Holtkamp Electronics DUO 8600XL techn. stand 05.2016 4033_05.2016 V01.2021
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Operating the first time
If the DUO is installed completely, you can take into operation by
switching on the circuit. As soon as the circuit is activated, appe
ars in the display an information about the operation mode of you
DUO and about the used software. (e.g. Holtkamp XL Soft X.x
T-Timer Free). The DUO is now ready for operation and can now
be programmed as you like. To ensure, that the programming has
been correct, you should make a detailed test run. After this test
run all counters should be deleted to receive a correct account.
Please make sure that your adjusted main time is appropriated
to the sun bed. Do not choose the main time too long, because of
the danger of the sun bed customer. Use the adjustment setting,
to limit the maximum time and therefore limiting the maximum
account of buyable main time to reduce to a minimum the danger
to the customer.
8.5.1 LED operating light
With the LED operating light one can see, at a glance, the opera
ting stand of the DUO. During the lead time: quick blinking; main
time: permanent light; run-out time: slow blinking.
March 2003 110% disconnection
After norm EN 60335-2-27/A11 (VDE 0700 part 27)
Beginning with 01 may 2003 all our XL devices are
equipped with the disconnection recommended by the
upper mentioned directions.
EN60335-2-27 The PCB of DUO is provided with a 110%-dis
connection. It means, that an emergency stop timer is controlled
by a third relay on the PCB. It guarantees the switching off of
the sun bed, if the main relay is not switching off once, after the
expired time.