ABC Parameters
(Select ‘ABC’ in the Navigation Section to gain access to the parameters
described in this section).
Currently, only serial communications is supported.
Status / Control Word
(See 13-1 “Control and Status Registers”).
Module Reset
This parameter specifies how the gateway will behave in the event of a fatal error.
Protocol Mode
This parameter specifies which protocol mode to use for the sub-network.
See also 2-4 “Protocol Modes”.
The Transmit- and Receive Counters indicate how many transactions that have successfully been ex-
changed on the sub-network. This feature primarily intended for debugging purposes.
• Receive Counter Location
Specifies the location of the Receive Counter in the internal memory buffer.
• Transmit Counter Location
Specifies the location of the Transmit Counter in the internal memory buffer.
Both counters are enabled by setting ‘Statistics’ to ‘Enabled’.
Enable the Control- and Status Registers. The ‘Data Valid’-bit in the Control Register must
be set to start the sub-network communication.
Enabled but no startup lock This setting is similar to ‘Enabled’, except that the control system is not required to set the
‘Data Valid’-bit to start the sub-network communication.
This setting completely disables the Control- and Status Registers.
The gateway will be restarted, and no error will be indicated to the user.
The gateway will halt and indicate an error.
Generic Data Mode
This mode is primarily intended for Produce & Consume-based protocols, where there are
no Master-Slave relationship between the gateway and the nodes on the sub-network.
Master Mode
This mode is intended for ‘Query & Response’-based protocols, where a single Master
exchanges data with a number of Slaves.