Страница 1: ...FoodStorageSuggestions 9 Vacation MovingTips 14 StorageTimes 6 Warrantv BackCover Ice Dispenser 6 8 WaterFilterAccessory 8 Icemaker 6 8 Installation 3 4 AdapterPlug 4 AdjustableRollers 4 Clearances 4 ElectricalRequirements 3 4 ExtensionCord 4 Grounding 3 Location 4 WaterSupplytolcemaker 4 LightBulbReplacement 14 Use and Gutof CSX22D CSX24D with W wed water Service ModelandSerialNumbers 2 ProblemSo...
Страница 2: ...gerator I Savetimeandmoney Beforeyourequestservice check theProblemSolveronpages15 17 It listscausesofminoroperating problemsthatyoucancorrect yourself Locationofyourrefrigeratoris important Avoidlocatingit nextto yourrange a heatingventor where thesunwillshinedirectlyonit Don topenthedoorsmoreoften thannecessary Closetheckws assoonaspossible particularlyinhot humidweather Besurethedoorsareclosed ...
Страница 3: ...e fiiamefit andshouldnotbe eaten Thawed A bumd outtightbulb may icecreamshorddbediscarded If 3N23 k when liieih repkx d theodoror colorofanyfoodis pooror questionable getridofit Noto firningc ltoQFF Thefoodmaybe dangeroustoeat position Itw rmt remove power tothdightcirctit 1 L H lp 13ven partialtkwing andn fiwwing reducetheeatingqualityoffoods p yom particularlyfruits vegetables and iathg rwemcebf...
Страница 4: ...Hertz or 100volt 50 Hertz singlephaseAC Thisis recommended forbestperformance andtopreventoverloading house wiringcircuits whichcouldcausea firehazardfromoverheating wires Refrigerator Location Donotinstallrefrigerator where temperature wiligobelow60 F becauseit willnotrunoftenenough tomaintainpropertemperatures Doinstallit ona floorstrong enoughtosupportit fullyloaded AlsoseeEnergy Saving Tips re...
Страница 5: ...temperature controls Alwaysallow24hoursforthe refrigeratorto reachthe temperatureyouset Ifyouturnyour househddthermmtat below60T atnight youmaywanttoturnthelettered controlonestepcolder asfrom C to 1 7 Coolertemperaturesinthe housemaycausethecompressorto operatelessfrequently thus allowingthefreezercompartment to warmsomewhat Toprotectyour frozenfoodsupply leaveyour letteredsettingatthiscoldersett...
Страница 6: ...elCX24 Only shut Periodicallyopenthkfkeex compartmentdoorandkIok down intoth mte H ic6is blocking thechtite pokeitthrotighwith ø a woodenspQOn h shouldbedispenf d f withSOdaor other Ikwmhge mixes ThisWW prevent splashingwhichisannoyingand which ifthe splashreachestheice andwaterselectorswitch COLM c cause it to stick or bind Beveragesand not be inthei xstorage bin Cam bottlesor foodpackages inthe ...
Страница 7: ... waters householdplumbing andthe accumulatiori ofcopper saltsin an irmctive water supply fine which feedstheicemaker Continuedconsumptionofsuch discoloredicecubesmaybe injurioustohealth If such isobserved discard theim cubw andcontactyour FactoryServiceCenter Q Q g u r Care Servicer CSX22 SetselectortoICECUEWS or CHHJJ3D WATER 7 CSX22 I 1 CSX22 Gripglassorothercontainer nearthe rimandpressrimgentl...
Страница 8: ...ill stick tothemetalauger MovekemakerFeeler Ann tfo OFF Up when e Homewatersupplyistobe turnedoffforseveralhours Icestoragebinistoberemoved foraperiodoftime Goingawayonvacation atwhich timeyoushouldalsoturnoffthe valveinthewatersupplylineto yourrefrigerator Lifttheleftcornertofreethebin fromtheshelfandpullthebin straightmt supportingit atfront andback To Replace Ice cube stxMxlgeBin s Slidethebinb...
Страница 9: ...sdescribed onpageIl RI storeicecream Finequalityice crwrn withhighcreamcontent will normallyrequireslightlylower temperaturesthanmore airy already packaged brandswith lowcreamcontent eItWm be necessary toexperiment to determinethe freezercompartment locationandtemperature control settingtokeepyouricecreamat the rightservingtemperature Themarofthefreezer compartment is slightlycolderthanthefront T ...
Страница 10: ...ebin shookin slotsonthetracksofthedoor and pushin Thebinwilllockinplace Toreplaceshelves Selectdesired shelfheight Withshelffrontraised slightly engagetoplugsin tracksat rearofcabinet Thenlow er frontof shelfuntilit locksintoposition Shelvesinthefreezercompartment areeasilyremovedandreplaced TO remove Shdves L Whilepressingtabsonshelf supportson rightwall liftshelfout ofgroovesinsupports I I 2 Pul...
Страница 11: ... rm ontheinsideofthedrawer etcontrolleverto VEGETABLES mconvertthedrawertonormal refrigeratortemperatureand provideextravegetablestorage space Coldairductis turnedoff Variablesettingsbetweenthese extremescanbe selected Asinanyrefrigeratedstoragearea it is recommended thatodorous foodsbestoredwrapped foods suchas Broccoli Cabbage o Parsnips o Brussels Cauliflower o Turnips Sprouts e Greenonions Sto...
Страница 12: ...eratordoor doesn topencompletely pullthe draweroutuntilit hitsthedoor Thenliftthedrawerupuntilit is higherthanthedrawe supports tilt it andtakeit out 6 If tapeholdsConvertibleMeat Pancovertodrawersupports removethetape Pulldrawerpart wayout Reachin pushtherear of theglassupand atthesametime back untilitclearsfront corner retainers 7 Tiltandremovethecover 8 Tiltandremovethedrawer Afiercleaning repl...
Страница 13: ...kingsodatoa quartofwater Thisbothcleansandneutralizes odors Rinsethoroughlywithwater andwipedry Otherpartsoftherefrigerator includingdoorgaskets meatand vegetable drawers icestorage binandallplasticparts can be cleanedthesameway Donotuse cleansingpowdersor otherabrasive cleaners Tohelppreventodors leave an openboxofbakingsodainthe rearoftheref igerator onthetop shelf Changetheboxeverythree months ...
Страница 14: ...ightshield Shelfwillbeeasierto removeif it isemptiedfirst 3 Pullplasticlightshieldtoward you Itwillbendto freetabsfrom grooves 4 Replacebulbwithsamesize bulb 5 Reinstallshieldandshelf 6 Plugin refrigerator yougo m For exttwk dWwB kms or fabwneq shutoffpowerto refrigerator turnthenumbered controltoOFl cleaninterior withbakingsodasolutionofone tablespoonofsodatoonequartof water Wipedry Topreventodor...
Страница 15: ...leftopen Temperaturecontrolsaresettoocold Refertopage5 Grilleandcondenserneedcleaning Refertopage13 CheckENERGY SAVING TIPScmpage2 Temperaturecontrolstartsandstopsmotortomaintaineventemperatures If refrigeratorvibrates morethanlikelyit is notrestingsolidlyonthefloorandfront rollerscrewsneedadjusting or floorisweakor uneven RefertoROLLERSonpage4 If dishesvibrateonshelves try movingthermSlightvibrat...
Страница 16: ...edandwashed Unsealedpackagesin refrigeratorand orfreezercompartments maybetransmitting odor tastetoicecubes Interiorofrefrigeratorneedscleaning Referto page13 Poor tastingincomingwater Installwaterfilter see page8 AUlOMATIC Icenlaker feelerarmisinOFF up position ICEMAKER DOESNm WORK Watersupplyturnedoffor notconnected Freezercompartmenttoowarm Cubestoosmall water shut offvalveconnectingrefrigerato...
Страница 17: ...s If waterreservoirhasbeendrained allowseveralhoursforreplenishedsu ply tochill WATER DISPENSER Watersupplylineturnedoffor notconnected DOESNOTWORK Supplylinemaybecloggedwithsediment REFRIGERATOR Foodswithstrongodorsshouldbetightlycovered HASODOR Checkforspoiledfood Interiorneedscleaning Refertopage13 Defrostwaterpanneedscleaning Keepopenboxofbakingsodain refrigerator replaceeverythreemonths MOIST...
Страница 18: ...hepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouare notpleased h most cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT i fyou arestillnotpleased writeallthe details including Vourphone number to Manager ConsumerRelations Hotpoint AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemisstill notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20 NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois60606 mm EEB ...
Страница 19: ...working GENERALELECTRIC i iOTPOiNT in the 48 mainiandstates Hawaii hours FACTORY SERVICE or iiOTPOINT andWashington D C in Alaskathe CUSTOMER CARP SERVICE warrantyisthe sameexceptthat it is Li iTEDbecauseyoumustpayto shiptheproducttotheserviceshop or for th servicetechnician stravei coststoyourhome 1s e icetripstoyo rh meto teachyouhowto usethe product 5WxlJ yourWe andCaremateritd Ifyouthenhaveany...