Hitachi R-S42CMJ Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1









For use in Taiwan only

Five doors


 It takes time to cool for the fi rst time. 

Pg.36, 37

It may take more than 4 

 24 hours to fully cool.

  Make sure that no food protrudes beyond the storage height limit of 

each compartment, and allow clearance between each food in each 

Pg.42, 46

Otherwise, food and/or package may not be stored in each compartment properly, and as 
a result, the door may not be closed completely. It may cause the refrigerator not to cool 
suffi ciently and/or not to make ice.




8, 9









14, 18





Thank you very much for purchasing a Hitachi 
This refrigerator is designed for home use only.
Do not use this refrigerator for the business use 
and/or any purpose other than storing food.

Please read this operation manual carefully 
and ensure you use the appliance correctly. 
In particular, be sure to read the “Safety 
Suggestions” section of this operation manual 
before use.

Please keep this operation manual along with your 
guarantee card.

Hand over this operation manual together with 
the refrigerator when the refrigerator is passed 
to a third party and used in a different location, 
or when it is sent to a recycling plant.





For household use

Содержание R-S42CMJ

Страница 1: ... ع Ą 14 18ࡲ ฬઇࡵ ڐ Ă అЙࡵ ܢ ऎў ᘰ Ⴇ ყѾझ ѳ ყϕĄ Thank you very much for purchasing a Hitachi Refrigerator This refrigerator is designed for home use only Do not use this refrigerator for the business use and or any purpose other than storing food Please read this operation manual carefully and ensure you use the appliance correctly In particular be sure to read the Safety Suggestions section of this op...

Страница 2: ...Ą ઠᓷ ڟ ѾॉФझོ ػ Ѿ ܓ Ѿᕠ ሹَ۳ᔀ Ăծ ҁ ᓷ ڟ թ ࡵ ੁڟܢ ᑍĄ ҁ ʭႍਸ਼ ԅट ڟ ϫĂФझϴ ਸ਼ϕሑ ҤФஅᑦᘸă೨শᘸă અᘸăᄖᘸ 4 ॉປ ڟ Ϩႍ ĄЪ ʹᓙ ӻ ᔮႩ ؚ ऐऔ ڟ ඃ ڟ ᒅ Ą ਸ਼ ᔮႩ Фਸ਼ඃ ڟ झَĄ Ŝ ු ڟ ʰᅹѾ ϵպ ڟۯ Ķ ķ Ą Ŝ ʮᅹѾ Ф 3 ϣ ڟݙ Ѿ Ă շጃࡵ ˉ ڟܢ ጌᇓϴᏽ ع Ą Frost Recycle Cooling Triple power deodorizer Mid Freezer Lay out and 3 Layer freezer case ᓷಉᑗѾ ܓ ʭႍ ʨਸ਼ Ѿ Ⴤ 3 ᅹѾ 3 ᅹѾ ቜշጃࡵ ˉ ڟܢ վᏽ ع Ą 3 Layer freezer case Store foods according to their sizes 薄滑動盒 到 5cm 高...

Страница 3: ... ઠຣᇥ ݨܢࡵڟ ఀѾ ݨ Ѿ 15 œ ყϕ Ğь ყϕጠğ 16 ყϕ ٲ 16 ყఅϕี ყϕ 16 Ӥఀყఅϕี ݨ ఀყϕ 17 ҙ ڣ ᚌΰጷ 17 ყϕढ Ⴤყϕ ʨ 17 œ ሹَ۳ᔀ 18 ʮ ڐ ᅶᆄʰ ڐ 18 ۳ኴ ٲ œ ۳ኴ ٲ Ɵϕሑ ϕሑʹ ڟ ۳ኴ 19 വ୪ᄼᜰढ 19 ྫປನᏞ 19 ϕሑ ϕሑʹ ڟ ૭ 19 œ ਸ਼ χ ٲ ڟ 20 œ ь ყϕጠ ڟ ۳ኴ 22 ۑ Щպ ढƟʙ ʰԠФպ ढ 22 Ԑ ᇓʙЩ 23 ʙБ ᇓʙЩ 23 ढ պ ढ 23 ੰᖠढ œ ੰᖠढ 24 ᓊඵ ݣ Ă ۑ Щպ ढલФ ڟ ၸੰ 24 ጇѰ ٖԠФ ᐖ 24 ь ყϕ Γલ 24 Ф 25 Ѿ 25 ൖᓷ ൖᛩ 26 Ѿ 26 ሑ ѳ ᎋ ޯଇ 26 ϕሑവᇥ 26 ᒐࡱ ဇ 27 27 œ ႍ ٷ ʮƟ ᓊྭχ 28 œĦeco ོᕽ ΰጷħƟሑ ᚌ...

Страница 4: ... ؖ Фߺᘰཥि ڟ ʡࢷ ԁಲ ᓗѻϠᏎĄ œ ቜ ᇘᑆ ڟ Ă ئ ਸ਼ನᏞĄ ਔᚉྫĄ œ їϕሑ۳ኴĂቜਜ਼Ά ئ ૬ನᏞĄ Фᚉྫ ؖ ฌ ڟ ϠᏎĄ 19ࡲ ቜઠನᏞሂဂ ૃڟ ನࣴ ئ Ą œ ઠನᏞ ྫڟ ሣϩʮĂઠನᏞ ሂဂನʣನࣴ Ą ЃَನᏞ ϩߺ ನʣĂ ྫሣᅨ ࡒጊĂЙߏ ąᚉ ྫąਔ ࢨڟ ϰĄ ЃَನᏞನુ ઊӇϒĂʶઠ ЙߏϰᚉྫĂവᇥфዲ Ԯ ࢨڟ ϰĄ œ ቜ ס ೈ ਸ਼ನᏞʰ ڟ и Ą ನᏞંፖи ढ ϰᑆ ॉфఅЙ ሢ ՊĂ ф ਔ ԮĄ ቜ ئ ਸ਼ನᏞϔ ੁ ᐢ ੁݺ Ą œ ਬဇϴኪ ഓԮࣛੈЁթ ᕚࢇ Ą ᓗѻϰᕚࢇф ฌĄ 9ࡲ œ ቜ ௩ ػ ᇘᑆ ؖ ା ڟ ؚ Ą ᓗѻϰྫॉ ሢ Պф ਔᚉ ྫą Ԯ ڟ ϠᏎĄ ϴ႒ ϴ ᒳ ϴሣ ᑆ ାᑆ ቜ ྫሣ ą ˎą ۖവᇥዢ ą ᜉ ТąӯТą Ӷąࡸཷ ࡧ ڐ ą ϕሑᐆўྫሣ ؖ ऒ ྫ...

Страница 5: ...ϰᕚࢇĂҶ ݾ ф ฌĄ œ ቜ ࡌ ض ϕሑ ጷ ڟ ა Ą ጷ پ ᖽढĂ Υყఅᆅ੦ و ؖ ਜ਼ ؖ Фߺᘰཥि ڟ ʡࢷ ԁಲ ᓗѻϠᏎĄ œ ቜ վ۳Іᗾ ؖܢ ደ ཐ ᆺĄ Ά ᙒि႓୩ ܢڐڟ Ă ۳І ࣳࣜػ ϕሑ Ą œ ϵۣۖቜ պ ጽؒ ᅢᘴ ܢ Ą ᓗѻϰሑ ᘰ ྫ ॉ ᔈ ਔ ۆ ڟ വ ԮĄ œ ቜ ઠҤ ዢ ع ϵϕሑʰĄ ᕚࢇ ڟ అЙྫॉ χ ሢ ՊфവΡၓྫą Ԯąᚉྫ ڟ Ϡ ᏎĄ œ ቜ ϵϕሑʰ ع ܢڐ Ą ᓗѻϰ ఖሑ ĂఅЙ ܢڐ ૬ ༣ф ฌĄ œ ቜ٧ ࡌ ࠟږ Ą œ ቜ ᚉь ყϕጠ ڟ ጠଡఋѝĄ ყϕᇺଋᕽढĂ ࣼؐ ฌĄ ାᑆ ାᑆ ᚉ ᚌҙ 5 Њ ϒ ʰ ڟ ٧ ձ ...

Страница 6: ...ढĂ ቜઠϕሑᄉᖔ ປ ծᓗѻպ ྫዢ ܢ Ą ႓ ᖽढĂቜዑӤઠ Έ ĂծჄ ኛ ੦ ؖ γӬ ᒒ Ą œ Њཆ ڟ ढ Ăϵֺ ࡌᖔ ʙղ ᄪĂሂ۳Ф ઊ ڟ ಹ ᇥ ڪ Ą 8ࡲ Ѿ౬ʹ߉ ڟ ݻٷ ᛉĂ Фਔ ąᗖߔ ڟ ϠᏎĄ œ Ѓᄯ їᆀଣ ୩ढĂቜᒒ ኛ੦ ؖ ᑗ۳ ཥປϱН ટሣ 0800 085 717 Ăκ їટ ୩Ą Ѿ౬ʹ߉ Фਔ ąᗖߔ ڟ ϠᏎĄ ʙФʮϖ Ӝ ᆀଣ ୩ढ œ ܢ લ ވؖ ᄫढĂቜ ئ ૬ನᏞ ོᕽĄ Фᚉྫ ؖ ฌ ڟ ϠᏎĄ ቜਜ਼Άϵ ئ ਸ਼ನᏞढಫўನ ᏞĄ œ ϵ ݟ ᆀଣ ڐ ϔҁ ۳႓ ᄬĂϰФ ჲҨϵሑ Ăቜઠ ض ʮվĄ œ ጽؒॉ ʹၓढĂ ᚉϕሑĂቜγ ଂ їಲॉĄ ᓗѻϰሑ ᘰ ྫॉ ᔈ ۆ ڟ ĂфവΡ ᗖą Ԯąጻฌ ϠᏎĄ œ ቜ ьї ཌą ୩ąӽఅĄ ᓗѻവΡ ԮĂ લ Ѱ ф ฌĄ ᄯ ཌąႰ ढĂቜ߁ ኛ ...

Страница 7: ...ݣ Ă ϵ ఖሑ ढĂ ϰ ૬༣ф ฌĄ œ ቜ ࡵ ܢ ᅹ ޜ Ą ᓗѻϰྙ ୭ᝬ ݣ ૬ ༣ф ฌĄ œ ቜ ࡵ Ф Ă ːᝐѓ ܢࡵڟ Ą ᓗѻϰࡵ ܢ Ⴛଁф വ ॽॾĄ œ ቜ ᇘᑆ ڟ ᚉѾ ؖܢࡵڟ ዢĄ ᓗѻ ฌĄ Ğ ۜސ ᚴ ყ ܢ ğ œ ϣढ ଂʠ ʰ ڟ ሑ ढĂ ڱؖ ʡʶϵ ᚉϕ ሑढĂቜሂჯ ސݾ ҏ ϕሑ ҶўĄ ᓗѻ ݾ Ⴤ ڟ ᒁ ᄪ ؚ ҶฌĄ œ ቜ ઠ୭ ع ϵѾ Ą ڐ ൖ պ୭ ক Ă ؾ ฌĄ œ ଂశ ᅹ ڟ ሑ ढĂቜ ኬۖϕሑĄ ᓗѻϵ ଂሑ ढĂ ᚉ ф ฌĄ œ ࡌ ع ϕሑ ڟ ఋĄ ୩ढઠ Ѫʣϕሑ ʮढĂ ᛡٖ సฌĄ œ ᘰ ت ઢ ڟܮ ሑ ढĂቜ ݻ ʰ Ą ݸ ў ʰ ᘰ ت ઢ Ҷў ؾ ݾ ฌĄ Ф ٧ œ ߏʟթ ϴٖʰĄ ढ Ⴤϕሑ ФᒁᄪढĂൖᛩ ؖ ਸ਼ ᓷ ʮĄቜሂဂᘰႧϕሑ Ⴤϕሑ ԠФᒁᄪĄ 7 Њ ...

Страница 8: ...ࠧ ኬᑓ௩ Ą Фए ࡱ ސؖ ᘹ ᑓዩәᜰ ᝐѓ ڟ བྷĂ ቜ ڪ ʙղ ᄪĄ ס ϕሑ ሑ ڟ ᎋቡጌ œ ௩ ڟ ϴ Ăϴٖ Ă ʰࡵ ුࡧڟڐ Ăϕሑ ʮԖĂሑ ിФޯଇĄ Ɩ ጠ ʰԠФੰᖠĂЃ ቜ ݸ Ѓʮ ڟ ԏ ї ᎋቡጌĄ ї ቡጌĂծպϕሑ ڟ ി ʙᔈ ۯ ᘰ ᓗѻ ԠᘰЁĄ œ ЃЪʶഒ ٲ ቡጌชଇढĂቜպ ᓊྭχĶቡጌٖķ ྭχሡ R Y6000 500 Ą ཏ ቜ߁Ϩኛੵ Ą ݻ ࣴᛖა ڟ ႒Ă ʨ ϩ ʮĄ œ ଋᕽϕሑ ʮ ڟ ቡጌ Ăվቡጌϕሑ ᎋĄ ቜպ ۣᚴટ ˎ ቡጌ 2 Ą ઠቡጌ ع ϵቡጌ ڟ ʮ Ąቜઠቡ ጌ ቡጌэ ݣ ᎋ ڑڟ ဘĄ ŏ ϵ ع ʣቡጌ Ăቜઠቡጌ ڟ ఋჄϴٖᐢ ੁݺ Ą Фᖕ ڐ ढ ઠФ ฌϴٖĄଋᕽ ѳቡ ጌ Ă ס ϕሑĄ ϴ ቜպ ۣᚴ ڟ ટ ˎ ቡጌሑ ʮԖʙ ڟ ቡጌ Ă ڢ ϕሑ їߏ Ą ቡጌ ڟ...

Страница 9: ... эϴٖĂቜպ ۳ᛖ ڟ ኜ ؖ ኜϵϴٖʰĄ œ ቜϵϴٖʰኜʰ ี ڟ Ăઠϕሑ ݣ ชࢇĂ ఋ ڟ Ą œ ོढቜಫў ོӰ ོĂծቜ 2 э 4 ʡ ʰ ї ོĄ œ ϵྱ عס ڟ ѝ ĂቜշັĶպ ڟ ລరķ ݾڟ ΰ ї௩ Ą 8ࡲ ߏʟթ ʙᚉྫĂ ݚ ᚊဂ ފ ϴĄ œ Ѓ௩ ϴ ५ѿᇘᑆĂቜჄ ኛ ߁ ੦Ă ϴሣ ؖ Њཆၓྫ ᘰĄ œ ᓊఋχĈ ĶϴሣĞ2 5mğ ķ Ğ ܮܢ NW 60R6 052ğ ဇ ػ թరϴኪ œ ݚ ᚊպ ନĶϕሑթࢇЊϒળķ Ă ס ϵ ڟ ᑓዩ ޘؖ ʰĄ œ ᓊఋχĈ ĶϕሑթࢇЊϒળķ Ğ ܮܢ R 826CV 300Ĉ1 ନཆğཏ ቜ߁ཚ ኛ Ą œ ቜ ઠࠧ ڟ ᆿථᆨ૬Ąᆿථ ߏސ ʟ۳ ؒݻ ჄЊϒؒĄ œ ቜ ઠ ʮఋ ڟ อሲྭχᆨʮĄ œ ϵФஅ ॉ ᅢ ڟ ຣ ϴ ௩ ढĂ ФΆࡌ ї ႓ ڟ թ銹 ୩ĂቜྱϑჄ ...

Страница 10: ... 29ࡲ Ŝ ጇѰٖ ݸ ᓤᖇ ਰᗗढĂ ے ΰϕሑ വΡ લ ٷڑ Ą 28ࡲ ڣ ձ ϵ ᆺ ڟ ढ ҙ ڣ ᎵጅყϕᇁВ ቡ ຣ ݙ ௩ ס ᎵጅѾ ܓ ᇁВ eco ོᕽ ΰጷ ጇѰٖ ݸ ᓤᖇ 29ࡲ ᎵጅĶ ݨ ఀყϕķ ă Ķყϕķ ă Ķყϕ ķᇁВĄ 16 17ࡲ ௩ ס ѾᕠࣲϨІ ڪع ڟ ຣ ݙ Ą લቜ௩ ס ϵĶ ķ ڟ ѝ Ą Ѿᕠ 13ࡲ Ѿ 14ࡲ ௩ ס ѾᕠࣲϨІ ڪع ڟ Ѿ ܓ झَ Ķ ྫķ 11ࡲ Ķ ݨ Ѿᕠķ 13ࡲ Ķ ݨ Ѿ ķ 15ࡲ ߏʟԁ ჳ ق Ă ؚ Ф ڟ ΰ ҕ ጷ ڑڟ ဘĄ œ Ķყϕ ڟ ᇓķ ყϕᇺ ႓ Ą 22ࡲ 17ࡲ œ թ ጇѰᎿჲ œ ᓷಉᑗѾ ܓ ढĂ ྫʨ Ăଂ ོᕽढ ΰጷ ጷĄ 29ࡲ œ ʶ ΰၫ ພ 29ࡲ œ ᇀ ڟ ढĂ ь ΰ ጷĄ œጇѰ ٖ ڟ Ğ ސ ΰఋ ϒఋ ጷढ ڟ ᆇ Ąဂ...

Страница 11: ...ढպ Ą ௩ ߏס Ķ ྫķᇁВढĂ œ ϨѾᕠ ڟ ຣ ݙ ௩ ס ᕽߏྲྀࣵ ڟ Ѿ ܓ ຣ ݙ Ą œ ढ ݻ ᛉ ଂϕሑሑ ढ 30 ࠌ ʰ Ă Ѿᕠ ڟ LED ጷ ݙ ڟ ࣵĂ ྫĄ œ ઠѾ ܓ ᕽಲߏࣵ ڟ ढ Ăϕଽା ᝐ ăѾ ࡵ ܢ Ф ൖᓷĄЪʹ ࡵ ܢ Ѿ ڟ ൖढ ყϕढ ʶ ᅨ Ą ڣ ձ ٧ ձ պ ٲ ΰఋ ᆅढ Ķ ྫķᇁВ ᚉఋ ΰ ጷ ŏ ސ ϵᑗ ຣ ݙ 30 Că ڐࡵع ăᘰൿ ăЊ ס ढ ڟ ᆿລࢄĄ Ѿᕠࡵ ܢ ሑ ۣۖޜڐ ຣ ݙ ി Ą ۳Іь ყϕጠ ؚ ყఅ ڟ ϕีĄ ۳ІшᘸĂధՔᘸ Ρᔀࡵ ܢ Ą ᏽІѾ ࡵ ܢ Ăϕଽା ੁᕐĄ Ѿᕠ 12ࡲ 2 C 6 C ყϕ 16ࡲ 20 C 18 C ϕຣ 13ࡲ 3 C 0 C ʰ ʮ Ѿ 14ࡲ 20 C 18 C ѳຣѾ 15ࡲ 23 C 20 C લຣ ݙ ѳ ڟ ѳຣ۳ІĄ...

Страница 12: ...ޜ ʰ ቡВᅹ ޜ ס ᅹ ޜ Ѿᕠ ຣ ݙ ๐ᐖዢ ቡВ ޜڐ ޜڐ Ğ ʰğ ޜڐ Ğ ğ ޜ Ğ14 ğ ቡВᅹ ޜ ʮ ዢ ޜڐ ϕຣ ӤఀѾᕠ ѾॉҚ ʿ œ ᓙᇥᇥ ܢࡵڟ ĂቜІ ع ϵѾॉຣ ݙ ѳ ڟ ʰᅹೞ ޜ ĄЃَ ع ϵຣ ݙ ๐ᐖዢۣۖ ڟ བྷĂ ຣ ݙ ๐ᐖዢ Ф ુ ѳ ڟ ٷ Ą œ ϰߏѾॉҚ ʿ ۣۖڟ Ăຣ ݙ ᝐѳ ڟ ᘰ ĂϰЪቜ ࡌ ع ϻ ؖܢࡵڟ ᝬཆ टĄҏ ڟ བྷ ൖ Ą ٧ ձ ...

Страница 13: ... ᚘ ၫພĄ œ ع ϵ ڟ ఋ ྲྀӤѾ ܓ Ą ĞѾॉҚ ʿ ğ œϰߏຣ ݙ ᝐѳĂቜ ع ྲྀϻ ؖܢࡵڟ ᝬཆ टĄҏ ڟ བྷ ൖ Ą 2 3 Ķ ݨ Ѿᕠķ ོᕽढ ጷĂ ڟ ΰ ጷ ၫພ ŏ ΰພጷ ݸ ᓤພጷ œ ࡌᘰఖϕሑ ढĂቜਜ਼Ά ʣ ݣ ϔᘰఖѾᕠ Ąϵ ڑ ဘᘰ ढĂϕሑ ăᅹ ăࡵ ܢ Фক ڟ ٷ Ą œ ϕሑ ఖЩᆵ ػ Ꮬᒅă ϕሑֺ ᑆ ݙ ढĂዩʰ Фਔᘴ୪ණĂѾॉ ࡳʿ ֺڟ Фᛩ ൖĄ œ ЃَФ ܢࡵؖ Θଶຖ ढĂቜ ఀᐢੁĄ œ ՒႻ ᏺྎհ ϻ ܢࡵڟ Ăቜ ࡌ ع ʣϕຣ Ąࡵ ܢ ൖϕĄ ٧ ձ ݸ ᓤ ΰ ጷ ቡ Ѿᕠ ຣ ݙ ӽᝐ ݙ ϕຣ œ લቜպ ņ Ň ڟ ѝ Ąຣ ݙ ϰպ ନχфФ ؚ ᝐ Ą œ ጇѰఋ ڟ ཏ պ В 10ࡲ œ ቡ ԁ ڟ ຣ ݙ ढ 28ࡲ œ ௩ ס ӽߏ ņ Ň ؖ ņࣵŇ ढĂ ϕຣ ڟ ຣ ݙ...

Страница 14: ...ᘸ ؖ ధᘸढĄ Ŝ 3 ᅹѾ Ă ઊ ϴІ ع ĂጌᅆϴН ރ Ą ኌ ػ І ع ᄯ ೈ۳І ٍڟ љĂ ؾ ᎊ ڟ ϕଽା Ą ʰᅹѾ ʮᅹѾ ˉχ ܢڐ ĂѾ ࡵ ܢ Ѿ ཆĂઝ ዢ Ѿ ࡵ ܢ Ăᚨ Ăϕଽା ᒡ ʮᅹѾ œઠʰᅹѾ ڟ ኟᇺ ᒡ Ă ۯ Ѱߏ ݨ Ѿ պ Ą œᒡ ཇቜ І ع 500mL ڟ อሲ୭Ą อሲ୭ ൖ ݣ ൬Ăዲ վĄ œቜ ઠᒡ ؖ ض ʮ ڢ պ Ą ࡵ ܢ ૬༣ Ѿ ݣڟ Ăዲ ഒ ٲ ᘰႧĄ ყϕ Ğь ყϕጠğ ڟ պ ٲ 16ࡲ ʰᅹѾ ʮᅹѾ Ğ ğ ʰᅹѾ థ႒ߏ ᒡ 5cm ߏ థ႒ߏ ʮᅹѾ థ႒ߏ ʰᅹѾ ѰᏽІѾ ཆăઝ ዢ ܮˉڟ Ѿ ࡵ ڪڟܢ ኟᇺĞ ݨ ఀѾ ğ ...

Страница 15: ... ᚊૌϵ ൿሑ ढ Ѱ ఀʙᔈĂၾු Ą œ ࡵ ؖܢ ސ ҏ ऎൿĂ ᘰႧʟฝĉ Ɩ ቜϵᘰൿ ڑڟ ဘᐮ ޥ ʙʮઝ ФഒᒁᄪĄ œ ސ ҏฬʣ ϻࡵ ܢ Ă ސ ҏʙЩ ع ʣʟ ු ֹڐࡵڟ ĉ Ɩ ቜᎳЈ ঽࡵ ڟܢ ݙ Ăᏽ ࡌ ුع ᆇᛪ ڟ ఖĄ Ɩ ࡵ ܢ ቜ ڪ ᄪІ ع Ą œ ʰᅹѾ ăᒡ ЃَԠФΓલЊཆ ڟ བྷĂ Фሑ ԠᘰЁ ڟ ٷ Ą Ɩ ቜሂჯ ސ ҏФሂဂЊཆĄ 21ࡲ 2 3 Ķ ݨ Ѿ ķ ོᕽढ ΰጷ ጷĂ ڟ ΰጷ ၫພ ŏ ݨ ఀѾ ੰᖠढ ႍ ٷ ʮ ቜᐮ ޥ ʙʮĂ ސ ࢨϰฝĉ ઊѾ ൖᓷăൖᛩ ϕଽା ઝ Ф ᄪ ڑڟ ဘ œ Ꮬᒅϴ ఖሑ պࡵ ڟܢ ຣ ݙ ʰ Ăϕଽା ᝐ Ą ٧ ձ ь ၫພ ݸ ᓤၫጷ ݸ ᓤ ΰ ጷ ΰ ጷ œ લቜպ ņ Ň ڟ ѝ Ąຣ ݙ ϰպ ନχфФ ؚ ᝐ Ą œ ጇѰఋ ڟ ཏ պ В 10ࡲ ...

Страница 16: ...ढĂ Ķ ķ ڟ ጷ ΰ ጷĄ 17ࡲ ᇀĂ ੁ ծ ੁᑍĄ ۳ኴ ٲ ڟ ቜ ັ 22ࡲ ཆϱ ᇀ ʨ ᐆ ڢ ය Ķ ᇀЊཆѝ ķ ڟ ሣߏ Ą ᇀĄ Ķ ķ ڟ ᚌΰጷ ਔĂ ු ސؖ ː ۖĶ ሣķढቜང Ą Έ ა Ą ၖ ሣĄ ϔཆϱ ᇀĄ ʣ ය Ķ ᇀЊཆѝ ķ ڟ ሣѝĄ ŏ ᇀชଇ ઠ ᜎ Ą ᜎ ቜγ ᐢੁĄ ь ז ყϕོᕽĂϵყ ϕ 裏ᏽϕĄ ၖ ѝ 4 ᇀЊཆѝ 5 ۑ Щყϕढă ސؖ ʙ ޑ ೈ ʰԠФყϕढĂቜጇѰĶყϕጠ ᇓķ Ą 22ࡲ ۑ Щպ ढĂశ ڟۑ ყϕ ᄯࡌ 24 ˉढ ʰĄ લ 2 Ƃ 3 ˉढ ყ 8 ᓻϕĄ ڣ ձ œ ቜ ᚉဥь ყϕጠ ڟ ጠଡఋ Ą ყϕᇺଋᕽढĂ Ф ฌ ڟ ϠᏎ ᚌҙ ყϕᓤ 1 ΰ ጷ ΰ ጷ ΰጷ ΰ ყϕᓤ ...

Страница 17: ... ʮᅹ Ѿ Ą œ ݚ ᚊպ ьվ ഔ ٴ Ѿ ݣܓ վყϕ ቜϩ ϴߺᘰጠᘰሂჯ ቴ ٷڑ Ą œϰ Ρʰ ڟ ୩ΥĂቜэ Ԑ ԁಲʙЩ Ăծ ዢĄ œպ Ҥᕴ ᙪ ڐ ቴ ڟ ᙪ ყѰϕีढĂ ΡΩѓ ڟ ΑĂ ސ ᙪ ڐ ቴЙ Ăϵ ΡʰഒࣛĄ œΏჳ ق प ؚ ಪ ڟ Ă ஒϫ ቴᆿລĄ œᓶഓ ᇀ ු ઊĂѮ ސ ϵ ᇀЊཆढԠФ ሂဂ ث ʣĂ Ķ ķ ΰጷʶ ΰ ጷĄЪढቜሂ ဂϴઠ ᇀ ث ʣэ ס ѝ Ą œ ʮ ڟ ٷ అЙყϕढ ᝐ Ą ࡶЩպ ढ ᄯය 24 ˉढ ϕሑ ϵϣʙढ ᏽІ ු ܢࡵڟ ढ Ѿ ؖ ყϕ ڟ ԠФᘰႧढ ϕሑ લ ଂƟᘰఖ ྫढ ϕᇺ ݣ Ͳֺ ڟ ॉຣѳ ڣ ձ ڣ ձ ڣ ձ ٧ ձ ٧ ձ 前 ϕᘤ ᏽϕුഁ ڣ ଜ ϕᘤ Ѿ ࡵ ܢ ᏽϕුഁ ڣ ଜ Ѿ ࡵ ܢ ϵཇ ฝĉ ϕᘤϵཇ ฝĉ ݸ ʮყϕᓤĂ Ķ ݨ ఀყϕķ ΰ ...

Страница 18: ...ሂဂ Ѿ ܓ Ą ѳሹَੁᑍ ڟ ӜĄ ʮ ڐ ᅶᆄʰ ڐ Ŝ ढ ࡌ ۳ᔀሰ ўሹඊ œ ጊ ቁ ࡰඊ ቁ ڟ ॉ จ ѿ ܢࡵڟ ʰढ œ ᏽІ צ ΐ Ӈ ڟ ሹඊ َ ؖ ढ œ ሹَᏽු ڟ ढ Ă ސؖ ː ཆ ڟ ሹඊϻ ڟ ढ œ ሹَ۳ᔀ ڟ ൖᓷढ œ ϰሹَ۳ᔀ ڟ ᑆ ྲྀݙ ĂϰІ ڟع ሹَු ؖ ႍᘸ ϣĂ ϵᅶᆄʰ ؖ ڐ ሹَ۳ᔀ ڟ థఋ ൖᛩ Ą ፖϻढ ဇࡵ ܢ అЙ ฌĂቜ ੁ ᐢ ݺ Ą œ ळጃอሲ୭ ڟ ႍᘸĂФղ ސ ᏽ ڟع Ą ʹăอሲ୭ ڟ ა ԠᘰႧʶ І ع Ą œ ʹ ຣ ݙ ѳढĂ ڟ ڐ ຣ ݙ ʶ ᝐѳĄ œ ሹَ۳ᔀ ڟ ቜယယ ڟ ఖĄЃ ఖʨු Ă ڢ γІ ع ܢࡵڟ Ğอሲ୭ ğ ᕚࢇĄ ٧ ձ ...

Страница 19: ...ΘଶढĂቜᐢੁ Ą ઠྫປನᏞૃನࣴ ئ ૬Ą ᐮ ޥ Ą ྫሣФ ᖽฝĉ ྫປನᏞവᇥฝĉ ੁ ᐢ и Ą ઠྫປನᏞሂဂನʣನࣴʰĄ œ ቜ պ ʮ ٍڟ љĄ ឃַؒࣵឃؒ ڟ ᆁ ؘ ᇓዘ д ڳ Ժ ί ٶ ᇥ ᄖ ಮവ ٶ ൃᚗዘ ਨႠ ၔΩዘ Ğቜሂჯ ᇓዘʰĶळጃࣜࣳ ܢܢ ቴ ے ΰ ےٲ ΰķ ڟ Ķଶؒķᚽğ œ ࡵ ٮ ޢ ٶ ጘᘸ َڟ Θ ࡵ ܢ ΘଶढĂቜਜ਼Άᐢੁ Ą œ պ ደ ء ढĂቜᎳЈ պ ʰ ڟ ٧ ձ Ą œ ႄᛡཆྺ ސؖ ҜᇺҜۣϵϕሑΏ ڟ ؖ ϕሑ ڟ ے ϫФ ϵ ॼ ے ʮ ཬĄ ሑ ฯཆ อሲ Ф ᝐѓ ڟ Ą œ ϰߏ ڐ ሑ ت ઢВࡗཾ ڟ ᚉ ʰ ฯФᇜ ዘĂቜ ᐢ ݺ Ъఋ Ą ᇜ ዘ ސ ஒϫࡵ ܢ Ρ ڟٲ ᆿລĄ ٧ ձ ٧ ձ 1 2 3 4 ϕሑ ϕሑʹ ڟ ૭ ૭ढĂቜʙ ࡌס ӰྫປನᏞૃನࣴ ئ ૬Ą ᚌҙ...

Страница 20: ... ط ਔĄ œ ЊཆढĂቜઠʮ ڐ ࠏ ఋ ನʣऱ Ͳڟ ޜ Ăઠʮ ڟ ڐ ᘞሢЊཆϵऱ ޜ ʰĄ ЊཆढĂӰᅹ ޜ ನ ع శ ݣ ĂӰᅹ ޜ ി ط ծ Ą Ğઠᅹ ڟޜ 鈎К૮ϵశ ڟ χʰğ œ վăઠ ʮ 2 ڟ Кྙ ض ծ ʮĄ œ ി ط ծ ʮĄ œ ઠ ϒఋ Ă ി ط ծ Ą 1 Ӱᅹ ޜ ി ط Ă Ą Ѓ Ăઠᅹ ޜ 竪ਔ ݣ ᕚᕽă ਸ਼Ą 2 ڢ Ӱᅹ ޜ Ф ฌሑ ڟ Ą ٧ ձ 1 2 3 œࡌ ਸ਼ χढĂቜϑ ਸ਼ ع ϵ χʰ ݣ ܢࡵڟ ϔ ਸ਼ χĄ œቜ ਸ਼ ཇ ؚ ჳ ڟق χ ʹ ڟ χĄ ๑ࡌ ਸ਼ྭχվ ૭ ढĂቜϩ ཷ وڟࡲ ػ ਜ਼ ཚĄ ٧ ձ ऱ ...

Страница 21: ... ڟ ٲ ʮᅹѾ ሑ ޜڐ ყϕ ʰᅹѾ ყϕ ʰᅹѾ ሹَ۳ᔀ ʮᅹѾ ЊཆѾ ढĂቜઠʮᅹϕ ࠏ ڟ ఋ ϩ ऱ ठ ڟ Տನʣ ס Ą ቜઠ ठ ڟ ཆ ನʣʮᅹѾ ʹڟ Ą œ ʙᘞᄆိ ఋ ʙᘞಪ ۯ Ą ϴ ס ЊཆढĂቜӇϒཆʣ శ Ą œ Έ Ăϩ Ą Њཆ Ăઠ 4 ڟ ࠏਔཆʣऱ ڟ Տ Ą 1 Έ ݣ Ă ᒡ Ą ϩʰ ʮᅹѾ Ą 2 Ŝ ت ઢВሑ ڟ Њཆ ٲ ऱ ऱ ऱ ऱ ָָ ཆ ...

Страница 22: ... ڟ ϕჄ Ăᐢ ੁݺ Ą ᇀཇ ʮ ڟ Ă ᙷᛉ ڢ պ Ą 3 ᚘ Ă ΰਰᗗăᚌౢዢ ʙ ڢ ᛪĄ ጇѰ Ķყϕጠ ᇓķ ढϵఊ ഒ ٲ Ą ጇѰ Ķყϕጠ ᇓķ ĂЃَΈ ϕሑ ڟ ψѤʙ ढĂ Ф ഒ ٲ ΓલོѰĄ ቜϵყϕጠ ᇓོѰൖԂ ࡌ ଂϕሑ Ą ϕሑ ᚌΰΡ௩ ס ϵ ڑڟ ဘʮᚌΰᒐʶ വ ᒐᛪĄ 29ࡲ 2 3 5 ࠌ ę ę ę ęČ ߏʟթ വΡᎿჲ ڟ ጇѰĂ ቜ ع ϵሣ ʮĄ Ŝ ቜ ᚉဥь ყϕጠ ڟ ጠଡఋѝĄ œ ყϕᇺଋᕽ ڟ ढ Ă Ф ฌ ڟ ٷ Ą ᚌҙ ყϕ ݸ ў 5 ࠌ ʰ ۑ Щպ ढƟʙ ʰԠФպ ढ ᇀ ყϕᇺ ყϕᇺჄ Ą ጇѰ ቜሂჯ ʮձ Ą ႓ Ğყϕጠ ᇓğ œ ᇀ ސ ҏФཆ ᇀ ސ ҏཆ௩ϵΓሂѝ œყϕ Ф ॼϕีढቜ ਸ਼ ሂჯӇʟ ݣ ቜጇѰʮʙ ԏ Ą ढĂ ቜձϑᐢ ݺ ॼ ڟ Ą ...

Страница 23: ...ϕᇺ ྀ ڟ Ф ଂ Ąʙ ਸ਼ყϕᇺĂ ઠऱ ʣծᘰʰ ؚ Ф ڟ Ă ϵ ݸ ʮ ņყ ϕŇ ݸ ᓤĂ௩ ߏס Ķ ķ Ą ʟʙ ढ ყϕᇺ ڟ ᛮ ྀ ڟ ລరӇЙ ݣ Ă ۯ ЊཆĄ ڣ ձ ݸ ᓤպ ΰ ጷ ݸ Ķ ķ պ ΰ ጷ ጷ ʙБ ᇓʙЩ ढ պ ढ Ԑ ᇓʙЩ œ ቜઠઝ ૃ ᇀა ʮĂ ޙ ڟ ॕႭ ੁ Ą œ ა ٲ œ ᘰა ٲ Ҥ೩শ ڟ ьվ ؾ Ρ ܱ വᔇĂߏʟթ ᖕඃ ᒅ ቜ ס ೈ ᇀĄ ᕭა ڐ ઝ Ğ ğ ቜૃ ᇀა ݣڟ ನʣĂ ሐᏞ ϩᘰʰĄ Ğ ݣ ğ ა ᔮ ᇀ ၖ ሣ ሣ ᇀ œ ᙪ ăˢ ă ዢ ڟ ăѾ Ğ Ҥ೩ শ ڟ ğ Ăቜʭ ᇓʙЩĄ ڣ ձ 1 Υଋᕽაʰ ʮվĄ ݾ ӴൿКহ ઠ ᔮ ૃ ཇ ʮվĄ ڟ ޙ ॕႭ ੁ Ą 2 3 Ğԁಲ ڟ અລ 3 Ƃ 4 Бğ 28ࡲ ᔮႩ ቜ ࡌպ ᇓዘ Ą ყϕᇺ Кহ œ ყϕ ...

Страница 24: ...ු ސ ҏФӋఋය శ ᏽϕߨሣĉ 17ࡲ œ ढ ፖᏽൿԠպ ڟ ᕟϕีĂ ьഓᝐˉĂ ϵʙਔĄ œ ސ ҏᏜᒅϴಶ Ă ސ ҏʙЩІ ع ʟ ු ֹڐࡵڟ ĉϕሑ ڟ ຣ ݙ ʰ Ăፖᏽ ڟ ϕีĂ ᝐˉ ծ ϵʙਔĄ œ Ф ސ ሑ تؖ ઢʙढԠᘰႧĄ œ ყϕᇺཇ ڟ ු ү ढĂ ൖЙ ϵʙਔ ڟ ϕีĄ Ɩ ቜཐཐ ᇀ ڟ ၖ ሣĄ 16ࡲ ʹऱ ԠФЊཆϵΓሂѝ ढĂ Ρۣൿ ڟ ϕี 23ࡲ œ ყϕᇺཇФ ฌĂϕีൖЙढĂᘲ ૃყϕᇺʰ ʮվĂ ϵʙਔĄ ϻЩവΡϣᆺ ٷ ढĂቜჄ ኛ ߁ ੦Ă ཐԁಲყϕᇺĄ œ ސ ϰߏ ϵ ڟ ॉ پ ϵϕีཇ ʟĄ Ɩ ސ લĄ œ ᙪ ყϕʟฝĉ Ɩ ҤФ ڟ ᙪ ڐ ൖ ᝐΩф ጪĄ պϵ ཇᎊ ʟʶ ФΩѓ ጪĂ ഒࣛĄ œ ყϕ ڟ Ķ ݨ ఀყϕķ Ķყϕķ ڟ ΰጷ ൿฝĉ Ɩ ь ყϕጠΓϵყϕढ վĄቜᔈ Ķ ķ...

Страница 25: ... ݙ ంၚʰ ĄᏜᒅϴ ఖ ސؖ ढ ಶ ൿ ڟ བྷĂϕሑ ڟ ຣ ݙ ᘲ ʮ Ą Ɩ ཐ ఖЩᆵĂ ఀϴ ఖ Ą Ѿ Ѿ ൖᓷ ൖᛩ ϕଽା ሂჯࡵ ڟڐ І ٷڑع œ ࡵ ؖܢ ސ ҏ ऎൿĂ ᘰႧʟฝĉ Ɩ ቜϵᘰൿ ڑڟ ဘᐮ ޥ ʙʮઝ ФഒᒁᄪĄ œ ސ ҏฬʣ ϻࡵ ܢ Ă ސ ҏʙЩ ع ʣʟ ු ֹڐࡵڟ ĉ Ɩ ቜᎳЈ ঽࡵ ڟܢ ݙ Ăᏽ ࡌ ුع ᆇᛪ ڟ ఖĄ Ɩ ࡵ ܢ ቜ ڪ ᄪІ ع Ą œ ʰᅹѾ ᒡ ЊཆЁʟฝĉ Ɩ ቜΓሂЊཆЁĄ 21ࡲ ሂჯ௩ ס ຣ ݙ œ ސ ҏ௩ ߏס Ķ ྫķᇁВĉቜཌਸ਼Ķ ྫķᇁВĄ 11ࡲ œ ຣ ݙ ௩ ߏס Ķࣵķढ ސ Ѿ ܓ Ą Ɩ Ѿ ܓ ڟ ຣ ݙ ௩ ס ቜ ಲߏĶ ķ ؖ Ķ ķ Ą 13 15ࡲ œ ϵࣇ ן Ăྫϕሑ ڟ ᑗ ຣ ݙ ฝĉ ƖѾ ܓ ڟ ຣ ݙ ௩ ס ቜ ಲߏĶ ķ Ą ሂჯЊཆ ...

Страница 26: ...Ą Ɩ Ъढቜ ੁ ᐢ ݺ ĄӰຣ ݙ ௩ ס ቡэĶ ķ ڟ ෦ Ą œ ሹَ۳ᔀ ڟ ᏽІ ڟ ᑆ ݙ ߏސ ʟ ሹَੁᑍĂ ʴ۳І ؚ ௩ࡎ ڟ Ɩ Ѓَϵ ሹَ۳ᔀ ڟ ᑆ ݙ Ăቜઠࡵ ڐ ۳ᔀሰ ᕭ ݣ ϵ ع ʣሹَ۳ᔀ Ą œ ൖᛩ ϻढĂ ፖϵሹَ۳ᔀ ڟ Ą Ɩ ቜ ੁ ᐢ ݺ Ą Ѿ ൖʟ œ ຣ ݙ ቡ ߏĶ ķʟฝĉƖቜ௩ ߏס Ķ ķ Ą 13 15ࡲ œ ᑗ ຣ ސݙ ҏ 5 C ʮֹĉƖֺ ຣ ݙ ѳ ڟ ढ Ăϕሑ Ф Ѿ ڟ ٷ Ąቜઠຣ ݙ ቡ ߏ Ķࣵķ Ą 13 15ࡲ œ ቜ ࡌ ع ϵѾॉҚ ʿ ڟ Ą ൖᛩ ሑ ѳ ᎋ ޯଇ ሑ ѳ ᎋ ሑ ޯଇ ᘰ ढ ڟ ᘰʰ ݣ ϔγ Έ ढ๐ Ϭʨ œ Ф ސ ௩ ϴ ԠФ Ą Υ ػ ϴٖ ʰᏽ ුࡧڟڐع պሑ ʮԖ ࢨڟ ϰĂሑ ФᎿѝĄ Ɩ ؒ ʰԠФੰᖠĂ ັᕟպ Ă ڟ བྷĂཐཐቡጌ ڟ ...

Страница 27: ...ğ ь ყϕጠ ڟ ᒐࡱ ĞౘƂğ Ğ ੨ ੨ğ Ğ ܥ 噃 ܥ 噃ğ ߏސ ʟѾ ྫܓ ϕሑ ڟ Ѿ౬ ᒐ ᎊᓷढ ڟ ᒐ ბവᒐĄ ސ Ѿᕠࣲ ڟ ຣ ݙ ᝐ ढĂఋχ ڟ ᆞᐢᒐĄ ߏʟѾ ܓ ϕሑ ོז Ѱढ ڟ ᒐࡱĄ ސ ૡ ࣲ ຣ ྫڟݙ ॉఋχ ོڟ ѰᒐĄ ސ ϕีૃь ყϕጠ ڟ ყϕᇺᖔ༣ढĂ ყϕᇺཇ ढ ڟ ᒐࡱĄ ᇀ ڟڪ ढ Ԑ ˉढʶ വ ᒐࡱĄ Ķ ķ ΰ ጷ ڟ བྷ ყϕ Ă വ ᒐࡱĄ 17ࡲ ᒐࡱ ڟ വΡປ ᚉ ጠ ๐ᚈ ු ྫڟ Ѿᕠ ጇѰ ٖ ڟ ΰጷၫພ ሑ Фˉ ڟ ྫගጠ Нࡱጠ വΡФᖕࡱ ގ ۆڟ ค อሲྭχʰФ ฌ ʙᆺ ڟ ሣ ሑ ؖ థ ʰФٰ ޯؖ ӯ œ ྫϕሑ ળФᏗྫĂЊϒʰԠФੰᖠĄ Ɩ ڟ བྷĂ ݚ ᚊဂ ފ ϴĄ 9ࡲ œ ጇѰൖԂ ݣ Ă 2 ᚘ Ѕ ΰጷ ၫພĄѮ ݨސ Ѿོᕽ ڟ ΰ eco ོᕽ ΰጷ ጷ...

Страница 28: ... ढ ϵྤٖ ڟ ᛡٖఋ Фਔᘴ ڟ ୪ණĄ ਔᘴढቜཌਸ਼௩ ס Ą œ ئ ਸ਼ನᏞϔನʣĂ ݮྫ ސؖ ಈռྫढઠ ཌਸ਼௩ ס Ą œ ྤٖ ڟ ᛡٖఋ ڟ ௩ ס 1 ଂʮᅹѾ Ą 2 ϵᘰఖѾᕠ ڑڟ ဘʮ ݻ ᛉ ݸ ўጇѰఋņѾ Ňᓤ 3 ࠌ ʰ ڢ വ Ķ ķᒐĄ ྫ 1 3 ๑ࡌϔЩᝐԁ ྫ ढĂቜࡧቒጇѰ 2 ڟ ԏ Ą 4 ᘰఖʮᅹѾ Ą ཌਸ਼௩ ס ढĂϵ 4 ڑڟ ဘʮĂቜጇѰ 1Ă2 ڟ ԏ Ą ᚌΰᒐĶ ķᛪढĂ ے ΰཌਸ਼௩ ס Ą œ ቜ ኧĶ ོढķ Ą 7ࡲ ΰਰᗗᇁВ ࢨڟ ϰ ቜሂჯ ყϕᇺ ᏽϕුഁ ڣ ଜʰĂФࡵ ܢ ᚉ ൿ ڟ Ą ҙ ڣ Ф લĄ ϵყϕ ఊყϕĶ ķढ ਰᗗĄ ሑ ಶ ʟ 1 ᚘ ʰ ڑڟ ဘĄ Ğ ԠᘰႧ ğ Γϵ їĶყϕጠ ᇓķ Ą ቜӰყϕ ᚢ ݣڪ ဂ ފ Ķყϕጠ ᇓķ Ą ቜჄᓊඵ ڟ ኛ ੦߁Ą ቜሂჯ P 2...

Страница 29: ...ΰᒐᘰ૬ ݣ ĂጇѰٖ ڟ Ѕ ΰጷ ڟ ਰᗗʶ ĄЪʹጇѰࡱʶ ĂѮĶყϕ ᇓķ ڟ ᚌΰᒐᓙ വ ᒐᛪĄ œ ᆅढĂϕሑ ᚌΰᒐ௩ ס ϵ വ ᒐࡱ ڑڟ ဘĄ œ ئ ਸ਼ྫປನᏞϔನʰನᏞढĂ ݮݣྫ ؖ ಈռྫढĂϕሑ ᚌౢࡱ ݮ ಈ ࢨվ ڟ ௩ ס Ą ŏ30 ࠌ ݣ Ă Ф௩ ྫ ߏס ᇁВढϕሑ ᚌΰᒐ ᛪĄ ሑ ᚌΰᒐ ۣސ ᚴ ػ Ѿᕠ ყϕ ʮᅹѾ ሹَ۳ᔀ Ą ʰᅹѾ ԠФۣЪ ڣ ձ ڣ ձ ሑ ᚌౢዢ ጇѰఋᖇ ס ሑ ڟ Έ ढ 1 ᚘ ݣ ā 30 ࠌᚘ ݣ ŏ 2 ᚘ ݣ ā ᚌౢࡱ ę ę ę ę ę ę ę ę ę ę ę ጇѰఋ ਰᗗ ਰᗗ ਰᗗ 3 ᚘ ݣ ā ᛉ ᛪĄ ਰᗗ ę ΰ ጷ ΰ ጷ 3 ࠌ 3 ࠌ œቜᘰఖ ؚ Ф ڟ ڟ ٷ ʮ ї௩ ס ጇѰĄ 10ࡲ ٧ ձ ݻ ᛉ ݸ ʮ ݸ ᓤ 3 ࠌ ݻ ᛉ ݸ ʮ ݸ ᓤ 3 ࠌ ę 3...

Страница 30: ...30 MEMO ...

Страница 31: ...uickly Quick Ice Making 45 Water Supply indicator lamp 45 Ice making time and an amount of ice 45 VEGETABLE COMPARTMENT 46 Lower Case Spacious Upper Case 46 HOW TO MAINTAIN HOW TO MAINTAIN HOW TO CARE THE INNER OUTER OF THE REFRIGERATOR 47 When dirt is found 47 Power Plug 47 How to care the inner outer of the refrigerator 47 HOW TO REMOVE PARTS 48 HOW TO MAINTAIN THE AUTOMATIC ICE MAKER 50 When us...

Страница 32: ...shock Connect the power plug firmly to a power outlet with the cord running down Connection of the power plug with the cord running up could apply stress on the cord and cause electrical short or overheat which could result in electrical shock or fire Incomplete connection of the power plug could result in electrical shock or fire due to heat Take measures to prevent overturning of refrigerator du...

Страница 33: ...ire precise conditions for storage cannot be stored in a domestic refrigerator Do not use flammable sprays near the refrigerator Sparks from points of electrical contact such as door switches may ignite a fire Do not put water containers on the refrigerator Spilled water may impair insulation of electrical components causing faulty electrical currents This may result in electric shock or fire Do n...

Страница 34: ...t Pg 36 Leakage of the refrigerant may accumulate and cause ignition and explosion Please consult your dealer or the Recycle Hotline 0800 085 717 of the Recycle Centers in the Environmental Protection Administration when discarding the unit If the refrigerant is wet it may cause ignition and explosion Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited In case of emergency When discarding the unit Stop the refrigera...

Страница 35: ... with wet hands This may cause frost injury Especially in the case of metal items When two or more doors are being opened or another person is using the refrigerator make sure fingers do not get caught Fingers may get caught in the spaces between doors causing injury Do not put the glass bottles in the Freezer Compartment Bottles may break from the contents freezing and cause injury Do not put you...

Страница 36: ...s in the floor surface because of the soft floor material and the addition of food weight This does not affect the refrigerator function Adjust the refrigerator adjustable mount to keep it level according to the procedure listed below if you want to correct it Correcting any left right lean and lifting slightly the front side of the refrigerator until the door can close easily and completely To re...

Страница 37: ...on before use for installing the refrigerator in a new location Pg 36 It is recommended to ground the refrigerator to prevent possible electrical shock Contact your dealer to ground the refrigerator or install an earth leakage circuit breaker if the refrigerator is installed in especially damp and humid places Option Earth wire 2 5m Parts No NW 60R6 052 Do not remove the sticker from the back of t...

Страница 38: ... select a mode from 急 速製冰 Quick Ice Making 製 冰 Ice Making and 停止 Stop Ice Making Pg 45 Set temperature for each compartment Normally use the MID setting Refrigerator Compartment Pg 41 Freezer Compartment Pg 42 Set a cooling mode for each compartment ņ節電 Energy Saving Ň Pg 39 急冷藏 Quick Cooling Pg 41 急冷凍 Quick Freezing Pg 43 All the indicator lamps are lit for the sake of explanation œ 製冰機清潔 Ice Mak...

Страница 39: ...conds Automatic temperature control lowers cooling loads which may cause ice cream to get soft and frost to form on frozen food It also requires longer freezing time and ice making time Notice Caution Display Area Factory default setting Energy Saving mode Push Area 1 beep Light ON Name of each compartment Food stored Store the ice cubes made by auto ice making function Meat fish and other fresh f...

Страница 40: ...n t place any juicy food and or canned beverage near the Cold Air Blowout Port As it may be frozen Caution LED lamp Height adjustable upper shelf Height adjustable middle shelf Fixed shelf Refrigerator Compartment Temperature Sensor Height adjustable pockets Pocket Upper right Pocket Middle Egg stand for 14 items Height adjustable lower shelf Double door pockets Chill room Cold Air Blowout Port Qu...

Страница 41: ...uminated during the 急冷 Quick Cooling Operation Other indicator lamps are turned off Light OFF Light OFF pushing the button 4 beeps 2 beeps Slide case Close the door of the Refrigerator Compartment while the slide case is in place The door cases or foods may damage if closing the door while cases are not in place Too many times of opening closing of the door or high humidity around the refrigerator...

Страница 42: ...e case Slide Case Lower freezer case Small item and frozen food etc Freezing bag Airtight container etc Frozen food and bread Ice cream etc Moving the aluminium tray in the Upper Freezer to the left side of the Slimline slide case it can be used as the Quick Freezing Corner Do not store any 500ml PET bottle in the Slimline slide case It may not be taken out because it expands when it is frozen Do ...

Страница 43: ...nt may rise if opening closing the Refrigerator Compartment door frequently Warm food such as rice can be easily frozen by this function Make sure that you never burn yourself when putting hot food in It is recommended to put it in after it is cooled down to 60 C and under Pushing the 冷却モード button again within 60 minutes after the end of the 急冷凍 Quick Freezing operation the lamp is illuminated but...

Страница 44: ...Add water line replenish water Open the lid and add water Water level can not exceed Container full line Replace the Water Supply Container Push it beyond the Container set position line Water may spill out if the water supply container is inclined Wipe off spilled water immediately Ice making starts automatically and ice is stored in the Ice case Container full line 4 Container set position Conta...

Страница 45: ...uthority Change water and clean the container at least once a week for hygiene purposes If the ice made of mineral water containing a lot of mineral ingredients is put into water white powder may come out however this is due to those mineral ingredients and harmless Required to satisfy the appropriate water quality standard 給水 Water Supply may come on regardless of water level if the water supply ...

Страница 46: as scallion leeks and shallots When storing the vegetables and or fruits which were used partially When the amount of the stored vegetables is small or many wrapped vegetables are stored When it is undesirable that dew occurs in the Vegetable Compartment Dew may adhere to the spacious upper case or the ceiling in the Vegetable Compartment depending on the volume type of vegetables because the h...

Страница 47: ...t Check the following matters Is any damage found on the power cord Does the power plug become hot Remove the dust and wipe it with a dry cloth Connect the power plug firmly to a power outlet Do not use the following ones Alkaline and alkalescence detergent for kitchen plate powder powder soap oil hot water scrubbing brush acid benzine thinner alcohol and bleach etc Make sure to wipe off spilled c...

Страница 48: to the interior wall then slightly lift up the back of the shelf and push it in hitch the forks of the shelf to the parts on the back of the shelf Draw the shelf and pull off the two pins on the lower right and remove it Slightly lift up and pull out Pull out the case to the full lift the front side slightly and then remove it 1 Slightly lift up the back of the shelf and draw it Raise the shelf...

Страница 49: ...e of the Lower freezer case Lift up the door pocket while tapping the left right of its bottom surface and remove it It is fixed a little tightly Insert the door pocket fully to the end when installing it Draw the door fully and lift up the case towards you Insert the left and right pins four pins of the case into the square leg hole on the frame to install it 1 Draw the door fully and draw the Sl...

Страница 50: ...t be interrupted If you open any of the refrigerator doors during Ice Maker Cleaning the cleaning may not work properly Do not open or close the door until cleaning is completed Door alarm sounds even if alarm is disabled Pg 57 2 3 About 5 seconds 1 beep 4 long beeps To prevent malfunction lay the towel so that its thickness does not reach this line Do not put your hand in the mechanical part of t...

Страница 51: ...tray Notice Push this button to turn on the indicator lamp Press this button to turn on the 停止 Stop indicator lamp Light ON Clean it once a year If it is not used for a long time Clean it once a week Remove the seal from the lid and wash it with a soft wash sponge How to open the lid How to close the lid Water which doesn t contain chlorine may easily cause slime and or fur compared with tap water...

Страница 52: ...the refrigerator rises and stored ice becomes small or sticks together The door or the drawer compartment may not have been closed completely Ice sticks together if the amount of water supplied to the ice tray is not even Add water until water level reaches to the Container full line of the water supply container Pg 44 If the frame is set to the right place ice cubes may be stuck Pg 51 If the ice ...

Страница 53: ...oes any food or package caught in the door prevent the door from closing completely Check that there is not any space between the door seal and its contact surface when the door is closed Is food squeezed in or Is a large amount of food put in at a time Make sure that any food does not protrude beyond the storage height limit of each compartment and do not store the amount of food that may prevent...

Страница 54: ... vegetables from drying and to make them last longer If it is undesirable that dew adheres to the stored vegetables wrap them with the plastic film Water may drop into cases placed in the Vegetable Compartment due to dew concentration Wipe off it with a dry cloth Refrigerator cools overly Foods freeze 強 MAX is selected in the temperature setting Switch it to 中 MID Pg 41 43 The surrounding temperat...

Страница 55: ... are thin lines like scratches on the plastic parts There are waving and or distortions on the door surface the side and the top surface of the refrigerator The refrigerator may be charged with static electricity but there is no problem with the safety It is recommended to ground if you want to remove it Pg 37 The displayed character will disappear about 2 minutes after the operation finishes Howe...

Страница 56: ... the parts number RJK 30100 to buy the replacement water filter Ice making capacity is the same with a water filter removed Flashing Temperature settings for Refrigerator and Freezer Compartments can be adjusted by nine levels more finely than the three levels ࣵ MIN 中 MID and 強 MAX 1 Open the door of the Lower Freezer Compartment 2 Push and hold the 冷藏 button on the Control Panel for five seconds ...

Страница 57: ...t for 3 seconds If eco Operation indicator lamp isn t illuminated check the following things Is the eco Operation indicator lamp set as Off Perform the above mentioned procedure for how to return Immediately after installation when a lot of food is stored at a time or when you open or close a door frequently the compressor operates at a high speed and this indicator lamp is not lit Open close the ...

Страница 58: ...58 MEMO ...

Страница 59: upper shelf Height adjustable middle shelf Height adjustable lower shelf Fixed shelf Shelf abouve the Chill room Chill room Ice case Upper Freezer case Spacious Upper Case Lower Case Slimline slide case Slide case Lower freezer case Do not store any ice cubes other than the ones made by the automatic ice maker Pg 43 ቜ І ސ ع Ώь ყϕጠყЙ ڟ ϕีĄ 17ࡲ 13 5kg 13 5kg 7 5kg 5 5kg 3 0kg 3 5kg 5 5kg 10 0kg...

Страница 60: ...ʭ 65 2ᇂāྫབྷĈ Ğ02ğ 2516 0500 γࣜྫႩমĈwww hsct com tw γ ࣜ ྫ Ӭ ʙ ᛔ ے Ӭ TELĈ 02 2771 8200 ۆ ሸӬ TELĈ 03 852 9400 ᖿӬ TELĈ 03 491 2219 Ӭ TELĈ 04 2220 1133 Ӭ TELĈ 05 236 1943 ܒ Ӭ TELĈ 06 260 6939 Ӭ TELĈ 07 522 9100 R S42CMJ R S42CMJL A ...
