• Flexibility
The TS300 allows the end-user to independently program
local and remote temperature probes in accordance with
varying environmental requirements.
• Audible Alarm with Silence Timeout
The TS300 is equipped with an audible alarm which sounds
once the temperature at an enabled sensor varies outside of
it’s defined limits. The TS300 allows users to designate a
“time-out” time. With the touch of a button, users may
silence a sounding alarm for a period of time.
• Versatility
The TS300 is a dual temperature sensor that has the
capacity to simultaneously monitor both local and remote
temperature probes.
• Programmable Alarm Delay
Designed to reduce the occurrence of nuisance alarms
during temporary conditions this feature allows the user to
delay the sounding of the alarm for a designated period of
time. Routine task, which may cause the temperature to rise
above or fall below the programmed alarm point, may be
completed without generating an alarm.
• Alarm Memory
Easy way to check function and detection area.
• Programmable Hysteresis
Temporary conditions often influence the gradual rise
and fall of temperatures around the alarm point.
Under such conditions, conventional sensors generate
multiple alarms and restore messages. With the
Programmable Hysteresis feature, an alarm is generated
only the first time the temperature reaches the alarm point.
As long as the temperature fluctuates within the “Hysteresis
Range”, no subsequent alarms will be transmitted until the
environment has reached the predetermined restore
Honeywell's feature-rich TS300 was engineered to meet the
demands of a wide range of applications. From florists and
butchers to pet shops, computer centers and residences,
the TS300 provides uncompromising performance. Unique
features such as simultaneous use of local and remote
temperature probes, programmable hysteresis and audible alarm
with silence timeout, illustrate the sensor’s flexibility in installation,
programming and operation.