Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
Figure 8.3: Example of navigation window and parameterization window
One of these windows is the Navigation window. The upper half of the navigation window is designed
with a fixed data structure, just like an application-oriented file manager. The top hierarchy levels
include among others the already mentioned levels
The view of the data structure in the navigation window can be changed; by default, you only see the
currently selected branch. You can navigate to a lower level by double clicking, or a higher level by
pressing the button.
The navigation window is normally located on the left-hand edge of the screen. It can be hidden so
that a greater working area is available. The navigation window is then displayed once again after
clicking on the Navigation button on the left-hand edge of the enSuite window. If you simply
move over the button using the cursor, the navigation window is temporarily displayed.
The lower half of the navigation window shows which actions are executable in the current context.
If, for example, an unconnected device is highlighted, then only the actions
New parameterization
are executable. If a currently connected device is highlighted, then the entries
Read out parameterization
, along with a number of other actions which are only
possible in the event of an active data connection, are possible here instead of Connect. All possible
actions are also provided in the context menu (right mouse click). By clicking on one of the actions,
it is then started and opened in a new editing window.
More information about the interface is provided in the
online help
You can activate the general online help via the menu item
Show online
. Open the context-sensitive help directly from the desired branch in the
parameterization window with