User’s Manual r
1.3 EN
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The interface comes with 3 plug-in terminal blocks of 2 poles.
The first (XY) is used to establish direct connection with the AC indoor unit. The second one
(V1V2) is used to provide power.
The third one (AB) is used to stablish connection with the Modbus RTU EIA-485 network.
Connect to the AC indoor unit
The INMBSMID---I000 connects directly to the Midea XYE bus. The cable for proper
connection is not provided with the interface. Maximum XYE bus length is 100 m (328.08
Connector E, from the XYE bus, is not used to connect to the indoor unit or indoor units.
The XYE bus has specific polarity.
Depending on the number of AC units to control, the recommended connection
can be seen in Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.2.
If a CCM Central Controller is present in the XYE bus, then the INMBSMID---I000
cannot be connected. Please, disconnect the CCM Central Controller for use of the gateway.
Connection to the EIA-485 bus
Connect the EIA-485 bus wires to the plug-in terminal block of the INMBSMID---I000
interface and respect the polarity on this connection (A+ and B-).
Make sure that the maximum distance of the bus is 1,200 meters (3,937 ft.) in daisy chain
set up. Loop or star topologies are not allowed in the EIA-485 bus. A terminator resistor of
must be present at each end of the bus to avoid signal reflections. The bus might need
a fail-safe biasing mechanism (see section 4.8 for more details).
Connection to the power supply
The INMBSMID---I000 interface must be powered from an external power supply.
Use an external 12V DC power supply connected to V1/V2 connector. The V1/V2 connection
has specific polarity (V1- y V2+).