Страница 1: ... w J2 2L4 ti Use careof Ice p5 Ice bythe pfti s Pc L 7 n ...
Страница 2: ...g yourrefrigerator Hyoureceiveda damaged refrigerator immediately contact thedealer orbuilder thatsoldyou therefrigerator Sawtime and money efok yOU 4 rWjw t SWViC43 check theProblemSolveronpages M 17 It listsminorcausesofoperating problemsthatyoucancorrect yourself ToobtainHispanicversion ofthis book call TheGEAnswerCenter 800 626 2000 consumerinformationservice MN free Paraobtenerlaversi6nen esp...
Страница 3: ...he refrigerator is in Thiswillprevent contactwiththemovingpartsofthe ejectormedmnism or withthe heatingelementthatreleases the cubes f f Q f Qqi whichhavetbmvfid C mlpk teiym TheUnitedStatesDepartment of AgricultureinHomeandGarden BulletinNo 69says You maysafelyrefrcww frozen foodsthathavethawediftheystill containicecrystalsor iftheyam stillccdd below 4001 Thawedgroundmeats poultry or fishthathave...
Страница 4: ...ouse wiringcircuits whichcouldcaLum a firehazardfromoverheating wires Donotimta l Irefrigemtorwhere willgo IMOW60 IR becauseit willnotrunoftenenough tomaintainpropertemperatures DoIhN 43n it ml a floorstrong enoughtosupport it fully hmkd AlsoseeEnergy Saving Tips regardinglocation ANmJthe followingcktmmxs forease d iIRstdkwimn proper air Circulation and and ekdrid Conmxtions sides 518 Top e l Back...
Страница 5: ...youareturningdown yourthermostat Thisis especially importantwhenthethermostatis turneddownforanextendedperiod Thischangeshouldhavenoeffect oT1 yourfreshfoodcompartment However if freezingoccurs turn thenumberedcontrolonestep warmer as from 5 to 4 Whenyoustopturning the thermostat down turn Wrqx5rature controls back to their regular settings 5 YOIJ won t findan energysaver switchorIthisrefrigerator...
Страница 6: ... flowsthrough tubingin door 6 and is dispensed when Chilled Water cradle is pressed Lightswitch 7 turnsnight lightinthedispenseronor off Ice access door Icernaker Waterflowsfromhousehold supply throughdualsolenoidvalve 1 to waterreservoir 2 andtoautomatic icemaker 3 asneeded Wateris frozenincubemoldandejected intostoragebin 4 wherecubesare accessiblethroughasmallaccess doorinthefreezercompartment ...
Страница 7: ...o the icemaker and push the feelerarm up to the OFF position prematurely when the bin is only artiallyf n Open the ice access ioor reach in Ievelthe cubes by land and icernaking wiHresume Keepingcubes distributed evenly viHallow the icemaker to produce moughice to fill the bin to its naximurn capacity lb Ike ModelCSxm Grip glass or other containernear rim and press rim gentlybut firmly against Ice...
Страница 8: ...scard remaining clumps F place binbeforeremaining cubesmeltandfusetogether II l m cubem Lifitheleftcornertofreethebin fromtheshelf andpullthebin straightoutwhilesuppolling itat frontandback slidethebinbackuntilthetabon thebinlocksintotheslotinthe shelf If bindoesnotgoallthewayback removeit androtatethedrive mechanism1 4turn Thenpushbin backagain until thetabonthebin locksintothesk3tintheshelf CM i...
Страница 9: ...t so they can be used up promptly Use shelveson the door for most often used salicesand condii cnts Use the meat drawer ibr meats you do not freeze lb store iceowm Fine cplality ice cream with highcreamcontent will normally require slightlylower temperatures than more airy already packagedbrands with low crea ricontent libWxweD Mm3y inenergy imdhod CQ s o Mace most perishable itcms such as milk cr...
Страница 10: ...engage top lugs in tracks at rear of cabinet Then lower f ontof shelfuntil it locks into position To relocate shelves Selectclesired shelf height engagehooksin slots on the tracks of the door and push in Shelf will lock in place 10 Shelvesin the freezer compartment are easily removedand replaced 1 While pressing bs on shelf supportson right wall lift shelfout of groovesin supports 2 Pull shelf sid...
Страница 11: ...isdesigned tokeepwwrappd foodsfreshby retaining thenaturalmoisture contentoffoodssuchas Artichokes o Cherries oPlums Asparagus Corn o Radishes oBeets topp d Currants o Rhubarb o Blueberries Greens leafy Spinach Carrots QLettuce Tomatoes Celery Parsley ripe Peas green As in any refrigerated storagearea it is recommended that odorous fOOdS be stored wrapped foods suchas QBroccoli Cabbage UI Parsnips...
Страница 12: ...door doesn topen completely pullthe drawer out untilit hits the door Then lift the drawer up until it is 8 Tiltand removethe drtiwcr Af tercleaning repkmcin reverse order higher than the drawe supports tilt it and take it out 6 If tape holds ConvertibleMeat Pan coverto drawer supports removethe tape Puil drawerpart wayout Reach in push the rear of the glass up and at the same time back until it cl...
Страница 13: ...ldbecleaned atleastonceayear Unplugthe refrigerator beforecleaning Ifthis isnotpractical wringexcess moistureoutofsponge orcloth whencleaningaroundswitches lightsorcontrols Usewarmwaterandbakingsoda solution about atablespoon of bakingsodatoa quartofwater Thisbothcleansandneutralizes odors Rinsethoroughly withwater andwipedry Otherpartsoftherefrigerator including doorgaskets meatand vegetable draw...
Страница 14: ...sjust below light shieM Shelf wiHbe easier to remove if it is emptied first 3 I Hplastic light shield toward you It will bend to free tabs from gsooves 4 Replace bulb with same size bulb Ilw extended vacations or absences shutoffpowertothe refrigerator turnthenumbered controltoOH cleaninteriorwith bakingsodasolutionofonetable spoonof sodato onequartof water Wipedry Topreventodors leave open boxof ...
Страница 15: ... Refer to page 13 J Check E NERGK3AMNGTIPS on page2 Temperature control starts and stops motor to maintain even temperatures If refrigerator vibrates more than likely it is not resting solidly on the floor Front roller screws need adjusting or floor is weak or uneven Refer to RQLLER on page4 BIf dishes vibrate orIshelves try movingthem Slightvibration is nonmal The high speed compressor motor requ...
Страница 16: ...er Oldcubesneedtobediscarded Icestoragebinneedstobeemptiedandwashed Unsealedpackagesinrefrigerator and orfreezercompartments maybetransmitting odor tastetoicecubes Interiorofrefrigeratorneedscleaning Refertopage13 Poor tasting incomingwater InstallQuadraCleanWaterFilter see page8 Icemakerfeelerarmisin OFF up position Watersupplyturnedoff or not connected Freezercompartmenttoowarm Cubestoosma l wat...
Страница 17: ...hasnotbeenusedforextended period waterinfirstglasswillnot be asc 901 asinsucceeding glasses Ifwaterreservoir has been drained allowseveralhoursforreplenished supply tochili Watersupplylineturrwcl offornotconrmcted Supplylinemaybedoggedwithsediment Foodswithstrongodorsshouldbetightlycovered Checkforspoiledfood Interiorneedscleaning Refertopage13 D frost watersystemneedscleaning KeePOpen boxofbaking...
Страница 18: ...T coritactthe people who servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouare notpleased In l i st cases this will solvethe problem NEXT if youare stillnot pleased write all the details including yourphone number to Manager Consumer Relations Hotpoint AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY if yourproblem is still not resolved write Major Appliance ConsumerAction Panel 20 North WackerDrive Chicago Illin...
Страница 19: ...our Factory Service Centers or by our authoriz d Customer Care servicers during normal working hours Look in the White or Yellow Pages of your telephone directory for HOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINT FACTORYSERVICEor HOTPCMNT CUSTOMERCARE SERVICE Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit breakers Failure of the product if it is used for other than its intended purpose or u...