Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
Selectable points are underlined in blue, for example, “
Device monitor
” and “
Software status
” in
Figure 7.5.
If the text is not under
lined, as is the case with “Reset battery status to 100%” (in the next
figure), the item cannot be selected
You can use the
superimposition keys
to jump to the next selectable item, even if it is not in the
visible section of the display. In this case, look for the small yellow diamond on the right-hand edge.
To confirm or execute the
selection with a blue background
(in Figure 7.5, for example, device
monitor), press the
confirmation arrow box
on the device in the center of the bottom line. On the
remote operation panel, click in this area.
Figure 7.7: Selecting and executing hyperlinks and actions
There are two sensitive navigation areas on the bottom edge of the display which may be available
and change their appearance depending on context. The figure below shows the possible
combinations (without the possible symbols in the center).
Figure 7.8: Buttons on the bottom edge of the display
Generally, these enable you to jump to a different display. Select a sensitive area (red area in Figure
7.1) next to the symbols, by tapping or clicking it.
Clicking on the
area returns you to the “
” display. The
area returns you to the “
”. Clicking on
returns you to the previous display.