Chapter 3
Navigating the ABC Config Tool
Main Window
The main window in the ABC Config Tool can be divided in 4 sections as follows:
• A: Pull-down Menus & Tool Bar
The second drop-down menu from the left will change de-
pending on the current context. The Tool Bar provides
quick access to the most frequently used functions.
• B: Navigation Section
This section is the main tool for selecting and altering dif-
ferent levels of the sub-network configuration.
Entries preceded by a ‘+’ holds further configuration pa-
rameters or ‘sub menus’. To gain access to these parame-
ters, the entry must be expanded by clicking ‘+’.
There are three main levels in the navigation window,
namely Fieldbus, ABC and Sub-network.
Right-clicking on entries in this section brings out addi-
tional selections related to that particular entry.
• C: Parameter Section
This section holds a list of parameters or options related to
the currently selected entry in the Navigation Section.
The parameter value may be specified either using a selec-
tion box or manually, depending on the parameter itself.
Values can be specified in decimal form (e.g. ‘42’), or in
hexadecimal format (e.g. ‘0x2A’).
• D: Information Section
This section holds information related to the currently se-
lected parameter.