HH18Bi 22/04/13
It is strongly recommended that this stove is fitted to your heating system by a knowledgeable,
experienced and suitably qualified (Hetas or equivalent) plumber or Heating Engineer with
experience in fitting boiler stoves. If fitted incorrectly it could result in serious damage to your home
heating system. Plumbing should be carried out in accordance with Relevant Building Regulations
and safe practices. The manufacturers cannot be held responsible for any losses due to incorrect
specification or connection of the heating system.
This Hothouse Boiler Stove must always be connected with the flow and return connections on
opposite sides of the appliance (cross-flowed) to an indirect hot water system. Fernox or a similar
corrosion inhibitor should be used to prevent corrosion or formation of limescale in the heating
Gravity Circuit
Do Not –
Under any circumstances connect the stove to a sealed (pressurised) heating system or an
unvented HW cylinder
Do Not –
Link the stove into a heating or hot water system with an existing boiler without the use of
suitable equipment such as a neutralizer. When fitting this type of system the neutralizer manufacturer’s
instructions must be followed.
Do –
Fit an open cold feed and header expansion tank with separate cold feed and vent pipes. The cold
feed and vent pipes must be unvalved. The open vent pipe should have a diameter of 22mm and rise
continuously from the boiler.
Do –
Connect the flow and return connections on opposite sides of the appliance
Do –
Fit pipe stats to control the radiator circulation pump as instructed to prevent cold water corrosion
Fig. 5
– Central Heating system with
the stove as the primary source of heat
(indirect). Only three tappings on the
stove are used.