Operation - Stream Configuration
Fusion4 MSC-L
Part No.: 4418309_Rev09
5 - 182
Installation & Operation Manual
Honeywell Additive Stream Config. Stream n . Alarms
On the
Additive Stream Config. . Stream n
screen, select
Additive Stream Config . Stream n . Alarms
screen is displayed.
Alarms can have the following alarm actions.
The alarm is ignored.
The alarm appears on the display.
The alarm-indication output is set to ON.
<Display shutdown>
The alarm appears on the display.
The alarm-indication output is set to ON.
The alarm-shutdown output is set to ON.
Running batch is stopped.
<Display pause>
The alarm is shown on the display.
The alarm-indication output set to ON.
The alarm-shutdown output is set to ON.
Running batch is paused. Leaking Valve
On the
Additive Stream Config . Stream n . Alarms
screen, select
<Leaking valve>
Dwell time]
With this entity you can set the
minimum time in ms that the solenoid
opens and closes. The parameter value
is normally set to zero in injectors that
require the solenoid to open and stay
open until the full volume per cycle is
injected. The numeric value represents
the ON time of the solenoid in
milliseconds. The OFF time is equal to
the ON time. When this value is
nonzero, the controller continues to
the valve control output until the
amount of additive available in the
‘Injection Volume’ setting is dispensed.
The stroke repeat rate is double the
‘Solenoid Dwell Time’.
ms ...
(default =
Value range