Rev. 1.00
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Rev. 1.00
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Brushless DC Motor A/D Flash MCU
Brushless DC Motor A/D Flash MCU
General Description
The BLDC Motor Flash MCU HT66FM5440 provides PWM configuration flexibility and complete
protection mechanism which are necessary for brushless DC motor applications. The device uses the
HT8-1T architecture to achieve one oscillation cycle for one instruction. With the integrated 16MHz
oscillator, executing a single instruction only needs 0.0625μs.
Compared with its predecessor, the HT66FM5440 adds the interrupt priority configuration function
and two interrupt preempt functions, which can be flexibly configured according to different
interrupt priority requirements for different systems. Two unsigned Multiplication and Division
Units (MDU), one 8-bit type and one 16-bit type, are provided for complicated operational
requirements. The 16-bit MDU additionally integrates a 32-bit/16-bit unsigned divider.
The 10-bit PWM generator dedicated for motor control provides different duty configurations for
the four channels and up to three PWM complimentary output pairs. The motor current and voltage
often require real-time detection and accurate trigger timing, to achieve this purpose an A/D auto-
scan function is provided. Users can flexibly select to use the 10-bit PWM period or duty signal to
trigger the A/D conversion. If using the interrupt to check for the end of the A/D conversion, the
main program or subroutine program running will not be affected during the conversion process.
With the A/D auto-scan continuous sampling function provided, the A/D converter also supports
10-bit or 12-bit resolution, which is adjustable according to the actual resolution and sampling
time requirement. In addition, each channel has a unity-gain buffer which is used to avoid voltage
interference when switching between A/D channels. An integrated OCP circuit composed of OPA0
and CMP0, and two OPAs, OPA1 and OPA2, can be flexibly used for motor current detection. The
OCP function can effectively provide motor instant large current protection and turn off the internal
motor drive signal to achieve instantaneous system protection. After the OPA0~OPA2 output signals
are sampled and converted by the A/D converter, the converted data will be compared with the
preset boundary values. If the converted data exceeds the preset range, an interrupt will be generated
for the user to do the corresponding processing. With regard to motor stalling protection, a 16-bit
Capture Timer is provided to monitor the motor speed loop thus achieving stalling protection.
With the aforementioned advantages, the HT66FM5440 is especially suitable for brushless motor
square-wave Hall solutions, square-wave sensorless solutions and sine-wave Hall driving solutions.