System Security
3.2.3 On-Air Subscription of Portable Terminals
The firmware supports on-air subscription according to GAP. In on-air subscription the public
information is transmitted by the FT over the air interface.
The on-air subscription procedure is described below.
Step 1
Enable on-air subscription by setting SIAIR ON.
Leave FT powered on.
Step 2
Initiate on-air subscription by issuing a SISUA command. Result
code <ok> signals successful subscription
Step 3
Disable on-air subscription by setting SIAIR OFF
or by leaving the configuration mode.
Air subscription also is set OFF on a reset of the FT module.
3.2.4 Offline Subscription of Portable Terminals
The firmware supports a proprietary offline subscription procedure that works without
transmitting information over the air interface. Therefore this technique is also applicable to
situations were PT and FT are physically separated during subscription.
The offline subscription procedure is described below.
Step 1
Perform offline subscription by issuing a SISUD command.
Result code <ok> signals successful command execution. This
does not imply that the subscription itself was successful (e.g.
PIN could be incorrect)