Driver and Utility
PCIe Flash Drive FlashMAX2&3 User’s Guide
For RHEL 6
[RAID0 (striping) configuration procedure]
1. Perform a low level formatting of the Flash Drive
Do this to the vgcx of all Flash Drives in the RAID.
Formatting example using Maximum Capacity mode:
vgc-config -d /dev/vgcx -m maxcapacity -n 1
* Use the vgc-monitor command to find out the
in “vgcx”.
Formatting example using Maximum Performance mode:
vgc-config -d /dev/vgcx -m maxperformance -n 1
* Use the vgc-monitor command to find out the
in “vgcx”.
Formatting cannot be performed if the Flash Drive is still mounted.
2. Use the Flash Drives to construct the RAID
<When x number of Flash Drives are installed>
mdadm --create /dev/md0 --chunk=256 --level=x --raid-devices=x /dev/
vgca0 /dev/vgcb0/ . . /dev/vgcx0
* Type in the above on one line.
* raid-devices=x where x is the number of Flash Drives
* level=x indicates the level of RAID (x=0 RAID0 (striping))
3. Create a file system
Use the mkfs command to create a file system.
Example: mkfs -t ext4 -J size=400 /dev/mdx
* mdx refers to a RAID number (x=0, 1, 2, etc.)
[RAID0 (striping) Replacing a faulty drive]
1. Turn off the system.
2. Replace the faulty Flash Drive with a new one.
3. Turn on the system.
4. Stop the RAID service.
mdadm --misc --stop /dev/mdx
* mdx refers to a RAID number (x=0, 1, 2, etc.)