The Honeywell HCS544 day/night camera adapts to varying lighting conditions
to ensure the highest picture quality even in extreme low light conditions. When
the light level drops too low for accurate video identification in color, the camera
automatically switches to black and white video to capture more detail.
Low light performance is enhanced through the use of Digital Noise Reduction
technology which removes noise artifacts, increasing the performance of video
compression algorithms – giving end users the ability to record for longer periods
using their existing DVR unit. Digital Slow Shutter technology further improves
the light sensitivity of the camera and extends its usable range.
An On-Screen Display text menu simplifies all setup and adjustment options.
Menu navigation is simple and picture adjustments can be made in a matter of
seconds with easy-to-use pushbuttons on the back of the camera.
The HCS544 includes an automatic electronic shutter for changes in light level,
and three zones of automatic backlight compensation options for viewing backlit
scenes. The HCS544 produces 540 TV lines of resolution for applications
requiring the highest level of sharpness in video quality as well as providing
reliable video quality even in low light conditions down to 0.1 lux.
Market Opportunities
The HCS544 is a general surveillance solution designed for object recognition
that is required in locations where variable light and low light conditions exist.
Setup is quick and easy and can be customized with on-screen displays menu.
This provides optimum performance for both indoor and outdoor applications
including lobbies, atriums, vestibules, gated entrances, foyers, loading docks
and driveways.
• 540 TV lines of resolution
• Digital Noise Reduction technology
for noise free images
• Digital Slow Shutter for improved
sensitivity in low light conditions
• On-Screen Display menu for quick
camera setup
• Variable AGC Setting to adjust the
level at which the camera switches
from color to black and white in
low light
• One power connection self-configures
to 12 VDC or 24 VAC with transient
surge protection