Hitachi J300 E4 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание J300 E4

Страница 1: ...HITACHI INVERTER J300SERIES INSTRUCTION MANUAL Three pllase input 400V class J300 E4 European version Hitachi Ltd NBsosx Tokyo Japan ...

Страница 2: ...not avoided canresult in seriousinjury or death CAUTION Indicatesa potentiallyhazardous situationwhich if not avoided canresult in minor to moderatcinjury or seriousdamageofproduct The mauersdesc bedunderf CAUTtdfl may if noravoided leadto seriousresultsdependingon thesituation Imponant mattersar e described in CAUTION aswell asWARNING sobe surcto obsene rhem NOTE Notesindicatean areaor subjectof ...

Страница 3: ...FORE wORKlNcONTHTS CONTROL I 4rmnrtlc sEpARATE MoroRovERcuRRENr ovERLoAD NDotER I HEATTNC PROTECTION tS REQUTRED TO BE PROVTDED rN ACCORDANCE I I I l CAUTION These instrucrions should beread andclearly un t rtoodb io kinr l l I J300 series equipment I l CAUftOlr Proper ground disconnecting de ices andoth r uf ty d ui J hJl I location aretheresponsibility of theuser andarenotprovided byHitachi Ld I...

Страница 4: ...gmainssupplyclos to theinverter Additionally aprotEction devicemeetingIEC947 l lEC947 3mustbefitted atthispoint protectiondevicedatashownin page5 8 Acaunol EMTfilterisreouired for EMCdirective The aboveinstructions together with any other requirements hiehlighted itr this manual must becomplied with for cotrthued LVD compliance I WARNING Thisequipment hashighleakage currentandmustbeperminadyhand w...

Страница 5: ...TheDate Operation ManualNo No Revision Contents oflssue RevisionHistoryTable ...


Страница 7: ...sofwhich aremissing Otherwise thereis a dangerof injury a Be sureto installit in a roornwhich is not exposedto directsunlight andis well ventilated Avoid environments which tendto behigh in temperature high in humidity or to havedew condensation aswell as placeswith dust conosivegas explosivegas inflammablegas grinding fluidmist saltdamage etc Otherwise thereis a dangerof fire a Be surethatthewall...

Страница 8: ...tihingonthiscancause unintentional triggerings of earthleakage circuit breakers Because of thercctifier on thelnput sirleof theinverterthereisthepossibility to stalltheswitchoff function through amounts of Dc current Thefollowingshould be observed Onlyshorttime invariant andpulsecurent sensitive earthleitkage circuitbreakers withhighert ggercurentshould beused Othercomponents should besecured with...

Страница 9: ...ter areprovided withthephase failureprotection onthepower supply 2 Whenabuzzer lamp noisefilteror transformer isconnected between theinputpower terminals L1 L2 L3 andinputpowerfuses inputphase failurecannot beprotected Ll L2 L3 Badexample Goodexample Powersupply ...

Страница 10: ... it mayincurdangerto p rsonnel besureto makeacircuit sothatit will notEstartafterpowerrccovery Otherwise thereis adangerof injury a TheStopKeyis effective onlywhe ihefunctionis set Besureto p 6 l prepare theKey separately from tbeemergency stop Otherwise thereis a dangerof injury a After theop rationcommand is given if thealarrnresetis conducted p 6 l it will restartsuddenly Besureto setthealarmre...

Страница 11: ...ween l and connected Wasthedirectionofthe motorcorrect Wasthe invenerripped duringacceleration or deceleration Weretherpm andfrequencymetercorrect Werethereany abnormalmotorvibrationsor noise J Maintenance inspection andpart replacement i unrurNo Aftera lapsc of morcthan10minutes afterturningoff theinputpower uppl pcdorm rhcmeinlenance andinspection Otherwise thereis adaneer ofelectricshock o Make...

Страница 12: ... nltower is applied Also tlo not checksignalsduring oPeratiotr a Do not stoD peration by switching off th electromagneticcontactorson the primsry oi s condrry sid sof lhe Inverter Earth Tum ON andOFF Cod exanple Whentherehasbeenaninstantaneous powerfailure and ifanoperationinstruction hasbetnsiven thentbeunil mayrestart operation afterthepowerfailurehas ended If thereiia possibility thalsuchanoccu...

Страница 13: ...gth especially whenthedistance between themotorandinverter is 10m or more andcablingmethod mayoccurat themotoa terminal A dedicated filterofthe 4O0 V class for suppressing thissurge voltage is available Please orderone PROTECTIONAGAINST NOISEINTERFERENCEFROM INI ERTER Theinverter uses manysemiconductor switching elements suchastransistors and IGBTS Thus aradiosetor measuring instrument located nea...

Страница 14: ...cbanges areexpected Examples 1 Several inverters areinterconnected witha shortbus 2 A thyristorconvefier andaninverter areinterconnected witha shortbus 3 An installed Phase advance capacitor opens andcloses tn cases A B or C werecommend installing anAC reactor of 37o in avoltage drcpatratedcunent withrespect to thesupplyvoltage onthepowersupplyside a WhenoccDrringanEEPROMefior fiffi besureto conli...

Страница 15: ... I 5 l r P ll i h r u r r r 3 01 6 r y 1 P h Drrr wc f Ct ot isfu h r30o055HFB1 Ou9utvoltaS Ralcdoutpotcuft t Mdimnn applicNbl noror 4Pkw Prduclion numb6 andfelory conrol symbol Contents of Snecifrcations Label If youdiscover anyproblems contact youtsales agent immediately Descriotionot InverterModel J3m T I I Series name E4 Euopean version Srucuretype F withdigilalop rotor Semi clo6ed open type I...

Страница 16: ...3 APPEARANCE ANDNAMES OFPARTS ames of Parts Frontcover A setscrew Charge lamp LED ntrolcircuit r rminals Case _ _ t a v voigiot opemtor Maincircuit teminals Wiring holes Earthterminal Blindcover ...

Страница 17: ...4 Installation Otherwise it mayfall andthereis adanger of injury a Besureto installtheunitonaperpendicular wall whichisnotsubject to vib ation Otherwise it mayfall imdthereis adanger of injury o Besurenotto instaliandoperate aninvenerwhichisdamaged or partsof whichare missing Orher ise there i adanger of injury a Besureto installit in a roomwhichis notexposed todirectsunlight andiswell ventilated ...

Страница 18: ...onal blindcover Thehishertheambient temperature insidetheinverter theshorter itslife will be iir tt i n n utins unllisused near lheinvener trylo krepil a lar awal as possible Also wh en inslalling lheinverter inabo besure tocarelully con loer ventilation andthedimenstons ForEMCdirecrive andLow Voltage directive donotremove thefrontcover Theendapplication mustbein accordance withBSEN6020 l 1 Eachof...

Страница 19: ...ecuting the wiring work or another work altach a cover on the vcnt holc slit on the top of ihe mlener lo preventwire chips weld spatters iron scraps or dustfrom falling into lhe inve er I5 cmor more Covcr a nonflammable platesuchasaniron plate ...

Страница 20: ...ngworkshallbecariedoutby electrical experts Otierwise thereisadange ofelectricshock and or fire Implement wiringafterchecking thatthepowersupplyisoff It mightincurelectric shockard or fire Afte installing themainbody carryoutwiring Otherwise thereisadanger of electricshock and orinjury c l ...

Страница 21: ...tifierontheinputsideof theinvenerthereisthepossibility to stalltheswitch off function through amounts of DC current Thefollowingshould beobserved Onlyshondme invariant andpulsecurrent sensitive earthleakage circuit breakers with highertriggercurrentshouldbeused Othercomponents should besecured with separate earthleakage circuitbreakers Earthleakage circuit breakers in front of aninverterarenotanab...

Страница 22: ...ersupplyof themotorbetween theinvenerandcommer cial power besureto installmechanically interlocked switches Mgl andMg2 flsre NOTE 2 Installaneanhleakage breaker at theinputof theinvener Select aneanh leakage breaker whose sensitive currentlevelisraised in highfrequency range whenthecablelengthbetween theinvefterandmotoris long morethan10m thethermal relaymaymalfunction dueto higherha rnonics There...

Страница 23: ...lefrbmthose of otier heavy electrjc machinery andavoidusing common grounolng poles lf multipleinverters areused makesurethatthegrcunding connections donot creaEa loop Propergrounding 1 caurroru Extemalor remoteoverload protectionrequired if multiple motorsto be connected Groundingboll atlhes te 54 ...

Страница 24: ...E l Whenanoutplt intelligent terminal is used besureto installa surge absorbing diodein parallel with therelay Ry Otherwise thesurge volhStcreared wh n therelay RY goes ON or OFFmaydamage theoutputintelligent terminal clrcuit NOTE2 Useatwisted andshielded wirefor thesignalline andcuttheshielded covering asshowninthediagram below Makesurethatthelength of thesignallineis 2b metefs or less 5 5 ...

Страница 25: ...circuitwiringfromtherelaycontrolcircuitwiring If they mustcross besurethattheycross atarightangle Do notshortbetween theterminals H andL andbetween theterminals P24and CM1of thecontrolcircuit lnsulate lhecommon terminalL for ftequency analog command inputandthe common terminal COMMON ofthe peripheral equipment suchasthe sequencer before starting use Connect Insulate Maincircuitpowcrline R S T U v ...

Страница 26: ...utmodule byHitachi when theextemalinterface powcrsource is used I Thi i anernmple henrhesink jpe rran rsror output opencollectoroulput moduleofthe sequencer rsconnect d Notc Remove theshort circuitbaror wirebetween thetenninalsCMI andPLC or P24andPLC Thisis anexample whenthesourcetype transistor output opencollectoroutput moduleofthe sequencer is connected Noie Remove theshort circuit baror wirc b...

Страница 27: ...inveflermay cause noise ontheperipheral equipncnl through thcpowerlines Thispxnredu es noise EMIfil1erfor 0FJ300 Thispanreduces common noise generated between rhepnser upply rndrhe Er dno a sell a romdl nonc Putirinrheprimary idenf inrener NOTI 5 R B I J J tl is pul isusedlbr appticrlions tharneeds to increase rlc bmle orq eol rhein ener q Intrequenrl rm ol andolfrnd to runhighineftiaload Thispane...

Страница 28: ...e NOTE 6 Installanearthleakage bEakermeetingrequir ments of IEC94 1 IIEC94 1 3 at theinDut Use1 25 nm wirefor tle alarnhignal lrie classify thedet ctivecurrentof lheeaflhleakage br akerdepending onlhe total distancerb tween th invenerandthemotor Detectiv cunent mA lm mand less 30 300m andless lm 6m mandless 2n NOTE 7 WhenusingCV wire andmetaltube theleakage currentis around30mA km NOTE E Theleakag...

Страница 29: ... b hen WAFMNG An r l ps ormE n nloniffi n rMiryan otdi 6 c i 4s ol tdnic slEt R S T oD 0r u Coonectthepowersupply fl Ta n Inverler ouQut P R B RB E temal regenerative Comectar generative resistor option NoTa P N Extemalregenerative brakingunit Connect aregenerative bmkingunit option G Ground Ground conneclgoundingto avoid PD Ext malchokecoil Connect 3cbotecoil DCL far harnronica cunentr duction A ...

Страница 30: ...cldec 4 Intelligenr inpurrerminal 4 FRS Freeruninputsignal NOIE l 3 Intelligenr inpurlerminal 3 JC Jogging 2 Intellig nt inpua terminal 2 AT Currentinputselection Intelligent inpurterminal I RS Reset iNoTD2 H Powersupply for frequency command IOVDC o Voltage acquency command csvDC nMiel 1 10 vDC OI Currentfiequencycommand L Commonfor frequencycommand CM2 Common forinrelIgcnr ourpur lerm nal l 2 ln...

Страница 31: ...g are changcd in batch L H lwo stagcaccclcr ron Theacceleration or deceleritionrimc or sclccrionoflwo sLagc lccntion or deceleration is changed by tuming thecontactON IRS the lnvcrtcrstopsandlhc moror stopslreerun FRSfunctionswhen the contactis opened Europcan crsion EXI t l e m c l r n p t lcrnrL tnt Inpur rgnal I h ronta rr L pen USP Relta prevenhonwhen thepower ls turncdon m rhcRUN state lhe co...

Страница 32: ...hoprator is used andanival signalcanbe outputedaranoprional frcquency Signalduringrxn the transistoroutputis tumedON duringrunning Outputted evenduringDC injection braking O er rorque signal Thetmnsistor outputistumcdON whenahe torque ismore Thesctvaluecanb changed bytheremore op rator Usethisfunctiononlyundcrthcsensorless vecror control Fauftalarmterminal Nomal ALO AII close Abnorrnal Poweroffi A...

Страница 33: Oper atio command Output N0TEa NOM Commonterminal for eachterminal is different Terminal nallle FM FW Stol H O OI l l t2 Command cMl P24 CMl l L CM2 CMI is for sinktypewiring f equency Number of revolutions NOTE3 trvhenlhe operationcornmandis input fir ard themain circuit Doweris tumedON NOTE 2 Theregenerative esistorhasa tempemturesensor NOIT 4 Whenit orks tum off power supplyto theinve er o s...

Страница 34: ...afety will besecured evenif it restarts Otherwise thereisadanger of injury Evenif thepowersupplyis cutfor ashortperiodof time it mayrestart operation afterthepowersupplyisrecovered if theoperation command isgiven If it may incurdanger topersonnel besureto makea circuitsothatit will notrestart after powerrecovery Otherwise thereisadanger of injury TheStopKeyiseffective onlywhenthefunctionis set Bes...

Страница 35: ...connected correctly 2 Mate surethattherearenomistakes in thesignallineconnections 3 Makesurethattheinverter case is grounded Makesurethatterminals otherthanthose specified arenotgrounded Makesurethattheinverter is installed venicallyonawall anda nonflammable mate rial suchasasteel plateisusedasamounting surface Makesurethatthere arenoshort circuits caused by straypieces of wire solderless terminal...

Страница 36: ...rwise thereis adingerofmachine breakage Wastheshort cut barbetween 1andr connected Thischeckapplies only whendreDCL isnotused Wasthedirectionof themotorcorrect Wastheinverter tripped duringacceleration or deceleration WeretheSPEED rpm andfrequencymetercorrect Werethereanyabnormalmotorvibrationsor noise Whenovercurent trippingor overvoltage trippingoccu duringthetestrun increase theacceleration tim...

Страница 37: ...y androlalion drrectron whenthea or El Keyrs pressed todisplay f andthenthe ffi teyispressed lhe rolalron direc tioncan bechecked lFI_l indicates lorward rotalron andlr i I rndrcales reverse rolalion Whenfte rolalior r n t drreclron rscnecKeo pres5 lne jil I key Whentherotation direction cannot befound operate theequipment atalow frequency tochecktherotation direction 9 Preisl rheI Fri I f y Thede...

Страница 38: ...nif theinputpower is tumedoff andthecontents canbechecked bytumingthepowerononceagain How ever whentheinputpoweris tumedoff theinvenercontrolpowerisalsotumedofi As a result whenthepoweristumedonnext thealam contact outputis reset deleted Thercfore whensaving thealam contact output lettheextemal sequence receive and save it andthentumoff theinverter inputpower Whenthealarmcontact outputis setONduri...

Страница 39: ...owerreceiving brealerof theinverter andmakesurcthatthe Chargelalnponthecontrolboard goes out See page3 1 Then closethepowerr ceivingbreaker When the intemal interface Dowersource P24 CM I is used Sink typd wiring NOIE Whent he controlcircuit terminalRSis used nevershort circuitRS P24 CMl for four seconds or more Otherwise acommunication eror R ERRORCOMM z mayoccur Althoughthedigital opemtordisplay...

Страница 40: Wlcn terminal mnis sclccled thiskeydoes sroz sar tey Thiskeyis used forstopping themotoror W leneithcropemtoror terminalis se lected ihiskeyworks If eerrension functionisused ristunction is void ll wARNtNG TheSTOP RESET key wo s only whenafunctionis ser heparc ancmergencyswirchsepararely Tbeuseof theSTOP RESET kcy asanemergency swirchnmycauscaninjury j OperationProcedure Examplethat thefrequen...

Страница 41: ...ed tnrr l lvl l l l pfiEl FUNCI tl IFUNC F t l l E Select lhecxtension lJ Zl F I7ll H D Fi I ll crccn rrans ion lf tl rnun rcrl fEF tFunction keyl Thiskeyallowstheselection of commands andmemorizes param I FUNC _ t a when iskeyispressed once inrh tut ofIJT E lFTTTl trre datastateis set Whenthekey is pressed oncein thestate of ll l theextension functloncodeselection state is set t i lgI tEr I I FLr...

Страница 42: ...functionmodecanbedisplayed Evenif datacannot bechanged duringrunning datacanbemonitored lneach ofthe funcrion modeslf 1 lFTTl Ffl FTTI ond lFTEl iurn canbechanged evenduringrunning In otherfunction modes andextension function modes dala cannot besetduring running 7 Z lilFl lJT fl li El Or data display Thc displayis left unchanged iFT FT EI FTI ITT EIfFTi li l ql Il Codc shilh cdn hdngedaradurine r...

Страница 43: ...selection 7 4 Reducedvoltagesoft stansehng Running mode selection Joqgingfrequencv semng Ba se frequency serrng Maximum frequency setling Matimum frequency Selectionof reset terminalperformance P gains tting of PID fimciton I gain s ltingof PID D gainsetting of PID Selectionof PID funciton Setting mcthodofPID Setting of PID referencevalue Auto tuningsetting Motor dalaselection Ro Tooption seleclio...

Страница 44: ...t value Output fiequency monitor 0 0rl r r9r0 0 99 9 100 1m Motorrevolution speed 0 x 9 99 10 0 99 9 100 600 Outpur currcnt monitor 0 0999 Frequency convertedvalue 0 009 99 10 0 99 91 I0o 999 100 99910 t39 TripMonitor Triphislorymonitor Outputliequencys fting 0 009 99tu u 99 9t00 4110 o_00 Running dircction setting F r rbs criltunre rAe run F Accelerationtime settingI 0 01 9 99 10 199 9 l0o 999 10...

Страница 45: ...d m6 n lbiM Frl lrqE ysn4rh odiod divil fiwmY tor i r 6rid ODiidll eiYrl fiqEEv ao ldLnrid FaE ycolcn d lrlE ronr 2a Fn6ry si r iF r orrd c6od 1l Fdn drurd drdrEEry dind GL hidl FqEy tmrd d q rqEq dhr or L miD l S Lc id dM hiE Ef PqinEdiEofPIDfirjb I Fii kuia orPIDturi D in dirErd PID 6mrid 0 S uim or PIDEf rE vdE 0 0 rl3 5 9 It t6 3 23 t3 3 23 3 23 3 23 3 2 3 2 3 23 tutbiu dhmbtdit NOTE l Th trro...

Страница 46: ...lional ficqucncy 10O ET I lll ll l D sDla hen sroDocd t tltI I r _ lilliI l Jl H i l l r f I l t T r _rl r til n t_l LlLll L r l l _ l l l _ t _ _ _ qitl r li l i l l l _ l l l l I r_r r_ o t_i _r _l NoTE Motor polc nunrbercan beset bylBlr_r5l Thcconvened valueisdisplayed in unitsof0 0l l rprn From I lo 999rpm Theconvened valueisdisplayed inunits of0 l 10rpm Fron 1000ro9990rprn Thcconvened valueis...

Страница 47: ... ol ed h r d spld cJ As ageneral display keyisp essed thecontent tr Hr l FUNC tRE l IFUNCI I E I i F U N C a 1 t I Trip t I l l t l NOTE l Whenthere isnorip isdisplayed NOTE 2 The aboveexampleofthc volhgc bcrlvccnP andN rndicatcs 390 ro 399 V o o n A l ke i p e e r e ior ru i d splayed Thc causes oflhe l3 r 1ripandlhe lisr rrip but onc rrc displalcd andthef fi I key is prcsscd rhcrip caule is disp...

Страница 48: ...Inrlrdselvalue when fieE or E key is prcss dcontinuously rhevalueis chansedcontinuously 2 Settingftom thecontrolcircuit terminal multisp dselling Theoutputfrequencyatthemultisp dcanbesetasspecifiedbelow Whentherunning modeis theprocesssteppingmode switchit to themultistagespeedmodeby theremoteopemlm Connectthemultispeedlerminal for settingthefrequencyto P24 rThcrelationshif heiween mulusficeds I t...

Страница 49: ...Setthemotordirection serthe moror direcrion when running bypressins th ffi l r NOTE Theserdng duringrunisimpossible Running direction ...

Страница 50: ...to99 9s Every 0 ls 100to999s EYeryls rt i l il l Vroual rlling S itorqueboost Motor torquecanb adjustedto increase theoutputvoltag whenthes ning torque is not sufficientin V F control Payattentionnotto causelhe motorto bumoutand aninve er trip Settingis eff ctiveonly whenV F controlis s lect d fTf El Settingmethod Output voltage I00 lvllll l i t ffi 1 lt rffi tl t t lt t t t Il tll MITI I Aho l tT...

Страница 51: ... Digital op raior Option2 Option2 Digital operator Option2 Option2 Terminal biock Option 1 OptionI Terminal block Tcrminalbldk Option2 Option2 Tcrminalblock Option I Optjon 2 Opdon2 OptionI Settingmcthod t A tYlltlcl tpfiEL Yr i ti c r rn t rrvarue lc rj l Ae t aIffi IOTEI NOTE2 Theruncommand andlrcquency cornmand sending dcstinalions canbesetto any ofrheterminal operator oplionl andoprion 2 S lec...

Страница 52: ...olorreceiving vottag wh h SiEcltey isprcss d once rhe current ser va ue of6 rnotorrcccivingvoltageis displayed Set e receiving voiDge from thedalaon e lefr 4oo vcrass lJm FIEEIm 3 BqA Fm Sclccl theitemofeachexrension function Aftersefting thedisplay isretumed io thecode disolay Oiiti a u i nung a u ure ropre rhe ffi t r r ro ir l v a v Whcnfte dataischang d thedisplay blinks Ser valuesrorage wajts...

Страница 53: ... inirialization isused is theinilialvalue I c M l l PLC wlen adjustingth ualog freler tunnemoie Epcat 6e sme openrion Maximurn t velof analos mcter__ Fequency noniror A6 rndimum iEqncncrsnine cudentnonitor 2m of inveneiaredcucnl l I Torquemonno 200 ornredrorque Set themotor rcceiving voUrr n n n ffi eyisprcssed once rhe curreni setvatue ot themotorreceivingvoltagcis displaycd Set e receiving vokag...

Страница 54: ...7dl andATjl To deletetdp historydatafor somereason follow theinshuctionsshownbelowusingtheremote operator DOPor HOP or copyunit DRW or HRW L Usingther mot op rator DOP OA or copyunit DRW OA l Display brn TCN trip historycountclear or thefunctionmodeinitial seG mg lF Cntf Move tle cursorto beneath theinitial setvalues SelectCLR andstoreit Tum thepoweroff onceandthentum it on or closether setteminal...

Страница 55: t r6E I EUIQI Inilialvalue 0 l z t l L z f l t l lr i f 0 Z 2 0 Z 0 Z 0 Sct the motor capacity and number of motor pol s according 10tle molor io be us d The maximum rating of t e applicable pole motor for each inverter is setinilialty NOTE Motor capacity Tr m tlr E I vl ll l lrurcl l l lE7Tl l L J 9 1 nFE lt rurc lV I lal Ett ul tvtI tal l fel 7t7tl Elopee letsioi lten ie ddrd dtr rr nd h N...

Страница 56: ...sed theresponsc specdis increased Wlrenthesetvalueis increased therespons speedis E f ldd A constant b tween 0 Ul F and 999rsser inunits ofool r r l A constanlbctwe n 10 0 Start djustment Setthetrcquency forsrarling ourpur of theinverter Setafrequency between 0 1Hz and9 99Hz in unirsof0 0l Hz v lal ll 6El v IHB E E l Iniriatvalue IFUNc f Whenthestanfrequency isincrcascd theacceleration ordccclerat...

Страница 57: ...Hz areset Initialvalue FEquencyonnand F SET NOTE Setting conditions 0 Hzor upperlimir lowerlimit whenUHz rs cr t lclimrre will noroperalr r l l 4 ttt rl Jump riing I Jump i tting 2 Jrmp i tting3 l vt To avoidaresonance with theload thefrequencies atupto 3 pointscanbcjurnped Thesenine orderandtheexecutionordermaybcchanged Thefrequency equivalcnl 1othejumpfrequ ncy s tting widlh 1 0 5Hz Not I cannor...

Страница 58: ...lsignal cunentfrequency command OI L terminal signal andthenumber of samplings l T fl rie n mueroromptrng n r n lhc olrpo ftqucky btroms likcly ro FfEl Ine numoe orgmohnqs r r o s TheE ton rmhi o e lonserbdL rhconlptrrtftquencybeomes stabl FrGqu ncy slmpliry frequency setting t T t ILfll J t t i i t T l i l l ti r ltll t 1 t t l T I l L l Lrl I r r l Multispeed s tting I Multispe d setting2 Multis...

Страница 59: ...oad sropping theJ lmwilhd ovcrcurrcmcmr nesege 100 150 200 Sclccr ihcclccronicthermal charactcristics Serlherhermal characrerislics in accordance wirh e kladtobeused Forfreesctling ofsetvalue2 rhecurrcnt andlrequency canbeserbyeach Consranr torquecharactersrc I Reduced rorquecharadensdc 2 Fre serting Cai b scrbylhe emore ope ror 3 0 o 20 60 t20 Oulpulfrcquency Hz Setthepolenumbcr of motortoconven ...

Страница 60: ...of fie Etule Inilial value r T n lnLLrl I l r4 1 External frequency s tting st3rt Ext rnal Frequency setting end Settheinvcncrretrymethod whenapowercrroroccurs Selecr thesetlaluc of therery me odto beueed Initixl ralue NOTn l wnd lhebae fiequ ncy iso c ofth tbllosineones fequ tr ynarchrn mat eian al0 Hz Uhcnthebase irequency ii 60H Dir n at40Hzor les whenrhebde lrequency i 50 Hz Dri n arl0 H7or le...

Страница 61: ... more Usageratio Mar l0 Built in resistor 80 30w Usage mdo Mar 1 5 rl 12 rl NOTET Tl sfunction mnor b usd ftr lh invener wles I l0 to I ImHF which nav nobuilt in BRD dynoic bErino cinit Fn00l l t tvtl Ial l f i r F l LFUIlcl Initialvalue TFl L_lufll frFl E q nir l Etual t tvt tal I H f i E I E q hitial valu t tatatl E EI lzulal WtrenlFI99 frequencyanival signaloulpul method2 is sel ct d anoutputsi...

Страница 62: ...nthe nerlcs sbre Under fte v f conliol e apt trialc value isouelned fte a u y ir t0 Analog lorquc moniror Nore Digitaloutput frequency monitor Frequency s tting Setaconvenedvaluefor frequencyconvertedvaluemonitoring Tbeproductof lhis seninganddle ouptutfRquency dO isdisplayedasthevaluefor thefrequ ncyconvertedvaluenonitor d3 f 1 tYlllA mset E q FUNCI Inirialvalue Analog rnpur selection Sel e ma im...

Страница 63: ... Y ana Fil5 L NOTE l Thefrequency anivalsignal canbeallocatedonly to one of thein lligent outpul erminals It cannotbeoutputtedto anindividual outputleminal fbr acceleration anddecelemtion NOTE2 Selection of arrivalsignaloutput meihodfor relayoptionboard J RY canbedoneby remoteopratorand F 48funcilon Hz 0 fl Dl Atthetirne ofconstant jl Optionally setfrequency I SH7nta al T e Onlyoptionally set freq...

Страница 64: ...ia notor shafr conlenion isnorerhd about 20rimes of tlal of lheindividual notor ff overyohagc rip my e ur lfdis cua EFt rhemode torhcnomal MninA mde Ioi olherpBaurions referto PFcaurions lor tuzzymonsuMblcacccleErion dddecllerarion of App ndix L Jogging frequency s rrrng Sertherunning command soastobcinputred rorheterminal rserrl 5 rol UL or lil 1 1 r Sincejogging isadirectinputoperation andmaybee...

Страница 65: ...ess thd 50 Hz rh tubr may be umed NOTD2l 30Hz 60Hz l20Hz Hz I T t I l l r rlt l iI taximum frequency 1 cdon Select120Hz or 400 Hz astheupperlimit thatcanbese in hemaximumfrequencysening A63 f tE I rniiialvalue tFuNct tl M t l f l T l_ttl ll I I III II II T 1 r_llLl rl l t t l Frequency command outPut frequ ncy adjust iO L OI L Adjust therelationshipbetweentheextemalfrequencyoonmand andth inverrero...

Страница 66: ...tnregratr t Gainadiustins ranac P 0 0to5 0 I 0 0to I5 0s D 0lo 100 0 sain lltLSC D Differenrial gain t f ffi Eril affi PID selection This functionisusedto controlrhePID funcdonsincorporated in e inverter Thisfunction is alsousedtoselecl afeed back signal inputandseta magnification of theintegral gainsetting value Fordetails of PIDcontrol referto Appendix8 PIDConEol Functions l f MElI Affi 2 Initia...

Страница 67: ...ionis valid wten Ois setror ffi If ananalogvoltageis enteredasa feedback value lhe feedbackvoltag 0 to 10V lt conesponds lo thislargelvaluele el l_q l l 4l lT cl sening 0ro200 r lnorlrer word t lFUNcl fl lFuNcl whensv isenrered as e rarqer teedback lFlEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEl_ ffDl _____ Ega J f dJ Initial value intemal targetvalue set lm asthis intemal hrget value Selectwhethe to siartautotuningaswell a...

Страница 68: ...T T L ULI t i I I L l Ro T option selection ...

Страница 69: ...hekey E andl9 andrrrenoressrn lpfit I k FUNC Thedisplay isretumed tothecodcdisplay andrhererminat funcdonischanged Enle rheservalueof lneledinal ntuoc ffiel robeu dbypts ingrrrreysEandE ffi __ T l____ il tr _ n t Setins exanple TheRS rs0 fundion iscnoged b de SFT rrninal soIlw l6tr tuncdon FRS 1 EXT Extemal Irlp 13 USP USPfunction CS Commercial power source switrhing t 5 SFI Tcrminal softwarelock ...

Страница 70: ...fEat P es l el ir c rct dcc lbr thcrcrminal c d rohr et Thesetvalues oftheterminals wbicharesetarpresent aredisplayed Displaythcsclvaluc of th terminal tobeused fromth funcrion listindicated belowby pressing thekey and El and rhen ore rh lrarr r FUNCI The display is retumed lo iie code display and ihe terminal function is changed Inpur rcrminal funLrron lr t 0 FAI Frequ ncy arrivalsignal RUN Signa...

Страница 71: ... E C 1 6 5 4 l 2 0 4 b b b b b 3 b b b b b b b b 2 b b b b b b a Conl r x spccitica n b conractb sp ciication Setthehigh Input teminal a andb conlactsfunctionlist TheoutputinSenr lerminalI I andI2 andalarmoutput terminal canbechanged idividualyio lhe 1conlact or b contacr specification Select thesetvalue by pressins thekeys L4land Lt7Iby combining thecontacts aandb wiihreference 10thetableindicate...

Страница 72: ...tion engages andtheoutputofinve eriscutofi EWA L ndcrvoltage A decrease of theinput voltageof aninverterresultsin improperfunctionof the contol circuit 11 alsoSenerates motorh alandcauses low torque Oulputis cutoff whentheinputvohage gocsdownlo lcssthan300V to 320V FAgl CTearor Abnormalifv onbuiltin CT andtheoutou oftheinverter isculoff lEIjdl CPU error Malfunction or abnormalily onbuilt inCPUandt...

Страница 73: ...eRESET keyor shorifte resel terminal RSP24assigned asacontrol circui terminal aftera delayof l0 scconds A lrip canb cleared by pressing theRESET ke or shorting thereset terminal RSP24assigncd asacontrolcircuir rminal Resetling ihcpowersupply cannot clear rrip Torcsctthepowersupply is totumpower off andtumit onagainalreriheCHARGElampatlheupperright comcrof theconirolPC board go s oft Checkag inwher...

Страница 74: shoncd oulputorground hult Check whether theoueul lines ormolor isshoned E 0 2 o C D e c e l o bytheAc cT during Check whether thespeed was decrcased rapidly Set alonger dccclcration Check whelher there isa shoned output orground Check wherher theourput lines ormolor isshoned E 0 3 OC Accel o bytheACCTduring overcunenr during Check wheiher aloadwas changed mp dly Donorchangc loads rapjdly Check...

Страница 75: ...OM o EEPROM cnor Check whcrher thcrcisa large noise source near the Mole thenoisesource Check whelher theanbienr tempenture istoohigh Replace thecooling fan E 0 9 Under V o D fective power supply insufficient vorngc Check whelher thevoltage Check lhepower supply Check whether theMCBor Mg hasapoorcontact Replace th MCBof Mg Check whether l0 ormore oulages wilhin100 rns occuned in l0 minutes Check t...

Страница 76: ...CBor Mgharapmrconbcl Replace theMCBorMg E 1 7 N G O P 1 o oplon I PCboard Checktheconncctors and Rcpair c defective E 1 B NG OP2 o oprion 2rc borrd Checktheconnecton and Rcpair lhcdefective E 1 9 o P 1 cl Dettcrivc option I PC Reier10theinstruction t r z u o P 2 o Defeclive option 2 PC Rciirtotheinslruction E 2 4 P H F a i1 o Dclcctivc power supply mrssing phasc Check thepower supply connections f...

Страница 77: ... NOTE1 r ulule qhrletltemolor vas stopping or installation isvenical and thewallisanonllanmabl wallsuchasanron plat CheclrhcinsHllation CherkwhetlEr caoling fan isuming a xl e anbienr Replace lhecooling far checklhcintemal power supply Repa theintemalpo er supply Cbeck d emaindevices E 6 0 oP 0 E62 o P1 2 o Ltfedive J FBPC Refefrohe nanualsupplied wi 6e J FBPCboard E 6 4 oP1 4 E 6 5 oPr 5 o Def ct...

Страница 78: ...l r layissettoanappropriate Selthethemal elaytoan B Checkwhether lliereisa sbo orgroundfaultin tle Remove fie shon org ound fauh Checkwhet erde MCB Increase theMCBcapaciry Check shelher theinveter noduleorconvener module Repairfie invenermodule l B Checkfor apoweroutage Restorc thepowersupplylo Checkwhether theMcB or Replace tle MCB or Mg 9 5 ...

Страница 79: ...C In the caseof e exlcmal interfacepowcr source tum thc PLC terminalon Has RS FRSbeenleil ONI Contacr FRS tstrre moae rcyIFTB serting conecri Read thecxplanation ofthe function mode onceasain Pagc 7 12 F9frcqucncy run commanding neth0d u T1 v T2 and w T3 dresupplying volage The oplional Hasthc motor s izedoris theloadtoo great Rclcascseizureor lighrenthc bad Tcst rhc mobr indep ndendy Arelheremotc...

Страница 80: ...o5 aretumed ON andthenpoweris lumedon TumiheSTNtcrminal OFF Input tie dataagain Replace thelogicPCB The datahas not changed Wasthepowertumedoffwithour ou ntn ffi kcyafier rhe dara was changed with p teys lnputrhc dala and push th ffi rcl Thedatais memorized uponpoweroft ls thcdmefrompowcrOFFtoON less Takesix s conds or rnorewhentuminqDower OFFandON afterchrnging e dala Datacopied 0y ne copy Is ihc...

Страница 81: ...ract rinics of the Decreas thetorqueboost Resettheelectronicthermalcharacteristta andlevel ls lheinputvoltage high Is theequipment stopped withthe invenerDC voltagcincreased afier sudden deccleration Lower theinputvoltag Seta deceleration timewhichisalilde Increase theAVR setvalueabove the inputvoltage andlowertheV gainby theratio ...

Страница 82: ...llicobjects iromyourperson wristwatch bracelet etc Besuretousetoolsprotected withinsulation Otherwise thereisadanger of electric shock and or injury A CAUTION a Whenremoving connecto neverpullthcwires Wiresfor coolingfanandthermal relay Otherwise thereis adanger of firedueto wiie breakage and orinjury Generalprecautions Always keeptheunit cleansothatdustor otherforeignmatterdoesnot entertheinverte...

Страница 83: tests be sureto attachtheZNR again lnsulation ResistanceTestsand Withstand Voltase Tests RB L1 L2 L3 t Tl T T3 R A R S T P D P N U V W Megohrn merer ZNR RB L l R L2 3 I 1 PD P N T1 U T2 l l PE i NOTE NOTE2 Ifthe inveneris uscdunderhightemperature andheavyloadconditions its operating life will besignificantly reduced lfthe inverter hasbeenstored for threeyears or more applythcfollowingcondr tion...

Страница 84: ...nE 5 E g n i b n 9 X i r z a i 8 E 6 E E i i E 4 i 6 C F E i I F a lPttPEir E r 5 t v 6 l t E o 1 r 2 2 l i i 1 3 4 t 5 i E 5 i e e S E s t s E 3 P g P i 3 3 0 0 o s z t a a 1 O i d 9 F E i t i E i 9 8 s U F j 9 i n T i E E t B e i E d 9 r i 2 F _ i o 9 5 E o a 10 3 ...

Страница 85: ...A g a fr E z i o z z z E a 8 E 5 E 9 t a l i 4 d l i b o it E z O t v O a a t a E i i 6 8 e 9 104 ...

Страница 86: ... _ 4 I 9 r t 5 S 1 d E z z g o E z a t t u 5 5 o l Z g z e F 4 3 5s EEr E g g 3 3 9 E 6 A E o t r i v 9 q i t E i t E t a 7 u t alai4E a ii s E i F t E i i a a a z a z z 4 i 9 i h Z z z z E t o o Q E E i 3 E o t o 10 5 ...

Страница 87: ...fromlhemeasurcd suppty vottage Er supply cunentII andsupply powerw I pr w toot I EL Il Outpulvoltage Eo Between U and V V and EUXEvXEw Rectifiertypc Totaleffcctive value Io U V w hr Iv Iw d Movios iron type Total effcctive Oulputpower Between U andV V WorXwo2 Electronic tvDc Total effectivc Outpuipower Pfo Cal ulale theoulpur puserla InrIr mlheoutput v lrage L L urpul curfcnt I nnuoutpur powerw Pf...

Страница 88: ...Mearurenrent methodfor outputvoltage Fundam ntal wavceffetile value lo 7 ...

Страница 89: ...r optional Usingeitemai BRD unit DC injection braking Operared ar leDChraldng frequency or byexr emal inpul lnpul irSnals Frequency setting Dgital operator ser byEandm Exlenralsignals 2 W 500O to 2 kO potentiometer 0 0o5 VDC nominal 0 to l0 VDC noninal inputimpedance30K 4 to 20 mA nominal input imp dance 250O stop Dgital aperatr IRUN lSToFl oniy tortorward runorreverse run therunclion mode should ...

Страница 90: ... 9 IY 4 0 6 sernigloss coolingfanof aluninum sroundcolor Optjons Rernote op rator copyunit cable for digitaloperator braking resistor reactor forimproving powcrfactor noisefilterforinverrer fitiingforconduitrube conn ction fixing forremoving coolingfins Ertimared mass kBl 7 5 7 5 l 3 13 2 l 36 36 70 70 80 NOTE l Protective structure isbased uponJEMI030 1977 NOTE 2 Theoutputvoltage will decrease if...

Страница 91: ... pplicable _1o or rating lP ma r w rP OTE 1 Constanttorque 55n 5 7 5 0 lt 15 t5t20 2v30 30 4037i5045 6055t5 75 100 gt il25 Il0 50 Variabletorque NOTE2 7 5 0 lvl5 15t202Am l0 40 l715045i60 55t5 75 LU wt25 110 50 3Anl rrput 380V 8 6 10 5 15 2l 32 38 49 59 72 98 1 1 6 r43 coostant 4TX V 9 0 1 l 16 22 l3 40 52 62 76 103 t22 150 460V 10 4 t2 l 18 38 46 60 72 88 l l 9 l 0 t t3 Variable torquc 380V 10 5 ...

Страница 92: ...r is lit Whenthepowersupplyof theinverter js tumedon ps000 0 llofthe monitoring mode will bedisplayed If however anyofthe followingisdisplayed whentheinveneris tumedoff theywill bedisplayed whenpoweristumedonagain Frequency setting multi speed setting or otherfrequency displays motorrotational speed display frequency conversion display o outputcunentdisplay OTE Whenconflicting datais ser a waming ...

Страница 93: ...ious functions SetthediD switches mounted onthebackside ofthe remote operator andcopyunitasbelow WhentumedON read outis inhibited Ifpushine down ffi RDLOCK isdispla lnvalid Setasbelow Whenserting status donotmalchmodel thecorectfunction cannotbcatlain d Switch Model 2 J30O series Sane asVWA JI00 OFF ON ffi rcrwitrrox yed ...

Страница 94: ...displays thes rting 2 displays thcoutput j isdisplayed lnstructon isON R Reverse run 1r ll TM 0 0 i 0oHz 0 0H 150000 0 0 0H2 0 0H2 350000 0 0 0H2 0 0Hz Jogging frequency sctiing G0000 0 r 0 0H2 1 0 Hz Y ai5 Hzor more Expansion nulljstage spccd 450000 0 0 0H2 750000 0 0 0H2 0 0IIz Validwhcnthcmulr istagespeed tcm nal Tbemukistasc sDccd arcdisplayedwh en rernputtcrmrnar rs ForterninalsettinA relcrrr...

Страница 95: ...peJ ERR 1 utA I I output cunent whcn uippcrt T _ trage uerr een Pu l l uh n i cumulalrre ear dnJm n ERRORCOUNT IERROR COU 25 Tolaluipcounr nRt r _ ERR oLA lli I t _ ERR 5 oH l j outpur iicqucncy when lrrppeo nR xr I A I ourpur rncnr hen r ppe f lt3ee berween P l h n r KKl 5bu u vdc tfitpcd f fcnmulJLr i edr andnronrh LERR2 RUN 0Y 7D lcn r pp j l l E R R 3 l i _ I TriD etuse l I E R R I F T E R A L...

Страница 96: ...VR tunctionfor deeleration is set Wh ndynnnic b6kir8 toqw is ressry fo d el mtion OFFtus t F 4 CONTROL YC vc vc vPl yPz vP3 SLV V2 VC VPl VP vP3 V1F charadqistics SLV Sensod svector ntrcl V2 Sensorvector ntrcl F 05 NOTEI s l6ng AUXAUTO NOR NOR NOR AUT NRT At thefnl running ft r AUT NRT i3 re theautotunitrg mdurcment oFmdon is AUXDATA NOR NOR NOR Old Hitachi TMO New Hitachigeneral Thelulotnning mor...

Страница 97: ......

Страница 98: ... mmtsuilable a leation and deeleration running Reslaning afterFRS RUNFRS Z5T Z5T fsTzsr fST Resbnafte frcquency ZST 0Hzst n F 11 SPDI 0001 00 Hz 0Hz n to 120 0 400 TheinputterminalCFI h set Multis age ctring SPD2 0001 00 Hz OHz 0 to120 0 400 TheitrputterminalCF2h set Multislage SPD3 U 00Hz 0 H z 0lo 120 0 4O0 TheinputterminakCFlmd CF2aresetmd ukd Mulristage setting SPD 4 0000 00 Hz 0 H z 0 o 20 0 ...

Страница 99: ... STP DC brakjnq DCBSTOP T a9its T 11 F 2 l 001 59n F 22 Allowable IPSTIME allowablepo erfailu usrSe tlmesenrnS rntioof Reclosing IPSWAIT braking instanlancous resisnn poqs lailur 0 1ro25s Whenaninstantancous powcr hilurc dcuu de allowable tine untilthcposcrliilure is BRD q ED l 5 seconds Instmmeous IPSPOWR ALM l 0s Thc aitingtimeunrillhe rerunnlnSian alc a inst ni neouspower f iluf e dcu6 dnd is r...

Страница 100: ...oliware lock SFT MD2 MD3 Soi are l rk NOTEI OLOAD ACC ON ON valid ior MDI MDOlMD I MD2 MD3 IIOTE l when MDoissetandtheinpuiterminal SFI istumedON thcdara of allfunclions islocked whenMD2is set slored th dataofall ihctirnctions islocked Duringlo king nodatacdnbechanged MDl MD3 canselonlythcoutpulfrequency OTE 2 WhenVT ViF VPl VP2 or vP3 issetfor theEuropcan version thenaximumallowable valueof OLOAD...

Страница 101: ...12 10 ...

Страница 102: 400 0 ARVDEC 0 0Hz 0Hz 0 Lo400 0 6 F 33 sAral NOTE1 ov TRQV 100 t t 0 to 25tl Duringcontrclof SLV andV2 Powerrunning Dnring ntrolof VC waming l vel for power When0 i3ser AnysiCnal ov TRQR 100 lffi 0 to 250 Duri 8 contol of SLV ud Y2 Re8eftrative Dlring contmlof vC md VPI toVP3 No WhenOis set Any sigml 21 F 34 hrelliSe InFrr INTM I RS RSrc t RSmd 17 lnpot IN TM2 AT AT ud 17 Input setting IN TM J...

Страница 103: ......

Страница 104: ... modcscrtjngON or OFF OFF Tl e debugmqlc is ON Thedebug modeistumed Digil l FWD FWD REV Sclection of INITRESET ON ON ON OFF ONr Alam relcacwhenrcser OFF Alamreleakwherreset tl F 3 9 O P P 0102 l pulk t021 25510 65515 Ellective with optionbodd l FB OPMODE ASR ASR ASR A R OP RO TO OFF IN OFFTON Stop Srop OR POS IN OUT IN Effectivesilh oplion board O FB 5 0Hz 0lo4OOHz 0U 5 0 H Speed rrrjnS ORFC Diect...

Страница 105: ...Lvt value scting Ota 2 c Pgain srrinePIDP D P I O Ot rS O ISainsfting PIDI r 0l 0s Dgain r in PrDD 00J 0 0 l o l m Mrn r a selerion PIpMopE Mry r l4 F 16 rmnsn ssion COMSAU IrOixl bts 60 J Conmuni speed 100 600r l20O Efrictilc withoprion board 24 4i 00i9600 JcM t9200 carion sclection p oteot Sration l seurng nunber COMNUMBER l r o 1 2 COMLENCTH Otr_ OFF COMPAR SELI ON ON ON OFF COMPARSEL2 EvN EVN ...

Страница 106: ...12 15 ...

Страница 107: ...hecorespondina counlemeasure lNV RUN Sr l tn iunnrng INV TRIP hesslheSTOP keytoElease rhedp INV TYPE Theinlenertypcoithecop source i dilleenl lion daroftnc coriJ_ dcn0alion Lhe ne5aN rytr oilnvenerrorcad r opy IR ERRoR N rRit l REllglllvllPE l TheliJunh s nchol theDIPsulch onlhebaclotlhe remote operarolsON Wltn ftadingdata nnlhes ilch OFF This indi aresrhlr lner nmeous lorer failureesun aun ron1s ...

Страница 108: ...frequency Fb Base trequency Fs Setfrequency Fm Multistage speed setting Flw Lowerlimiterfiequency Fup Uppcrlimiterfrequency Fp Jumpfrequency Fes Extemalsetanalogstan frequency Fee Exlemals tanalog end OFF e 9 c o t E 2 Fb Fmax Fb Fma 3 Fs Fma Fs Fm 4 Fm Fma Fm Fma 5 Flw Fmax Flw Fmax Fup Fmax Fup Fmax 7 Fes Fma Fes Fmar 8 F e Fma Fee Fma 9 Fs Fup Fs Fup rrequency Joggingfrequency l 0 Fm Fup Fm Fup...

Страница 109: ...ondi elD Mountlryp rrordd diasran MounriDgD rr ralion di gr n SF j l aredifferentin cableshape sdmeasthosefor theJl00 NOTE 1 Thecables for theVWS3AandVWA series for theJ300 Thecables for theJ300arethe onlycables various cables arein stock from those To change rhtc op ilror HOPOr e cop um HRW OJ 12 14 ...

Страница 110: ...datastored in thecopyunitis writtento inverter B Cutoff thepowersupply to inverter B t Perform theabove processes from3 to 5 sequentially fbr inverters C and D Thatis thesame process asat for inverter B Connectthecableandpress theremotekey Changethedataof theinvener withcopyunit invefterA lt is storedinto the 2 to 6 lem oy d9a ofthe copy unit Thefollowingprocedures arethe same those of theoperatio...

Страница 111: ...12 8 Datato becopiedbythecopyunit Precautions for copying Thecopyunits DRWandHRWcannot copysome of pararneteis Forthedetails seeAppendir 7 12 20 ...

Страница 112: ...g conditions shallbe one l yearafterthedateof delivery Thewanantyshallcovertherepairofonly theinverter tobedelivered I Service in thefollowingcases evenwithinthewarranty period shallbecharged to thepur chaser a Malfunction or damage caused bymisoperation or remodelling or improper repair b Malfunction or damage caused by adropafterpurchase andtranspofiation c Malfunction or damage caused by fire e...

Страница 113: ... 5 0 s e c o n d s a 4 0 50 r I0oseconds a 20 l0O t Soosc onds a 10 Autorunirg suningncthcl l Before executing theautotuning function makesurethefollowingsetvalues O a Base frequency b Motorcapacity c No of motorpoles Setthevalues according to amotor whichuses a b andc Makesurethat0 Hzis notset When0 Hz isset theautotuning functionwill notbeperformed Cancel all theDC brakingsettings DCbrakingisnot...

Страница 114: ... mote operator auloluningis performedin amodein whichthemotordoesnotrun only AC excitationandDC excilationarepossible Then thevalueof motorconstants Rl R2 andL aremeasured Precautions 1 Whentheautotuningfunctionis execuied in thestatethattheDC brakingis set theaccumte motorconstant will notbeset CanceltheDC brakingthethenstartmeasur ment 2 By theautotuningfunction acapacitybetrreentheapplicablemot...

Страница 115: ...2 Motor in thethird hierarchy Change thecontent of l Auto from 0 NOR to IrAUTinfie founhhierarchy Wlen thedatais changed pressthe key Mx t un 2 Motor 3 Carrier M F F rourthhierarchy V r nuro q NoR G2 2 DATA Q NOR 0 2 tr dEl STOR Y r nuro 1 AUT i0 2 2 DATA Q NOR l0 2 Monitor display r s AC1 DCl 50 00H2 0 00H2 10 00s 10 00s b1 when the roN l eyrspressed to select themonitormode mdtheequipmentstarts ...

Страница 116: ...ollowingis displayed andthemeasurement isstopped As amotorconstant whenthemeasurement fails the lastvalueis set Whenoneof thekeysis pressed theoriginalscreen is displayed Whenexecut ingthemeasurement onceagain change theautotuning measurement setting to Start andenter thelun command in thesame way Digitaloperator OK I Function 3 OR FR Abnormal terminalion display NG Function 3 OR FR fT l l l r l A...

Страница 117: ...rc r2 0iroucr l 4 Sensorless vectorcontrol Set the motor constant data to the data which is I Al9 8 meaiurcdb lhe aulorunrngfunclton using the software switch Rcferr rhelA98 coftuare q rrchof lheop rxli n Whenexecutingthesecondsetting changethe 2 Remote opcrator By theubore tu o settinp runnrng by the autotuningdatais available F 04 CONTROL t Sclect SLV sensorlcss veclorcontrol by F o lcontrolmeth...

Страница 118: ...hefourthhierarchy Whenthedataischanged press the etf I key sToR Mrz Second hierarchy V I Control 2 Acc Dec 3 Run 4 Braking 5 A Dec 1 ON 0 1 o tuooe Q vc 0 5 0 r n Kl key rorerum rorhe third Etu tr FeF JSTOR IER I RETN I M fErRl l s E L l M tr FiFI IsToRI r v r 2 Motor 3 Carrier hierarchy andselect 2 Motor Changethecontentof 0 NOR from 0 NOR to 2 AUTin thefounhhierarchy Whenthedataischanged press t...

Страница 119: ...aiion to IF 05AUX R2l autotuningdatastepbystepwithin1 2times fluctuationc efficient Dccrcascihe motorconsranrR2 in relationro lF 05 AUX R2l aulo tuningdatasrepby stepwithin 0 8 tincs Regeneradon W en lowfrequency status witba afewHz torquc is decelerating torque insuffi cicnt i Increasc themotorconstant Rl in relation toaulotuningdatasr ep by step within1 2 dmes lF os AUXRtl l Decrcas themotorcons...

Страница 120: ...constant asshown in the drawing ontheright thereisa voltage atwhichthecurrent is minimized Whenthecunentis minimized thepoweris also minimized Thefunctionauto matically searches thisvoltage IPrecautions l Theoutputvoltage isdecreased soastominimizethecurent Thesearch limitsarcthe voltase of toroue constant characteristic t507o 2 Thef unctionisperformed undercomparatively slow confol Theretbre when...

Страница 121: ...rvation running Fuzzymostsuitable acceleration and deceleration running Whentherunning starts afterthedatais set the energycons ryation runningis performed F 10running modeselection isdisplayed DisplaytheRUNMODEscreen andseiecr oEN Running modeselection NOR Normalrunning OEN Energy conservation running GOD Fuzzymostsuitable acceleration and deceleration running Whentherunning starts afterthedatais...

Страница 122: ...Control 2 AcdDec 3 Run 4 Braking Third hierarchy t r g 2 Pattern 3 SPD rounrr rrierarchy 1 MODE o NOR 0 2 Y 1 MODE L oEN 0 2 Monitor display r s AC1 DCl 50 00H2 0 00H2 10 00s 10 00s Change thecontent of l MODE tiom o NORto I OENin thefourthhierarchy Whenthedatais changed press the i l key LJE I t E _ t when theI MoX keyispressed to select themonitormodeandtheequipment starts running thefuzzymoslsu...

Страница 123: ...ion time Theacceleration anddeceleration timevaries withthemasnitude of the load or inenia 2 Whentheineniaofthe machine is morcthanabout20timesof thatof themotorshaft a tripmayoccur 3 Theacceleration anddeceleration timeof thesame motoralways varieswithachange of theculrent 4 Thefuzzymostsuitable accelention anddeceleration setting functionis validonlyunder theV F control ln thehighstarttorque run...

Страница 124: ...celeration anddeceleration aresetin accordancc with thefuzzyrule from thedistance to theoverloadrcstrictionlevelandthestartslopesof current andvoltase t 9 E Disuncc Accelention ratio accclcralion delemiraliordeceleration mtio de eleEtion delenination A 12 ...

Страница 125: ... Run in thesecond hierarchy Select 2 Pattem in thethirdhierarchy Change thecontent of l MODE from o NOR to2 CODin e founhhierarchy Whenthedatais changed pressthe l y t E 7 WhentheI N tOtVl keyis pressed to select themonitormodeandtheequipment starts running lhe fuzzy most suitable acceleration anddeceleration runningisexecuted Mx 1 Control 2 Acc Dec 3 Run 4 Braking M 2 tr rEfiI I sEL I tr I_EEI I ...

Страница 126: ...power rceon tion in fic rctry modcor alteraneror ALM n RST ZST 0 Trippingwilhu instanlaneous Tripping poweriailurewilhintheIPS TIME If anopention command isissued for aninstanhneous powerhilu e derecred ouroflhe IPSTIME restantheoperation 0 Hzthn _ Tdpping Tripping Thcinalching stops wirhan insbntaneous poweriailure derered wlthin e IPSTIME Theinvenertrips ith an insbntaneou poweriiilure dcrected ...

Страница 127: ...IT afterthe instantaneous powerfailureisrecovered is setto 3 seconds or more O Whentheoutputfrequency is morethan60Hz O Whenthebase frequency is60Hz Drivenat30Hz or less Wbenthebase frequency is 50Hz Drivenat25Hzor less Whentheinduced voltage of themotorattenuates earlier forexample apumpor high speed gearwhichcauses themotorto decelerate for several seconds or less NOTE Theinverter controlpowerho...

Страница 128: ...c theierminalCSisallocated rotheinputlerminatseltrng I Extension sei rhererminal mode Sclcct theCSterminal d E F SET serecr rnv Function modcF 34 F R SELECTTF M SetTRM lcrminal node Selcct theCSrerminal N TM3 CS NOTE A1l cate thecommercial powersource switching inputteminalCs tooneof rheinpullcminalsetlingsI to 8 lN TMI toIN TM8 In ihisexample theErminalCSissuocarcd to rheinpurleminal setling3 A 1...

Страница 129: ... ELBC NOTE2 U wealcunentrlals tbr FwY RvY andCSY Sep te AC elaysfion DC relays Theabole scquence isa iefeencedn ing 4 7 41 7 serinebr limer2C f t f m c l c n f l J l v c n r r o n d L F o r t u o m l e n L h e r r r m e h a o n J s o r n o R IuYt oFi Connection example diagramandtiming for commercial powersourceswitchingrunning Mgl andMg2interl ling ne A 18 ...

Страница 130: ...aroundth tnu 1 l body lf theinverter i f ou a in up i tft u rnbi n t tp tutu e corresponds tothetemperature in thepanel swithintherating thecapacitor life is EvenwhentheambienttemperaNleI ffiJli i ion is impeded duetobadinstallation conditions or dust 5 6 Capacitor lilt Year A 19 ...

Страница 131: ... reverse U curvein thefunctionmode F 06 If thc acceleration curvepattemor deceleration curvepattern is selected theselected pattem applies to bothacceleration anddeceleration Thelargernumber causes a greater curvafure CuIve pauem Acceleration Deceleration Scurve Set freq t Decel time Ser freq I U curve Set Ser frcq 1 frcq I Decel RU curve Set rfeq 1 N I X lxt Deccl limc A 20 ...

Страница 132: ...n l E r c 1 4 4 1 2 r g 9 l e i a 3 2 E E q 6ia E l 9 9 q P E l 5 I E lr o 9 l z i r 1 i l i g l E 6 r Z i t o e d i 1 e l 2 2 l l 6 a e L E q a a N 6 0 i x E F i 6 i 5 t r o _ r A 1 4 9 c 9 h 9 r a i i r 3 6 oci l a o g a E d F E F E F 6 a t P t 9 z I t A 21 ...

Страница 133: ...r P di t F i 9 E e A P Y t r E g I A U i 9 Y 9 E k F 9 9 E P l g e I I B 3 E 5 F z n l c l l e E r E l l i i j e t g E 4 z N l o l d r q l r l a l R i F X X z o x 6 2 ll z A 22 ...

Страница 134: ...z e E E F E N l l E A i P a I o E e E n l r a v 7 L E a d X r i e 1 2 5 d ll a t 9 9 2 E E a E 2 E A o 9 6 E i A J A 23 ...

Страница 135: lFunctionmodel 1 F 00 Basicfrequency setting 2 F 01 Maxinumlicqucncy settinS 3 F 0 4 Controlme od 4 F 05 Motorconstanr sctring OTE Wlen sclccling lhesecond funclion 2 stage accclera ion anddccclcration timesetting cannotbeseland u cd whcn c ring dnJu inglhe nJge accclcfd on anddeceleration rimc sclcct thefirstfunction when ISETIterminal isoFn Setthe2 stage accel anddecei runct on ot IT_g 6 Tlrt...

Страница 136: setlingAC2 15 00 s ACC2 00l5 UO s y F6 15 0 y N Dcceleration iime setling First seuing DCI 30 00 s DECI 0030 00 s Y F7 30 0 Y Se L nd serring DCI 30 00s DEC1 0030 00 s F 30 0 N 2 srep dccclcrauon trme scluns DC2 15 00 s DtCl onlr Uo F l5 u y N Moiorpolcnurnb r setting RPM l 4 p Motorrprnmonito ed ORPM RPM4P ORPI4 Y A 2 5 4 Y 0 00 ConYerted frequency setiing lHz L0 0 00 Hz01 0 S AA 15 16 Y A47 I...

Страница 137: ...meP Nvoltase 3 ERR3 0 0Vdc ERR3 0 0vdc N N N Integmtedcounlofefior timerunning days ERR3 R OY OD ERR3 R OY OD N N N 2 Functionmode Y Possible N Notpossible Dilplry i ifi HOP HRW DiloLyi ltDOP Dtw f ailr rSdd 6e Ih r d y 1r9 Dd dit l 3 D t dirplay AtraiduoNO Drlt mt_ nl I F SSI l REM F SEr SELECIREM F9 0 Y 2F R l Rru FA SELECT REM PARMO REM F 09 PARAMREM N Y Y 2 I TCNI 0 Cl tI F E INmCNTCl rI N Deb...

Страница 138: Firsletring Ssondseniig I loror cdnint Kppscning FirsrserdnB Saond rring AUx i 0ll 44 kn ALXJ 0 I 41 kgrnr AUXKo 2 00 A A3 2 00 AUXKp 2 00 l AUXT 00100ms I I Y N AUXTi00l00Ds AUXKpp001 00 AUXKpp00l 0O lK615 50 kw 5Rr 0 25t 5Rr 0 251 AUXR20 0 r94 AUXR20 019 1 AUXL 001 29mH 7 L 3 29nH AUXL 0 l 29mH 8 M 10 90 mH 8 M 30 90 mH 9J 0 t4 6t o r 1 i aKp 2 00 aKp 2 00 bTi l00ms bT l m cKpp LC0 Carier fcq...

Страница 139: ...0 Y N ld sp edofMulhraSe sped I Sl 0 mnz 0 0 Y N 4th 7lh speed ofMuliisag speed 4 5 4 0 00 Hz 0 mHz F2 0 0 Y N DCbraljngtypeseleltion DCbnting poserPl4non 3 4 l ISW o OFF 2KIND t LVL lI 0 5 tl7 4V STA 5 V S l P 0 6VSTA 0 0 s T STP 0 0s 8STOP T 0 00 s F20 DCBSWOFF DCBX NDLVL DCBFfiXt sllz IrB V STA Xl N N 1 I I I I Y DCbr ing power eletion DCBV SIT 00 Y DCirakingtim Pl rion GuningtinE DCbn inglimee...

Страница 140: ...1 0 s I SWAIT00l0s N Y Y Inslallaftou8 pov rtdlw rcsLin IPSPOWR ALM 0 Y Y Tnps fflo duing slop under IPSTRIPOFF N Md tuquenqy sletion 1 5 5 I MAXF 0r120 Hr F t0 F MAX LI2OH7 Y t20 Y Sofisare l k ietion 2SLOCK l MDl r 25 s LiXKMDI N STOP keyvaliditysletior 3S1OP l ON F 2 8 STOP 5WON N Y Rumingdne ft nseleclion 4 R 2 FRE F 29 T RSIVFRE N Y Rdes runprevention Redoceil yolagesofisuneltiig 5IREV 0 OFF ...

Страница 141: ...OPI eno I OPI l STP F47 OP ERRI STP N N Hosr oper timarOP2emr 2OP2 I STP OP ERR2 STP N N Encod pulk Nnber setlrng 2 I ENC P 1024 plr F 3 9 OPP0l t4 pule N Y N 2MODE O ASR OPMODEASR N Y N 3ROTOCOFF oPRO m OrF Y 0 Y Srop poGirid snings i ch l I POS 0 lN F40 ORPOS IN N 2P 0pls oRPofilt N Y N I FC 5 0Hz ORFC0rc5 0 Hz N N ITURN0 FWD OR TURN FWD N Y Y Compleooo re8e eninB 5LIMTI 5pls oRL0005 N N Conplet...

Страница 142: ... CO IPAR SEUEY N _ COMSTOPBTT2N I BAIID 6mbps1 46 2NUMBER I 3LENGTH O 8 4P A R 1 l O N 5PAR 2 0 EVN 6STOPBTT 0 2 Y N Y N fY r Rela output teminalRYA signal selecnon Rcla output tcminal RYBsignal selectlon Reh oulput rcminal RYCsigorl f 4IJ RELAYRYARUN N 1RYA 3 RUN RYB O 5N RELAY RYBCST l RILAYRYCOI I N Extnsjon luncnon seldng Sdliigonl lbrdieital opehror Y F1 1 vollagc comnaid adjusnicit Sening on...

Страница 143: ...o l0 V 4 to 20 mA PID Gain If theresponse is notstabilizedin a PID controloperation adjustthegainsasfollows accord ing to thesymptomofthe inverter The changeof controlledvariableis slowevenwhenthctargetvalueis changed Incrcase theP grin The changeofcontrolled variableis fast butnot stable Decrease the P gain It is difficult to maketheta rget valuematchwith thecontrolledvariable Decrease the I gain...

Страница 144: ...back signal t gainx 10 MD4 An analog voltage inputisused asthefeed back signal I gainx 10 Notes If thetargetvaluesignalistobeentered to anexternal terminal thesisnal should nolhr assigned totheterminal u edb rhefeed back sipnal input lf assigned noPIDoperation ispossibJe The PIDLVL value 0to 200 conesponds to0 to lov of analog volF ageinput ln otherwords if thetargetvalueinputof 5V isconverted to ...
