Rev. 1.41
December 30, 2008
In addition, on entering an interrupt sequence or execut-
ing a subroutine call, the status register will not be
pushed onto the stack automatically. If the contents of
the status registers are important and if the subroutine
can corrupt the status register, precautions must be
taken to correctly save it.
Interrupt Control Register
This 8-bit register, known as the INTC register, controls
the operation of both external and internal timer inter-
rupts. By setting various bits within this register using
standard bit manipulation instructions, the enable/disable
function of each interrupt can be independently con-
trolled. A master interrupt bit within this register, the EMI
bit, acts like a global enable/disable and is used to set all
of the interrupt enable bits on or off. This bit is cleared
when an interrupt routine is entered to disable further in-
terrupt and is set by executing the
Timer/Event Counter Registers
All devices possess a single internal 8-bit count-up
timer. An associated register known as TMR is the loca-
tion where the timer
s 8-bit value is located. This register
can also be preloaded with fixed data to allow different
time intervals to be setup. An associated control regis-
ter, known as TMRC, contains the setup information for
this timer, which determines in what mode the timer is to
be used as well as containing the timer on/off control
Input/Output Ports and Control Registers
Within the area of Special Function Registers, the I/O
registers and their associated control registers play a
prominent role. All I/O ports have a designated register
correspondingly labeled as PA, PB, PC and PD. These
labeled I/O registers are mapped to specific addresses
within the Data Memory as shown in the Data Memory
table, which are used to transfer the appropriate output
or input data on that port. With each I/O port there is an
associated control register labeled PAC, PBC, PCC and
PDC, also mapped to specific addresses with the Data
Memory. The control register specifies which pins of that
port are set as inputs and which are set as outputs. To
setup a pin as an input, the corresponding bit of the con-
trol register must be set high, for an output it must be set
low. During program initialization, it is important to first
setup the control registers to specify which pins are out-
puts and which are inputs before reading data from or
writing data to the I/O ports. One flexible feature of these
registers is the ability to directly program single bits us-
ing the
SET [m].i
CLR [m].i
instructions. The
ability to change I/O pins from output to input and vice
versa by manipulating specific bits of the I/O control reg-
isters during normal program operation is a useful fea-
ture of these devices.
Pulse Width Modulator Registers
E a c h d e v i c e i n t h e C o s t - E ff e c t i v e A / D Ty p e
microcontroller range contains either one or two Pulse
Width Modulators. Each one has its own related inde-
pendent control register. For devices with a single PWM
function this is register is known as PWM, while for de-
vices with two PWM functions, their control register
names are PWM0 and PWM1. The 8-bit contents of
these registers, defines the duty cycle value for the
modulation cycle of the corresponding Pulse Width
A/D Converter Registers
E a c h d e v i c e i n t h e C o s t - E ff e c t i v e A / D Ty p e
microcontroller range contains a 4-channel 8-bit or 9-bit
A/D converter. The correct operation of the A/D requires
the use of one or two data registers, a control register
and a clock source register. For the HT46R46 device,
which has an 8-bit A/D converter, there is a single data
register, known as ADR. For the other devices, which
contain a 9-bit A/D converter, there are two data regis-
ters, a high byte data register known as ADRH, and a
low byte data register known as ADRL. These are the
register locations where the digital value is placed after
the completion of an analog to digital conversion cycle.
The channel selection and configuration of the A/D con-
verter is setup via the control register ADCR while the
A/D clock frequency is defined by the clock source reg-
ister, ACSR.