PW6KIC vs Star Panel SNET Reader Behavior
PW-6000 (PW6K1IC) Installation and Configuration Guide
Document 800-00005V3
B.7 PW6KIC vs Star Panel SNET Reader Behavior
The reader is the most visible item to users of an access control system. Making the
transition from a SEEP/CHIP panel to a PW-6000 IC panel with SNET reader support
comes with different reader behavior. The following list provides an overview of the
differences in SNET reader behavior between the PW6KIC and SEEP/CHIP panels.
Table 5 Configuration Options Using MSR Readers without Keypad
SEEP/CHIP Behavior
PW6KIC Behavior
Door Forced Open
The reader beeps
continuously when the
pre-alert is configured.
The reader does not beep on door
forced open.
Door Held Open
The reader beeps
intermittently x seconds
before a door held open
alarm is raised. At the door
held open time it beeps
continuously until the door is
The reader does not beep at all.
The LED turns yellow
awaiting PIN entry after card
The LED turns yellow awaiting
PIN entry after card presentation.
The LED turns yellow
awaiting card presentation
after entering PIN.
The LED turns yellow after first
PIN digit entry. After entering the
full PIN, the LED turns red
awaiting card presentation.
Reader Offline Mode:
Not a SEEP/CHIP feature
When the reader board loses
communication to the PW6KIC,
the reader board grants access to
all cards. The LED mode is red
and does not turn green. After
some time, the LED turns off
completely. Recommend using
offline mode: LOCKED.
Reader Offline Mode:
Not a SEEP/CHIP feature
Door unlocks, LED remains red.
Reader Offline Mode:
Not a SEEP/CHIP feature
Door remains locked, LED
remains red.
PIN only Mode
Keypad LED is red.
Keypad LED is yellow.