Section 3 Exception Handling
3.1 Overview
Exception handling is performed in the H8/3864 Series when a reset or interrupt occurs. Table 3-1
shows the priorities of these two types of exception handling.
Table 3-1 Exception Handling Types and Priorities
Exception Source
Time of Start of Exception Handling
Exception handling starts as soon as the reset state is cleared
When an interrupt is requested, exception handling starts
after execution of the present instruction or the exception
handling in progress is completed
3.2 Reset
3.2.1 Overview
A reset is the highest-priority exception. The internal state of the CPU and the registers of the on-
chip peripheral modules are initialized.
3.2.2 Reset Sequence
As soon as the
pin goes low, all processing is stopped and the chip enters the reset state.
To make sure the chip is reset properly, observe the following precautions.
At power on: Hold the
pin low until the clock pulse generator output stabilizes.
Resetting during operation: Hold the
pin low for at least 10 system clock cycles.
Reset exception handling takes place as follows.
The CPU internal state and the registers of on-chip peripheral modules are initialized, with the I
bit of the condition code register (CCR) set to 1.
The PC is loaded from the reset exception handling vector address (H'0000 to H'0001), after
which the program starts executing from the address indicated in PC.