In order to prevent the risks of a fire, an electrical shock, burns and other
injuries, it is imperative to observe basic safety measures when using electrical
1.The principle of humidification by cooling, took cooling water from the water
tank by water pump or synchronous motor, after reaching the top, the cooling
water will flow through weted pad, then bellowed off humid cool air rounding
the weted pad by rotational wind wheel.
2.Electronics control: safe and durable, have an attractive appearance.
3.Adjustable speed: have three speed, low, medium, high
4.Wind type: nature wind,normal wind,sleeping wind
5.Humidification function: the appliance adopts ice crystal refrigeration and
humidification technology, it can cut down the temperature of air vent and
raise relative humidity, prevent it from air drying.
6.Deliver wind at wide angle: swing the blades automatically, deliver wind at
wide angle flatly. Also swing the blades transversely by your hands, choose
the wind direction up and down.
7.Remote control: Far distance control,received wide angle
8.Removable air filter and cooling pad: easy to clean, can use soft brush and