7. Service parts list
Repair, m odification and inspection of Hitachi Pow er
Tools m ust be carried out by an Hitachi Authorized
Service Center.
This Parts List w ill be helpful if presented w ith the
tool to the Hitachi Authorized Service Center w hen
requesting repair or other m aintenance.
In the operation and m aintenance of pow er tools,
the safety regulations and standards prescribed in
each country m ust be observed.
Hitachi Pow er Tools are constantly being im proved
and m odified to incorporate the latest technological
advancem ents.
Accordingly, som e parts m ay be changed w ithout
prior notice.
Due to HITACHI’s continuing program of research and
developm ent, the specifications herein are subject to
change w ithout prior notice.
Information concerning airborne noise and vibration
The m easured values w ere determ ined according to
The typical A-w eighted sound pressure level: 95 dB (A).
The typical A-w eighied sound pow er level: 108 dB (A).
Wear ear protection.
The typical w eighted root m ean square acceleration value
does not exceed 2.5 m /s
Information about pow er supply system of nominal
voltage 230 V~
Under unfavorable m ains conditions, this pow er tool
m ay cause
transient voltage drops or interfering voltage
This pow er tool is intended for the connection to a
pow er supply system w ith a m axim um perm issible sys-
tem im pedance Z
of 0.07 Ohm at the interface point
(pow er service box) of the user's supply.
The user has to ensure that this pow er tool is connected
only to a pow er supply system w hich fulfills the require-
m ent above.
If necessary, the user can ask the public pow er supply
com pany for the system im pedance at the interface point.
Information about the circuit-breaker sw tich of
nominal voltage 230 V~
This tool should be used only if it is connected to a 16 A
Fuse w ith gl disconnection characteristic.