Страница 1: ...ctricalconnec Rr IMPORTANT ns Thereshouldbs sufficient tubingfrom PLEASE READ CAREFULLY Idwatersupplyto moverefrigerator out frnmwatlaeveraffeet approximately 3 coils FORfqfEWONALSm TfiEsAMWfMNcf3 of M inchcoppertubingat least10inchesin BE PROPERLY GROUNDED diameter Your refrigerator shoufd not be instalIed Thepnwercordof thisapplianceis equipped witha three prong grounding plugwhich wherethe empe...
Страница 2: ...orming it carefulIy to the shape of the contents This expelsair Fold and crimp ends of the pac 4 age to provide a good lasting seal Don t refreeze meat that has completely thawed meat whether raw orcooked can be frozen successfully only once STOFfACE PERlOO Tomainlain itsquahty ilEFR EMTOR FREEZEfl 35 1040 F 0 F PRODLICT DAYS MONTHS FRESH MEETS I RoastsfLteefan Lamb 3105 8 to 12 Roasls Pmh and Vea...
Страница 3: ...dwafer mmreservoir flows thmagh ftrMrlfin rfmr 5 andis dispensed when rtdrber fMmv fi is sesaed fyourrefrigeratori operatsd before wa rconrrectioniamade keepmanualswitch I OFF poaitinn Vtsenrefrigeratorheafssenconnscted to atersupply raiseaccsssdoortoice maker ndturn manual switch to ON position Fitz6 Tostop Uow releasepressure from pillow withdrawingslowlyto catch Iast drops Do notdiscardwaterin ...
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Страница 6: ...eralorto makediagnosis tomofthefreshfoodsecbon nearOrehinge acemodelsketch frontcover When serviceis required besureto specifygenuine Hotpointrenewalparts ADDITIONAL FULLFOUR YEAR WARRANTY ONTHESEALED REFRIGERATING SYSTEM The sealed refrigerating system com pressor condenser evaporator and connecting tubing see diagram is covered in the above full warranty in addition tothatwarrmttyw ewill repair ...