July 6, 2022
Page 158 | 199
17.8 Configuration of a Removable Media
The configuration of the Removable Media Object that loads the Removable Media Viewer defines what
buttons are enabled and available to the user.
The (Enter) button performs
certain operations based on the selected file’s type:
- change display to parent directory
- change display to child directory
- load application (if compatible model and version)
Alternately, by checking the ‘Write Selected Filename’
option, the RM Manager object will load the
currently displayed path and filename into a block of registers for use with other Removable Media
functions. The register block is assigned in the ‘File Select’ config found in the Config menu of the
graphic/screen editor.
Once view operations are complete, simply touch the Esc button to remove the pop-up removable
media viewer.
17.9 Removable Media (RM) Function Blocks in Cscape
For detailed information regarding RM function blocks and parameters, refer to the help file
in Cscape Software. Refer ‘USB flash Media support for RM Functions’ for USB flash drive access details.
The following RM functional blocks are available in Cscape Software. These function blocks will reference
- m
icroSD when filename is prefixed with ‘A:’ or nothing OR
- USB A f
lash Drive when filename is prefixed with ‘B:’.
Read RM csv
Allows reading of a comma-separated value file from the microSD interface
into the controller register space.
Write RM csv
Allows writing of a comma-separated value file to the microSD interface from
the controller register space.
Rename RM csv
Allows renaming a file on the RM card. The data in the file is not changed.
Delete RM csv
Allows deleting a file on the RM card
Copy RM csv
Allows copying a file on the RM card. The data in the file is not changed.
Table 17.1
RM Functional Blocks