March 12, 2020
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7.5 Digital / HSC Input Configuration
The following figure illustrates the Digital
HSC Input Configuration dialog.
Figure 7.7
Digital / HSC Input Configuration Dialog
The Active mode group box allows the user to select if inputs are active high (Positive logic)
or active low (Negative logic). It is important that this setting match what the jumper settings
are on the hardware.
The High-Speed Counters group box contains all of the windows that are used for configuring
the four (4) available high-speed counters on the EXL6 OCS. In configuring a counter, the user
needs to set the type, mode, and counts per rev.
The type drop down includes the following options: Disabled, Totalizer, Frequency Counter,
Pulse Width Measurement, Period Measurement, and Quadrature.
Refer to the