts boneless 3 0to5 9pounds 5to3 9pounds Ikrnover Separateand or shieldwherenecessary Remove defrostedpieces 15to 30minutes SteaksandChops Edgesor thinareasofmeatwilldefrostmorerapidlythanotherareas Aftersignal feelmeatforwarmspotsandshield theseareaswithsm...
Страница 10: ...dtimecountingdown showondisplay Step5 Whentimeisup theoven signalsandflashes End Oven lightandfanshutoff Step6 Openthedoor Questions andAmswers Q I setmyovenforthetime calledforintherecipe butatthe endofthetimeallowed myfood wasn tdone Whathappened A Sincehousepowervariesdue totimeor location manyTime Cookrecipesgiveyoua timerange topreventovercooking Setthe ovenforminimumtime testthe foodfordonen...
Страница 11: ...countingup Step6 When125 F isreached theovenwillsoundanddisplay HOLD Theovenwillthenhold thetemperature Step TouchtheCLEAR OFF padto stopthecycle Step8 Removeprobeandfood fromtheoven CmkingTips Use a lowerpowerlevel it will heatmoreevenlyeventhough requiringmoretime Besurefrozenfoodhasbeen completely defrosted beforeinserting probe Probemaybreakoffif used infrozenfoods Coverfoodslooselyformoisture...
Страница 12: ...dortoporsidesoftheoven Coverwifhwaxpaper L Touch AU IU ROAST pad AU isdisplayed and ENTER CODE flashes Enterselected Code fromAutomatic Roasting Guide For example Beef medium callsfor Code2 CODE and 2 appearon displayand START flashes Touch START Displayshows 90 and CODE2 untilfoodtemperature reaches90 F o e Placemeatinovenwithprobeto theright Insertcableendofprobe firmlyintoreceptacle onovenwall ...
Страница 13: ...obehorizontally intomeatiest area Recommended standingtimebeforeserving Automatic Simmer AutoRoast Code 6 Yourcookingguidehasinformation onAutomatic Simmering including Guidesandrecipes Totaltimeincludestimetobring foodto 180 F andholdatthat temperatureuntildone Ovenwillholdat 180 F untilyou removefoodandturnoffoven If stirringis recommended youcan resetovenbytouchingSTART TouchCLEAR OFFafter cook...
Страница 14: ...g thelengthof cookingtimedesiredanda final digitforthepowerlevelrequired Thecodesgivenintheguideare fortheminimumtimeneeded to avoidovercooking whichcandry outfoodandmakeittastelessand tough If youfeelthatmore cookingisneeded addadditional timebychangingthefirstdigitof thecode Youcannotaddseconds tothecycletime Quick Setcodes areforwholeminutesonly If your recipecallsforpowerlevelchanges or differ...
Страница 15: ...bookforspecificinformation Cake WholeIced 23 Chicken Cut up 2 3 4lbs 123 DessertTopping Whipped 13 Doughnutsor Pastries 2 4 13 FishFillets 1lb 73 Hamburgers 2lbs 113 Pie FruitFilling Whole 63 Roast 4 5lbs 323 Steakor Chops 2 lbs 83 inthisbookAlwaysusethemicrowave safe containers andmicrowave techniques asdescribedinthecooking guide Tosetcodesformanyotherfoodsor recipesreferto page14inthisUseandCar...
Страница 16: ...argestserving butnotinmeatslices Coverplateoff withwaxpaperorplasticwrap Meatsand MainDishes a Saucymaindishes chopsuey spaghetti 1to2 servings 150 1600 HI 10 3t07 creamedchicken chili stew macaroniand 3to4 servings 150 1600 HI 10 6 to 10 cheese etc 1cup serving 1can 16 oz 150 1600 HI 10 4t05fi Thinlyslicedroastedmeat Rarebeefroast minimumtime mediumrare 1to2 servings MEDHI 7 to2 e maximumtime 3to...
Страница 17: ... 10 1to2 Meator maindish chunkytype gibletgravy 2cup 150 1600 HI 10 1to2 D spaghettisauce etc 1cup 150 1600 HI 10 2t04 WA 1can 16 oz 150 1600 HI 10 3t06 Creamytype 2cup 140 1500 HI 10 1to lM 1cup 140 1500 HI 10 2t02 Bakery Foods Cake coffeecake doughnuts sweetrolls 1piece nutor fruitbread 2 pieces 4 pieces 9 in cakeor 12rollsor doughnuts Dinnerrolls muffins 1 i 6t08 Pie fruit nutor custard 1slice ...
Страница 18: ...ave 11to 12minutesmore Scrapeandsetaside Breakupremainingblockandmicrowave 3to5 minutesmore Placeunwrapped roastinoven Afterfirsthalfoftimeturnroast over Defrostforsecondhalfoftime Letstandfor30minutes Placewrappedpackageinoven Thrnoverafterfirsthalfoftime Aftersecondhalfoftime seperatepieceswithtableknife Letstand tocompletedefrosting Placewrappedpackageinoven l hrnoverafterfirsthalfoftime Afters...
Страница 19: ...n l_brn overafterhalf 6to9 02 oftime Wholelobsterorcrab to9 8t09 Placeincooking dishwithlightunderside up lhrn overafterhalf l lb oftime 3t04 2t04 none none Heat serverolls 7 02 pkg Coffeecake 11 to14 4 oz Coffeering 10 oz pkg Sweetrolls 8 to 12 02 Doughnuts 1to3 Doughnuts glazed 1boxof 12 FrenchToast 2slices Cake frosted2to3layer 17 OZ Cake filledortopped 1layer 12 to 16 02 Poundcake 11 Vi oz Che...
Страница 20: ...terisset Package HI 10 2 to4 min Remove papertrayfromcarton turnback cover filmtoexposepotatoes Rotatetray1 2turn afierhalfoftime Yes LOW DEF 3 5 min Breakupbeforecontinuing HI 10 3 to5 min Stirbeforeserving Fish SheMish Crabor shrimp newburg 6M oz Fish chips 5to 14 OZ Deviledcrab 6 oz Breadedfish 5to 1O OZ i4to 16 02 23to25 oz Package No HI 10 3to5 min Puncturepouch3or4 timeswithforkto pouch vent...
Страница 21: ...rowave 8to9 02 safedish 15to 17 02 28to32 oz Instantmashed Microwave potatoes safedish 2to6 servings 8to 12servings Soufflefrozen Microwave 12 02 pkg safepieplate andcustardcups Potatoes baked Microwave stuffed frozen safedish lto2 3t04 No HI lo Lidor HI 10 plasticwrap Lidor HI 10 plasticwrap No LOW DEF 3 MEDHI 7 2 to4 min 1to3min 3to5min 7to 10min 4 to6 min 8to 14min 9 to 13min 9to 11min Waxpaper...
Страница 22: ...egetables ifdesiredafter halfoftime Recover andfinish Add1cupwaterperpoundofmeat Turn overafterhalfoftime Letmeatstandin brothatleast10minutesaftercooking For boileddinner remove meat cookvegetables inbroth Temperature probecookingyieldsmost accurateresults Ihrnroastsoverwhen temperature reaches90 or afterabouthalf oftime Letmeatstand10to 15minutes beforecarving Ifdesired brushwith browning sauceo...
Страница 23: ...nternaltemp Hamloaf Pieplate MED 5 20to23min Ormicrowave to 170 internaltemp Letstand5 minutesbeforeserving If aglazeisdesired spoonpineappleor apricotpreservesovercookedhamloaf a fewminutesbeforeserving Hamslices 2 qt oblong steaks glassbaking dish Waxpaper HI 10 18toI min Lamb Chops 4chops Brown NSear dish No HI 10 5 to7 min Brushchopslightlywithoil Placein preheateddish Turnmeatoverathalfof tim...
Страница 24: ... Turkey Largeoblong Cookingbag MED 5 13to 16min Brushwithbrowning agentifdesired Add1 2 dish perlb cupwatertocookingbag Slitbagnearclosureto vent Donotusemetaltieonbag Cookbreast sideup Or placeturkeybreastupindishand coverwithplasticwrap Microwave atMED 5 20to22minutesperlb Remove plasticwrap basteandrotatedish1 2turnafterhalfoftime Brea Crustonbreadswillbesoftandtheoutsideswillnotbrown coloronup...
Страница 25: ...t MED 5 6to8minutes Sprinklecheese overomelet Microwave at MED 5 Mto 1minuteuntilcheeseisslightlymelted Quiche Microwave safe No MEDHI 7 Filling Combineandmicrowave filling stirringevery e l qt measureand 2to 3min 2 minutes Pourfillingintoprecooked shell quichedish MEDHI 7 Quiche Microwave additionaltimeshownatleft Rotate 6t08min dish 1 2turnafierhalfoftime Cheese Fondue Microwave safe Coveror HI ...
Страница 26: ...hed Potatoes No HI 10 Prickskinsofpotatoes beforecooking Wintersquash cauliflower etc Yes Yes HI 10 Yes HI 10 Yes HI 10 Yes HI 10 10to20min 14to20min 9 to 12min 7to 10min 15to20min 10to 15min 10to 12min 2 to5 min Cutinpiecesor halves Add1 4cup water Uselargeenoughcasseroletoslowfor boilingindish Tostir f onetypeofvegetable substitute1tablespoon oilforwater andfollowtimesincookingguide Blanch onlv1...
Страница 27: ...waterindish Rearrange after7 minutes 1 Brushwithoilthencoverwithwater Using fork turnoverevery5 minuteswhile microwaving Add2Mcupswater Stirafter10minutes Addlfi cupswater Stirafter2 minutes cereal L Alwaysusemicrowave safeutensils plasticor glass Uselarge 3 Donotcover enoughcontainertoavoidspillover 4 Stirhalfway throughcookingtime 2 Startwithhottesttapwatertoshortencookingtime Food Container Cov...
Страница 28: ...If so removecupcakesastheyaredoneand continuecookingtheresta fewsecondsmore Rotatedish 1 2turnafterhalfoftime Cutwhencool Barcookies 8 in square dish 2 qt oblong dish HI 10 6t08min 8to 14min Bakedapples Microwave or pears safedishor casserole Lidor HI 10 3to4 min plasticwrap perpiece Piercefruitorpeeltopreventbursting candies 1 Always usemicrowave safeutensils plasticor glass Foreasy 2 cleanup mel...
Страница 29: ...lksandchickenliverstopreventbursting Effectsofl ood Characteristics On Microwaving DensityofFood In bothconventional andmicrowave cooking densefoods suchasa potato takelongerto cookor heatthanlight porousfoods suchasa pieceof cake breador a roll RoundShapes Sincemicrowaves penetratefoodsto aboutl in fromtop bottomandsides roundshapes andringscookmoreevenly Cornersreceivemore energyandmayovercook T...
Страница 30: ...ers Favorite StuffedPeppers 6 mediumgreenpeppers 1 lbs groundchuckbeef cupchoppedomon 1cupcookedrice 1teaspoonsalt Mteaspoonpepper 1clovegarlic minced 1can 10 4 oz condensedtomatosoup 2 cupwater 1to2 cupsgratedcheese Makes6 servings Conventional Method Microwave Method Cutofftopsofgreenpeppers removeseedsand membrane Cookpeppers5 minutesinenoughboiling watertocover drain In mediumskilleton rangeto...
Страница 31: ...forserving Cookingandheating Paper or Styrofoam Plates andCups _ OvenGkwssuchas AnchorHocking FireKing Glassbake Heller Jena Pyrex RegularDinnerware such m CorellebyCorning DanskGeneration Denby El Camino Franciscan InternationalStoneware Lenox Temperware Marsh Mikasa Pfaltzgraff Heatingandsomecooking UnsuitableDinnerware suchas CorningCentura FitzandFloyd Oven to table Ware Melamine Disheswithmet...
Страница 32: ...5minutes defrosting time 15 00 appearsondisplay Defrosting is automatically setonpowerlevel3 butcanbechanged bytouching the POWERLEVELpadandthe desiredpowerlevel Step4 Setstanding orholdtime bytouching MIN SECTIMER The displayshows O and ENTER TIME flashes Step5 Touch1 0 0 andOtohold fortenminutes 10 00 appearson displayand TIME flashes Step6 TouchTIMECOOKpad Displayshows O and ENTER COOKTIME flas...
Страница 33: ...er polarityintheconnectionofthe powercord Caution Attachingtheadapter groundterminaltothewall receptaclecoverscrelvdoesnot groundtheapplianceunlessthe coverscrewismetal andnot insulated andthewallreceptacle is groundedthroughthehouse wiring Youshouldhavethecircuit checkedbya qualifiedelectrician tomakesurethereceptacleis properlygrounded Whendisconnecting thepower cordfromtheadapter alwayshold the...
Страница 34: ...iallywhenheating largeramountsoffood Extrasteam generatedfrommultiplefood cookingmaymakecookwarehotter thanwithregularmicrowaving Cookware forShelf HeatingandReheating Beforeplacingfoodinthedishes checktoseethattheywillfit togetheronorundertheshelf Also besurecookwareismicrowave safe Cookware forheatingorreheating include1cupmeasuringcup 9x5x3 inch loafdishesor9 inch pieplates Leftovers maybeplace...
Страница 35: ... 10 for6minutes Checkdinnersfor heating Ifonedinnerseemsless donethandesired returnittothe boxandcontinueheatingonshelf 1to2moreminutes How i lle e Several Different TypesofFeds Together Whenheatingseveraldifferent typesoffoodtogether foodswhich shouldbeservedhotmustbeplaced ontheovenshelf whilefoodswhich areonlywarmedshouldbeplaced onthefloor Thisisbecause microwave energyenterstheoven fromthetop...
Страница 36: ...oburnonto theoventray Thismayberemoved witha cleansersuchasBonAmi brandcleanser AfterusingBonAmi brand cleanser rinseanddrythoroughly following instructionsoncan Do notuseBonAmi brandcleanser onthepaintedsurfacessuchasthe walls It mayscratchthepaint Automatic Temperature Probe Probeis sturdy butcareshouldbe takeninhandling Donottwistor bend avoiddroppingtemperature probe Cleanassoonafterusingaspos...
Страница 37: ...otated turnedorstirred Somedishesrequirespecificinstructions Checkcookingguideorrecipeforinstructions Toomanydishesinovenatsametime Cookingtimemustbeincreasedwhencooking morethanonefooditem Checkcookingguidetimerecommendations ProbenotinsertedproperlyintomeatordishwhenusingTempCook HoldorAuto Roastfunctions Checkcookingguideforspecificinstructions IncorrectQuickSetnumbersentered 9WhenusingTempCook...
Страница 38: ...forfurtherhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho seniced yourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations Hotpoint AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemis still notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois606...
Страница 39: ...YSERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINT FACTORYSERVICEor HOTPOINT CUSTOMERCARE SERVICE WHAT Is NOT COVERED o service rips o your ome o sReplacement of house fuses or teach you how to usethe product resetting of circuit breakers Read your Use and Carematerial If you then have any questions Failure of the product if it is used for other than its intended purpose about operating the product please contact...