Cenova Image Analytics Server 3.0 Installation & Service Manual
Chapter 2: System Description
Page 10
MAN-05205 Revision 003
2.1 Overview
The Cenova Image Analytics Server is a high-performance application server that
provides proprietary software applications to assist radiologists in the analysis of digital
mammography images. Hologic has developed the following software applications for
use with the server:
ImageChecker CAD (2D), computer-aided detection software used to identify and
mark regions of interest on routine screening and diagnostic mammograms, and
synthesized 2D images from Hologic 3D Mammography
ImageChecker 3D Calc CAD, computer-aided detection software used to identify
and mark regions of interest on Hologic 3D Mammography
Hologic Imaging Biomarkers, comprising the following application:
Quantra application, to calculate breast density categories from Hologic
conventional digital mammography and 3D Mammography
DigitalNow HD, used to process digitized screen-film mammograms so that the
resulting images more closely resemble digital mammography images.
The Cenova server is designed to be used by radiologists working in a hospital,
outpatient clinic, or a breast imaging center. The server may also be used for research-
related activities. The server can be located in any non-patient environment, provided it
is connected to the mammography network. Once configured, little direct interaction
with the server is necessary. Any interaction is through a user-friendly web browser