background image




4. The self-powered test lead comes on if there is continuity. An ohmmeter reads 0 

or very low resistance if there is continuity. A reading of infinite resistance if there 
is continuity. A reading of infinite resistance indicates no continuity, the circuit is 


Testing for a short with a self-powered test light or ohmmeter 

1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. 

2. Remove the blown fuse. 

3. Connect one test lead of the test light or ohmmeter to the load side (battery side) of 

the fuse terminal in the starter relay. 

4. Connect the other test lead to a good ground (bare metal). Make sure the part



for a ground is not insulated with a rubber gasket or rubber grommet. 

5. With the self-powered test light or ohmmeter attached to the fuse terminal and 

ground, wiggle the wiring harness relating to the suspect circuit at various intervals. 
Start next to the fuse terminals and work away from the fuse terminal. Watch the 
self-powered test light or ohmmeter while progressing along the harness. 

6. If the test light blinks or the needle on the ohmmeter moves, there is a short-to-

ground at that point in the harness. 


Testing for a short with a test light or voltmeter 

1. Remove the blown fuse. 

2. Connect the test light or voltmeter across the fuse terminals in the starter relay. Turn 

the ignition switch ON and check for battery voltage. 

3. With the test light or voltmeter attached to the fuse terminals, wiggle the wiring 

harness relating to the suspect circuit at various intervals. Start next to the fuse 
terminal a work systematically away from the fuse terminal. Watch the test light or 
voltmeter while progressing along the harness. 

4. If the test light blinks or if the needle on the voltmeter moves, there is a short-to-

ground at that point in the harness. 




The front and rear brake units are critical to riding performance and safety. Inspect 

the front and rear brakes frequently and repair any problem immediately. When 
replacing or refilling the brake fluid, use only DOT 4 brake fluid from a closed container. 

    Always check the brake operation before riding the motorcycle. 


Soft or Spongy Brake Lever or Pedal  

Содержание HS5DUTV-2

Страница 1: ...method inside may be used to check maintain and repair other models of UTV EV although it is mainly for HS5DUTV 2 Please read the handbook through and fully understand it otherwise any improper repair...

Страница 2: ...uansong Science And Technology Industrial Co Ltd holds the copy right No publishing and reprinting without permission CONTENT CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION G E N E R A L INFORMATION 1 W A T N I N G S...

Страница 3: ...TENERS 5 T o r q u e s p e c i f i c a t i o n s 6 S e l f l o c k i n g fasteners 6 Washers 6 C o t t e r pins 6 S n a p r i n g s a n d E c l i p s 7 S H O P SUPPLIES 7 L u b r i c a n t s a n d Flu...

Страница 4: ...9 B A S I C T O O L S 9 Screwdrivers 1 0 W r e n c h e s 10 A d j u s t a b l e w r e n c h e s 1 0 S o c k e t w r e n c h e s r a t c h e t s a n d h a n d l e s 1 1 I m p a c t d r i v e r s 1 2 A...

Страница 5: ...e 15 Calipers 1 6 Micrometers 1 6 A d j u s t m e n t 17 C a r e 17 M e t r i c micrometer 18 S t a n d a r d i n c h micrometer 19 T e l e s c o p i n g a n d s m a l l b o r e g a u g e s 1 9 Multim...

Страница 6: ...n f a s t e n e r s 2 3 R e m o v i n g b r o k e n f a s t e n e r s 2 3 R e p a i r i n g d a m a g e d t h r e a d s 2 3 S t u d R e m o v a l I n s t a l l a t i o n 2 4 R e m o v i n g h o s e s...

Страница 7: ...t i o n 2 9 Motor Start 29 M o t o r n o t work 29 Identifying the Problem 30 M o t o r Overheat 30 M o t o r a n d T r a n s m i s s i o n N o i s e 3 0 E L E C T R I C A L TESTING 30 P r e l i m i...

Страница 8: ...test 34 V o l t a g e d r o p test 35 P e a k v o l t a g e test 35 C o n t i n u i t y test 35 T e s t i n g f o r a s h o r t w i t h a s e l f p o w e r e d t e s t l i g h t o r ohmmeter 35 Testi...

Страница 9: ...g m a s t e r c y l in d e r 3 8 CHAPTER 2 SPECIFICATIONS H O W T O U S E C O N V E R S I O N T A B L E O F U N I T 5 7 H o w t o u s e c o n v e r s i o n t a b l e 5 7 D e f i n i t i o n o f u n i...

Страница 10: ...G T O R Q U E S P E C I F I C A T I O N S 7 6 L U B R I C A T I O N P I O N T S A N D L U B R I C A N T T Y P E S 7 7 Engine 7 7 Chassis 7 8 H Y D R O G R A P H I C CHART 79 L U B R I C A T I O N O I...

Страница 11: ...e a i r f i l t e r 9 2 C h e c k i n g t h e c o o l a n t l e v e l 9 3 C h a n g i n g t h e coolant 93 C h e c k i n g t h e c o o l a n t t e m p e r a t u r e w a r n i n g l i g h t 9 7 C h e c...

Страница 12: ...light switch 104 Checking the final gear oil level 1 0 5 Changing the final gear oil 105 Checking the differential gear oil 1 0 6 Changing the differential gear oil 106 C h e c k i n g t h e c o n s...

Страница 13: ...c k i n g t h e f u s e s 1 2 0 A d j u s t i n g t h e h e a d l i g h t b e a m 1 2 2 C h a n g i n g t h e h e a d l i g h t b u l b 1 2 2 Changing the tail brake light bulb 1 2 3 CHAPTER 4 ENGINE...

Страница 14: ...R S A N D O I L P U M P G E A R S 1 4 9 P R I M A R Y A N D S E C O N D A R Y S H E A V E S 1 5 1 P r i m a r y sheaves 152 S e c o n d a r y sheaves 153 CLUTCH 1 5 8 CRANKCASE 1 6 2 S t a r t e r m...

Страница 15: ...D r i v e a x l e assembly 173 M I D D L E GEAR 177 M i d d l e d r i v e shaft 178 CHAPTER 5 CHASSIS M A L F U N C T I O N INSPECTION 183 PANEL AND CARGO BED F r o n t panel 186 S i d e c o v e r F o...

Страница 16: ...r t 2 0 6 B R A K E SYSTEM 211 Disk brake components 212 W H E E L A N D T Y R E P A R T S 2 3 0 F r o n t wheels 230 R e a r wheels 231 T R A N S M I S S I O N S Y S T E M 2 3 5 C V a x l e f r o n...

Страница 17: ...C O O L I N G SYSTEM 269 W a t e r a n d o i l radiator 269 S E A T 2 7 4 F U E L TANK 2 7 6 CHAPTER 6 ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS E L E C T R I C A L S Y S T E M M A L F U N C T I O N I N S P E C T I O N...

Страница 18: ...O N SYSTEM 284 C i r c u i t diagram 284 Troubleshooting 2 8 5 E L E C T R I C S T A R T I N G S Y S T E M 2 8 8 C i r c u i t diagram 288 Troubleshooting 2 8 9 S T A R T E R MOTOR 292 C H A R G I N G...

Страница 19: ...diagram 297 Troubleshooting 2 9 8 Checking the signal system 2 9 9 C O O L I N G SYSTEM 305 C i r c u i t diagram 305 Troubleshooting 3 0 6 2WD 4WDSELECTINGSYSTEM 3 0 8 C i r c u i t diagram 308 Trou...

Страница 20: ...ctors 312 Throttle body assembly with stepper motor 316 E n g i n e c o o l a n t t e m p e r a t u r e s e n s o r 3 1 8 I n t a k e a i r p r e s s u r e a n d t e m p e r a t u r e s e n s o r 3 1...

Страница 21: ...I D L E S P E E D P E R F O R M A N C E 3 3 2 P o o r i d l e s p e e d performance 332 P O O R M E D I U M A N D H I G H S P E E D P E R F O R M A N C E 3 3 3 P o o r m e d i u m a n d h i g h s p e...

Страница 22: ...L o s s o f d a m p i n g f u n c t i o n 3 3 5 U N S T A B L E HANDLING 335 U n s t a b l e handling 335 L I G H T I N G SYSTEM 335 H e a d l i g h t i s o u t o f w o r k 3 3 5 B u l b b u r n t ou...

Страница 23: ...WARNINGS CAUTIONS AND NOTES The terms WARNING CAUTION and NOTE have specific meaning in this manual WARNING emphasizes areas where injury or even death could result from negligence Mechanical damage m...

Страница 24: ...r Position Lamp Assy 10 Rear Tire 11 Induction AC motor 12 Passenger Safety Belt 13 Passenger Seat 14 15 Passenger Handrail 16 Front Tire 17 Welding Assembly Front Bumper 18 Horn Switch 19 The distanc...


Страница 26: ...GENERAL INFORMATION 26 Frame No is carved on the right side of rear frame Electric motor No Electric motor NO Is behind the electric motor...

Страница 27: ...against the seat both feet flat on the floor and both hands on the steering wheel if driving or on a passenger hand hold 5 The driver and all passengers must wear helmet eye protection gloves long sle...

Страница 28: ...carefully before descending a hill Never travel downhill at high speed Avoid going downhill at an angle which would cause the vehicle to lean sharply to one side Travel straight down the hill where p...

Страница 29: ...make sure they are in place and are easy to read See Safety Decal and Feature Identification on page 4 Only trained technicians should service or repair the vehicle or battery charger Anyone doing ev...

Страница 30: ...tor does not work after the electric buttom is pressed 1 Spanner 2 Battery 3 Connecting cable After disconnecting the batteries wait 90 seconds for the controller capacitors to discharge Battery Safty...

Страница 31: Risk Take care of the explosive gas while charging hurt or even death may caused due to incorrect usage How to avoid the risk Leave the battery far away from the spark fires and other fire source U...

Страница 32: ...d measure the proper amounts according to the manufacturer 3 Work in a well ventilated area 4 Wear chemical resistant gloves 5 Wear safety glasses 6 Wear a vapor respirator if the instructions call fo...

Страница 33: ...icates the wrench size WARNING Do not install fasteners with a strength classification lower than what was originally installed by the manufacturer doing so may cause equipment failure and or damage T...

Страница 34: ...or motorcycle the fastener must be secured in this way For these applications A cotter pin and castellated slotted nut is used To use a cotter pin first make sure the diameter is correct for the hole...

Страница 35: ...removing and installing snap rings SHOP SIPPLIES Lubricants and Fluids Periodic lubrication help ensure a long service life for any type of equipment Using the correct type of lubricant is as importan...

Страница 36: ...ase Institute NLGI grades grease Grades range from No 000 to No 6 with No 6 being the thickest Typical multipurpose grease is NLGI No 2 For specific applications manufacturers may recommend water resi...

Страница 37: ...are not water soluble Local ordinances may types of cleaning chemicals Refer to Safer in this chapter Use brake parts cleaner to brake system components Brake parts cleaner leaves no residue Use elec...

Страница 38: ...chanic Always use the correct tools for the job Keep tools organized and clean Store them in a tool chest with related tools organized together Quality tools are essential The best are constructed of...

Страница 39: ...damaged Phillips screwdrivers can back out cam out and round over the screw head In addition Weak or soft screw materials can make removal difficult The best type of screwdriver to use on Phillips scr...

Страница 40: ...tness to a fastener The combination wrench has a box end on one end and an open end on one end and an open end on the other This combination makes it a convenient tool Adjustable wrenches An adjustabl...

Страница 41: ...xible ratchet heads in varying length allow the socket to be turned with varying force and at odd angles Extension bars allow the socket setup to reach difficult areas The ratchet is the most versatil...

Страница 42: ...come in several drive sizes 1 4 3 8 1 2 and 3 4 and have various methods of reading the torque value The drive size indicates the size of the square drive that accepts the socket adapter or extension...

Страница 43: ...ever length When using a torque adapter at a right angle to the drive head calibration is not required because the effective length has not changed To recalculate a torque reading when using a torque...

Страница 44: ...and bending Diagonal cutting pliers are needed to cut wire and can be used to remove cotter pins Use needle nose pliers to hold or bend small objects Locking pliers Figure 16 sometimes called Vise Gr...

Страница 45: ...l shown in Figure 18 Make the tool shown from a No 6 screw and nut two washers length of tubing alligator clip electrical eyelet and a length of wire PRECISION MEASURING TOOLS The ability to accuratel...

Страница 46: Most calipers have a range up to 150 mm 6 in Calipers are available in dial venire or digital versions Dial calipers have a dial readout that provides convenient reading Venire calipers have marke...

Страница 47: ...this manual call for an outside micrometer Use the outside micrometer to measure the outside diameter of cylindrical forms and the thickness of materials A micrometer s size indicates the minimum and...

Страница 48: ...s the anvil If the micrometer has a ratchet stop use it to ensure that the proper amount of pressure is applied b If the adjustment is correct the 0 mark on the thimble will align exactly with the 0 m...

Страница 49: larger micrometers On all metric micrometers each mark on the lower half of the sleeve equals 0 50 mm The tapered end of the thimble has 50 lines marked around it Each mark equals 0 01 mm One compl...

Страница 50: ...efer to Figure 27 1 Read the sleeve and find the largest number visible Each sleeve number equals 0 100 in 2 Count the number of lines between the numbered sleeve mark and the edge of the thimble Each...

Страница 51: ...bore surface and damage the tool Remove the gauge and measure the outside dimension Figure 30 Small bore gauges are typically used to measure valve guides Dial Indicator A dial indicator Figure 31 is...

Страница 52: ...a meter not recommended by the manufacturer Such requirements are noted when applicable Ohmmeter analog calibration Each time an analog ohmmeter is used or if the scale is changed the ohmmeter must be...

Страница 53: ...rily and then switches to the opposite direction Alternator output is an example of AC voltage This voltage must be changed or rectified to direct current to operate in a battery powered system Resist...

Страница 54: ...osition Record the number and thickness of any shims when removing them Identify parts by placing them in sealed and labeled plastic sandwich bags 4 Tag disconnected wires and connectors with masking...

Страница 55: ...g parts For instance crankcase bolts are often not the same lengths Do not rely on memory alone Carefully laid out parts can become disturbed making it difficult to reassemble the comports correctly 1...

Страница 56: the exact center of the remaining portion of the screw or bolt Drill a small hole in the screw and tap the extractor into the hole Back the screw out with a wrench on the extractor Figure 38 Repair...

Страница 57: or fitting Remove the hose clamp and carefully insert a small screwdriver or pick tool between the fitting and hose Apply a spray lubricant under the hose and carefully twist the hose off the fitti...

Страница 58: ...aluminum rod between the hammer and shaft Figure 43 and make sure to support both bearing races with wooden blocks as shown 3 The ideal method of bearing removal is with a hydraulic press Note the fol...

Страница 59: ...bearing before installation Note the following a Secure the shaft so it is ready for bearing installation b Clean all residues from the bearing surface of the shaft Remove burrs with a file or sandpa...

Страница 60: the housing from the oven or hot plate and hold onto the housing with welding gloves It is hot NOTE Remove and install the bearings with a suitable size socket and extension c Hold the housing with...

Страница 61: ...g out 4 Install seals with a socket or driver placed on the outside of the seal as shown in Drive the seal squarely into the housing until it is to the correct depth or flush as noted during removal N...

Страница 62: ...ion dash board will be lit indicating whether the battery is fully charged As shown below 4 Turn the forward reverse switch to the desired position F Forward Center position Neutral N R Reverse At thi...

Страница 63: ...r pedal brake pedal will automatically open EVs will start moving 1 Parking pedal 2 Brake Pedal 3 Accelerate pedal 7 Slowly press down the accelerator pedal EV can increase speed press the pedal to th...

Страница 64: ...on Before Leaving The EV 1 Press park brake pedal until it locks and holds vehicle 1 Parking Pedal 2 Brake pedal 2 Place F GEAR R switch in GEAR position 1 Forward 2 Neutral 3 Reverse 3 1 Parking Peda...

Страница 65: adjustment or maintenance must be carried out immediately otherwise you may cause serious injury or property damage Daily Safe Checking Items General All the parts should be in place and properly i...

Страница 66: ...ease change the wheel otherwise the tires may fell out from the wheel and cause the accident Battery Check whether the battery acid spill out of the battery surface and check whether the battery cover...

Страница 67: ...en the brake pedal or accelerator pedal is depressed the parking brake pedal should be checked if it could be automatically reset WARNING When the brake pedal is depressed by appropriate pressure EV s...

Страница 68: ...e property damage severe personal injury or death Only trained technicians could serve or repair the vehicle and its battery charger The appropriate instructions must be used when performing maintenan...

Страница 69: ...MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT OF THE EV 69 Periodic Service Schedule...

Страница 70: ...Semiannual service by trained technician only every 50 hours of operation or 100 rounds of EV Check the Brake System Check brake shoes replace if necessary Lubricate brake system per Lubrication Sched...

Страница 71: ...100 rounds of EV Charger receptacle 1 WD 40 Lubricate the brake system After each maintenance and service manual 2 lithium grease Front wheel steering knuckle 3 lithium grease Annual service by train...

Страница 72: ...he plastic cover would result in wear and tear on the surface 4 Acid oil paint and gum leaked from battery should be removed immediately to prevent causing permanent stains 5 The seats of the vehicle...

Страница 73: ...olute security by cutting the link of the battery pack 4 Each month conduct a supplementary charge of the battery Every three months drive the EV and fully use the battery and fully recharge the batte...

Страница 74: ...cle and service area Ventilate when charging or operating vehicle in an encised area Wear a full face shield and rubber gloves when working on or near batteries Charge batteries in a well ventilated a...

Страница 75: ...rger Any problems encountered in the maintenance of the charger please contact your local distributor dealer Each charger should have its own dedicated 25 ampere separately protected circuit breaker o...

Страница 76: ...wired and in good electrical condition Keep it as short as possible no more than 12 feet 3 7 m Place all cords so they will not be stepped on tripped over or otherwise subject to dam age or stress Ch...

Страница 77: ...zen battery or battery with bulged cases Frozen battery can explode Figure 2 Correct Insertion Figure 1 of Charge AC Plug Plug And Receptacle The charger cord plug and receptacle are wear items and sh...

Страница 78: ...der the following list the minimum requirement 1 Wash the EV thoroughly Make sure all dirt mud and other debris are removed 2 Lubricate the drive chain 3 Apply a protective substance to the plastic an...

Страница 79: ...ese symptoms Test and analyze The suspect areas Is date The problem By following a systematic approach the possibility of unnecessary parts replacement can be avoid always start with the simple and mo...

Страница 80: ...s separated Test the simplest and most obvious items first and try to make tests at easily accessible points on the EV Before starting any electrical troubleshooting perform the following 1 Check the...

Страница 81: ...hen repeat the test while heating the ground If the lamp comes on The problem is the connection between the lamp and Connector with a heat gun or hair dryer If the meter reading was normal continuity...

Страница 82: ...ositive lead to the component or wire to be checked and the negative lead to a good ground Ammeter An ammeter measures the flow of current amps in a circuit when connected in series in a circuit the a...

Страница 83: ...nect an ohmmeter to a circuit which has power applied to it Always disconnect the battery negative lead before using an ohmmeter Jumper wire A jumper wire is a simple way to bypass a potential problem...

Страница 84: a test light It does not make any difference which test lead is attached to ground 1 Attach the voltmeter negative test lead to a good ground bare metal Make sure the part used for ground is not in...

Страница 85: ...ded battery cable would cause a high voltage drop high resistance and slow engine cranking d Common sources of voltage drop are loose or contaminated connectors and poor ground connections Peak voltag...

Страница 86: ...ght or ohmmeter while progressing along the harness 6 If the test light blinks or the needle on the ohmmeter moves there is a short to ground at that point in the harness Testing for a short with a te...

Страница 87: ...m loose or damaged hose fittings Air in the hydraulic system causes a soft or spongy brake lever action This condition is noticeable and reduces brake performance When it is suspected that air has ent...

Страница 88: ...e following causes if they occur would prevent correct brake pad movement and cause brake drag 1 Warped or damaged brake disc 2 Brake caliper not sliding correctly on slide pins 3 Sticking or damaged...

Страница 89: ...disc 3 Incorrect wheel alignment 4 Warped brake disc 5 Loose brake disc mounting bolts 6 Brake caliper not sliding correctly on slide pins 7 Mismatched brake pads 8 Damaged wheel bearings Brake Squeal...

Страница 90: ...damaged reservoir cap SPECIFICATIONS HOW TO CONVERSION TABLE OF UNIT 1 How to use conversion table All the specified documents in this manual are taken SI and Metric as unit With the following convers...

Страница 91: ...n of unit Unit Read Definition Measurement mm cm Millimetre Centimetre 1 mm 10 3 Meter 1 cm 10 2 Meter Length Length kg Kilogram 1 kg 103 Gram Weight N Newton 1N 1 kg meter second Force N m kgf m Newt...

Страница 92: ...m 63 58 in 1 850mm 72 83 in 860mm 33 85 in 1 850mm 72 83 in 260mm 10 24 in 3 420mm 134 64 in Basic weight 824kg 1816 6 lbs Max speed 25 MPH 40 2 km h Motor Model Motor type Power Rated torque Voltage...

Страница 93: ...e with low noise gears Electronic Gear Select H M L 14 14 3 7 3 7 F N R gears driven by direction of electric motor Chassis Frame type Trail Toe in Steel tube frame 26 0mm 1 02 in 8 18 mm 0 31 0 71 in...

Страница 94: ...g damping 160mm 6 30 in min 235mm 9 25 in max 180mm 7 09 in min 235mm 9 25 in max Headlight type Bulb wattage quantity Headlight Front Position Lamp Front direction indicator Rear direction indicator...

Страница 95: 11 57 in 19 04N mm 1 94kg mm 30 140 mm 1 18 5 51in Rear suspension Shock absorber travel Spring free length Spring rate Stroke 140 mm 5 51 in 168mm 6 61 in 39 15N mm 3 99 kg mm 62 5N mm 6 37 kg mm...

Страница 96: ...ator pedal free play Brake pedal free play Parking brake cable free play 2 3mm 0 079 0 118 in 2 3mm 0 079 0 118 in 2 3 mm 0 079 0 118 in Item Standard Limit Front disc brake Type Disc outside diameter...

Страница 97: ...4 mm 7 20 0 16in 6 0 mm 0 24 in 6 0 mm 0 24 in 19 0mm 0 75in 22 6mm 0 89in DOT 3 12V SYSTEM ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Item Standard Limit Voltage 12 V Battery Specific gravity 1 32 18Ah Power supply D...

Страница 98: ...ency Overvoltage protective voltage low voltage protective voltage Pulling motor current limit overheat protective temperature low temperature protective temperature 48 VDC 36V 48VDC 15KHz 69 6V 49 3V...

Страница 99: ...90V AC265V 45 65Hz 1 8KW 93 35 85 All closed have fan natural air cooling Input Over voltage Protection Input Under voltage Protection Output Over voltage Protection Output Under voltage Protection Ou...

Страница 100: ...reaker Type Controller s main fuse Cable s main fuse Fuse 425A 30A TIGHTENING TORQUES Chassis tightening torques Part to be tightened Thread size Tightening torque Remarks Nm m kg ft lb Rubber connect...

Страница 101: case M8 25 2 5 18 Rear driving axle gear case and frame M10 70 7 0 51 Rear driving axle gear case filler plug M20 23 2 3 17 Rear driving axle gear case drain plug M10 20 2 0 14 Ring gear bearing ho...

Страница 102: ...elocity joint of half shaft M20 260 26 0 190 Stake Steering knuckle and brake disc guard M6 7 0 7 5 1 Front brake caliper and front wheel steering knuckle M10 48 4 8 35 Front brake hose union bolt M10...

Страница 103: ...ure and frame M10 64 6 4 46 Support frame enclosure and side frame enclosure M10 64 6 4 46 Top frame enclosure and side frame enclosure M10 64 6 4 46 Seat support and frame M8 16 1 6 11 Footrest plate...

Страница 104: ...ats B Outside thread diameter A nut B bolt General tightening torques Nm m kg ft lb 10 mm 6 mm 6 0 6 4 3 12 mm 8 mm 15 1 5 11 14 mm 10 mm 30 3 0 22 17 mm 12 mm 55 5 5 40 19 mm 14 mm 85 8 5 61 22 mm 16...

Страница 105: ...ase Joint of front brake cable Light lithium base grease Front brake lever axle and rear brake lever axle Light lithium base grease Adjusting nut and pin of front brake cable Light lithium base grease...

Страница 106: ...the contents of this article MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ITEM ROUTINE Whichever comes first EVERY INITAL month 1 3 6 6 12 km 320 1 200 2 400 2 400 4 800 mi 200 750 1 500 1 500 3 000 hours 20 75 150 150 300 F...

Страница 107: ...t if necessary Transmission breather system Check breather hose for cracks of damage Replace if necessary Final gear oil Check oil level oil leakage Replace Differential gear oil Lights and switches C...


Страница 109: ...0 mm 0 0 in 2 Adjust brake pedal free play a Loosen the locknut b Turn brake rod in or out until the correct free play is obtained Turning in Free play is increased Turning out Free play is decreased...

Страница 110: ...cover b Loosen the locknut c Turn the adjuster in or out until the correct free play is obtained Turning in Free play is increased Turning out Free play is decreased d Tighten the locknut e Slide the...

Страница 111: ...rate causing leakage and poor brake performance Refill with the same type of brake fluid mixing fluids may result in a harmful chemical reaction and lead to poor performance Be careful that water does...

Страница 112: ...indicator groove a almost disappeared Replace the brake pads as a set Refer to FRONT AND REAR BRAKES in chapter 5 Brake pad wear limit a 1 5 mm 0 06 in 1 Operate the brake pedal CHECKING THE BRAKE HO...

Страница 113: been disassembled A brake hose or brake pipe have been loosened or removed The brake fluid has been very low The brake operation has been faulty A loss of braking performance may occur if the brake...

Страница 114: ...the bleed screw when the pedal limit has been reached then release the pedal i Repeat steps e to h until all the air bubbles have disappeared from the fluid j Tighten the bleed screw NOTE If bleeding...

Страница 115: ...ENT OF THE EV 115 CHECKING THE FINAL GEAR OIL LEVEL 1 Place the vehicle on a level surface 2 Remove oil filler plug 3 Check oil level Oil level should be up to the brim of the hole Oil level low Add o...

Страница 116: ...ake care not allow foreign material to enter the final gear case 4 Install oil filler plug Tightening torque 23 Nm 2 3 m kgf 16 3 ft lbs CHANGING THE FINAL GEAR OIL 1 Place the vehicle on a level surf...

Страница 117: ...ase Install oil filler plug and Final gear oil drain bolt 20 Nm 2 0 m kgf 14 ft lbs CHECKING THE DIFFERENTIAL GEAR OIL 1 Place the vehicle on a level surface 2 Remove Remove the differential gear oil...

Страница 118: ...m 2 3 m kg 17 ft lb CHANGING THE DIFFERENTIAL GEAR OIL 1 Place the vehicle on a level surface 2 Place a receptacle under the differential gear case 3 Remove Differential gear oil drain bolt 2 Drain di...

Страница 119: ...ole oil may start leaking from the differential gear case breather hose Therefore check the quantity of the oil not its level WARNING Take care not to allow foreign material to enter the differential...

Страница 120: ...Damage Replace Refer to FRONT CONSTANT VELOCITY JOINTS in chapter 5 F Front R Rear CHECKING THE STEERING SYSTEM 1 Check Place the vehicle on a level surface steering assembly bearings Try to the steer...

Страница 121: ...rod end s Raise the front end of the vehicle so that there is no weight on the front wheels Check Ball joints and or wheel bearings Move the wheels laterally back and forth Excessive free play Replace...

Страница 122: ...will still go UTV left and right even though Operate the UTV to go forward straightly with steering bar easily causing to getting out of contor and accident After adjusting the toe in correctly drive...

Страница 123: ...he shock absorber assemblies to an open flame or other high heat source This may cause the unit to explode due to excessive gas pressure Do not deform or damage the cylinders in any way Cylinder damag...

Страница 124: ...aler to make this adjustment The spring preload setting is determined by measuring distance A shown in the illustration The shorter distance A is the lower the spring preload the longer distance A is...

Страница 125: ...compression damping force and thereby harden the damping and in direction to decrease the compression damping force and thereby soften the damping WARNING Suspension components become hot during oper...

Страница 126: ...SSURE Recommended tire pressure Front 70Kpa Rear 70KPa when seating the tire beads Higher pressure may cause the tire to burst Inflate the tires slowly and carefully Fast inflation could cause the tir...

Страница 127: ...use the second reading WARNING Uneven or improper tire pressure may adversely affect the handling of this vehicle and may cause loss of control Maintain proper tire pressures Set tire pressures when t...

Страница 128: ...ely after installing a tire to allow it to seat itself properly on the rim CHECKING AND LUBRICATING THE CABLES WARNING A damaged cable sheath may cause corrosion and interfere with the cable movement...

Страница 129: ...MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT OF THE EV 129 2 Apply lithium soap based grease onto end of the cable lithium soap based...


Страница 131: ...ntilate2d area Keep batteries away from fire sparks or open flames e g welding equipment lighted cigarettes DO NOT SMOKE when charging or handling batteries KEEP BATTERIES AND ELECTROLYTE OUT OF REACH...

Страница 132: ...ries The MF battery should be charged as explained in the charging method illustrations If the battery is overcharged the electrolyte level will drop considerably Therefore take special care when char...

Страница 133: ...te of an MF battery can be checked by measuring its open circuit voltage i e the voltage when the positive terminal is disconnected No charging is necessary when the open circuit voltage equals or exc...

Страница 134: full contact with the battery terminal and that they are not shorted A corroded battery charger lead clip may generate heat in the contact area and a weak clip spring may cause sparks If the batter...

Страница 135: ...easuring the open circuit voltage Charging method using a variable current voltage charger NOTE Leave the battery unused for more than 30 minutes before measuring its open circuit voltage Set the char...

Страница 136: ...nd ammeter to the battery and start charging Is the amperage higher than the standard charging amperage written on the battery Charge the battery until the charging voltage reaches 15 V This type of b...

Страница 137: ...ENGINE 137...

Страница 138: ...and then the negative battery lead Check Battery terminals Dirt Clean with a wire brush Loose connection Connect properly Lubricate battery terminals Install battery case cover Close the hood CHECKING...

Страница 139: ...of the proper amperage c Turn on switches to verify operation of the related electrical devices d If the fuse immediately blows again check the electrical circuit Description Current rating Quantity I...

Страница 140: ...fuse may cause extensive damage to the electrical system a malfunction of the lighting and ignition systems and could possibly cause a fire 4 Install battery case cover 5 Close the hood ADJUSTING THE...

Страница 141: ...Remove the defective bulb by unhooking the headlight bulb holder tabs WARNING Keep flammable products and your hands away from the bulb while it is on since it will be hot Do not touch the bulb until...

Страница 142: ...dlight bulb holder cover Close the hood CHANGING THE TAIL BRAKE LIGHT BULB 1 Remove Rear panel tail brake light bulb holder bulb NOTE Turn the bulb holder counterclockwise and remove the defective bul...

Страница 143: ...amaged controller 2 Speed become slow or power become weak 1 Check the battery whether the voltage of battery is less than standard value Charge the battery 2 Check the battery for damage Repair the b...

Страница 144: ...maged battery or re match the battery 2 Check the controller Change the damaged controller 3 Check the motor armature winding for partial short circuit Change the damaged motor 4 Check the cables Repa...

Страница 145: ...10 Check the forward reverse switch for water penetration Remove the water form the switch 11 Check the switch of Forward Reverse Change the damaged switch 6 Can not reverse 1 Check the switch of For...

Страница 146: ...ENGINE 146 No Part Name Remarks 1 Binding post 2 Output shaft 3 Socket connector 4 Bearing...

Страница 147: ...ENGINE 147 SPEED SENSOR DIAGRAM Test methods For each rotation of the motor output four pulseson the V out Need to use the oscilloscope when testing MOTOR AND CONTROLLER WIRING DIAGRAM...

Страница 148: ...ENGINE 148...

Страница 149: ...1 Front Tire 2 2 Rear Tire 2 3 Front hub assembly base 1 4 Front Bridge 1 5 Mid transmission Alex front bridge 1 6 Drive motor assy 1 7 Decelerate Box 1 8 Rear Bridge 1 9 Rear half axle 2 10 Rear hub...

Страница 150: ...ENGINE 150 No Part Name Qty Remarks 1 Motor Controller 1 2 Main Connector Assy 1 3 Aluminum Plate 1 4 Drive Motor Assy 1 5 Decelerate Box 1 6 Rear Bridge 1 7 Temperature Sensor 1 8 Phase Sensor 1...

Страница 151: ...ENGINE 151 No Part Name Qty Remarks 1 Charger 1 2 Battery Assy 1...

Страница 152: ...454C Electrolyte Low Level Battery Electrolyte Low Level detected 454D Electrolyte Cutout Level Battery Electrolyte Low Level detected and cutbcak 4581 Throttle Fault Warn Warning level throttle faul...

Страница 153: ...C8 Vcap above rated max Capacitor voltage 0x5100 3 is greater than rated maximum voltage for controller for longer than 1s 45C9 Motor in low voltage cutback Motor control DC link has entered low volta...

Страница 154: ...s gone out of range 4781 CANopen anon EMCY level 1 EMCY message received from non Sevcon node and anonymous EMCY level 0x2830 0 is set to 1 4782 24V Supply Low 4783 24V Supply High 47C1 Vehicle Servic...

Страница 155: ...1 RPDO Timeout drive inhibit One or more configured RPDOs not received with 3s at start up or 500ms during normal operation 4B01 CAN off bus drive inhibit CANbus off fault condition detected on multin...

Страница 156: ...Communication lost between host and DSP processors 4F48 I O SS Error Internal software fault 4F49 GIO SS Error Internal software fault 4F4A LCM SS Error Internal software fault 4F4B LCP SS Error Inter...

Страница 157: ...en traction and pump motors on beltloader 5142 Ren Signal Fault signalled by Renault vehicle network 5143 VERLOG VERLOG signal failure 5181 Digital Input Wire Off Digital input wire off 5182 Analogue...

Страница 158: ...tem 5304 LPTX queue overrun CANbus fault condition detected on multinode system 5305 HPRX queue overrun CANbus fault condition detected on multinode system 5306 HPTX queue overrun CANbus fault conditi...

Страница 159: ...from non Sevcon node and anonymous EMCY level 0x2830 0 is set to 4 5441 Incompatible hardware version Detected controller hardware version incompatible with software 5442 Calibration Fault Calibratio...

Страница 160: ...or re painting is needed before replacing new plastic cover 3 Re paste decals and re rivet warning labels 2 Bumper damaged 1 Replace new bumper 2 Check whether installation supporter deformed or damag...

Страница 161: ...ear brake clamp parking institution running flexible or return accurately 5 Off tracking by braking at high speed 1 Check whether front brake power deviation from left and right is within specified sc...

Страница 162: ...n connected to front suspension rocker and frame damaged 4 Rear wheel sway during drive 1 Check whether rear axle bearing damaged 2 Check whether sliding bearing connected to rear axle bearing housing...

Страница 163: ...r boot damaged or universal joint damaged 8 Fail to shift into four wheel drive or lock differential 1 Check whether four wheel drive switch normal 2 Check whether power divider damaged 3 Check whethe...

Страница 164: ...CHASSIS 164 PANEL AND CARGO BED Front Panel...

Страница 165: ...ty Remarks Removing the front panel 1 Instrument mask 1 2 Instrument panel 1 3 Right back plate I cabin outside 1 4 Left back plate I cabin outside 1 5 Front fender 1 8 Front left wheel regula I 1 9 H...

Страница 166: ...of sundry box 1 12 Big pan head screw with cross recess M5 16 2 13 Plastic hinge sundry box 2 14 Socket hexagon plain head screw M6 16 green 58 15 Nut clamp M6 2 40 16 Cross small plate head tapping s...

Страница 167: ...No Part Name Qty Remarks 20 Washer 15 22 1 2 21 Rubber sleeve knob switch 2 22 Hexagon flange nut M5 2 23 Socket hexagon plain head screws M6 12 2 24 Front left reflector 1 25 Front right side reflec...

Страница 168: ...CHASSIS 168...

Страница 169: ...OOD Remove Switch Hood Release To open the hood pull up the switch to release the latch and open the hood CAUTION Never open operator s seat while the engine is running Support hood with the other han...

Страница 170: ...o Part Name Qty Remarks Removing the side cover footrest part 1 Left footrest 1 2 Middle protective plate footrest 1 3 Right footrest 1 4 Right backplate cabin outside 1 5 Lower backplate I seat cushi...

Страница 171: ...CHASSIS 171 7 Left backplate cabin outside 1 8 Rear left wheel regula 1 9 Tank Opening Decorative Cover 1...

Страница 172: ...plate 1 11 Right Cover seat sundry box 1 12 Rear right wheel regula 1 13 Rear fender 1 14 Rear fender 1 15 Cross Plate Head Screw M6 16 33 16 Rear Protective Plate 1 17 Rear Protective Plate 1 18 Nut...

Страница 173: ...3 No Part Name Qty Remarks 21 Rubber Sleeve Knob Switch 1 22 Socket Hexagon Screw M6 16 33 23 Decorative sheet front left backplate 1 24 Decorative sheet front right backplate 1 25 Rearview mirror rub...

Страница 174: ...CHASSIS 174 CHECKING THE BRAKE PEDAL Brake pedal Free travel Pedal stroke Inspect the brake pedals for free clearance and smooth operation Adjust if incorrect measurement is found...

Страница 175: ...CHASSIS 175...

Страница 176: ...moving the cargo rack 1 Hexagon flange bolt M6 16 6 2 Cargo bed door cable 2 3 Big pan head screw with cross recess M6 20 8 4 Bolt bed cable M6 12 2 5 Bed gas spring 1 6 Flat rubber washer 13 10 4 7 T...

Страница 177: cover balancing lever 14 29 4 10 Handle gum cover 2 11 Invert bracket assy carrier 1 12 R pin B 2 13 Cargo bed plate assy 1 14 Container shaft assy 2 15 Turn up plastic liner 12 18 4 16 Spring wa...

Страница 178: ...Part Name Qty Remarks 18 Door panel lock assy 2 19 Hexagon flange nut M6 2 20 Bolt bed cable M6 12 2 21 Hexagon flange bolt M8 12 2 22 Container hinge plate 2 23 Cargo gas spring assy 1 24 Step cotte...

Страница 179: ...o Part Name Qty Remarks Removing the cargo bed 1 Nut clamp M6 2 36 2 Screw M6 16 14 3 Hexagon flange bolt M8 20 13 4 Inner hexagon bolt with pan M6 16 8 5 Front bed guardrail 1 6 Rear right wheel regu...

Страница 180: ...rt Name Qty Remarks 9 Front bed plate 1 10 Front panel l 1 11 Rear left wheel regula 1 12 Hex tapping screws ST5 3 16 2 13 Liner panel cargo bed 1 14 Tube 1 15 Supporting plate cargo bed 1 16 Bed door...

Страница 181: ...19 Cross big plate head tapping screw ST4 8 13 4 20 Screw M6 12 2 21 Side bed guardrail assy 2 22 Nylon flange bushing 10 18 22 5 13 2 23 Split pin 2 25 2 24 Rear reflector assy 2 25 Screws ST4 2 13 4...

Страница 182: ...CHASSIS 182 28 Rear right side reflector 1 29 Washer 6 18 1 6 2...

Страница 183: ...brake with the engine off Pull up the cargo bed handle To lower the cargo bed Press down the cargo bed hard to make the gas spring contractive till it is locked Cargo bed handle Down Up Gas spring NOT...

Страница 184: ...CHASSIS 184...

Страница 185: ...185 Head Shed Frame No Part Name Qty Remarks Removing the head shed frame 1 Shed bar assy 1 2 Hexagon flange bolt M6 25 2 3 Swivel bolt M8 22 10 16 2 4 Curved washer 4 5 Swivel nut M8 25 2 6 Cap nut...

Страница 186: ...20 8 8 Shed bar assy 1 No Part Name Qty Remarks 9 Shed bar assy 1 10 Shed bar assy 1 11 Shed bar assy 1 12 Hexagon socket head screw M10 1 25 45 4 13 Cap nut M10 1 25 4 14 Spring washer 10 4 15 Roof...

Страница 187: ...CHASSIS 187 DIRECTION SYSTEM Steering Wheel part No Part Name Qty Remarks Removing the steering wheel 1 Steering wheel comp 1...

Страница 188: ...heel 1 3 Screw M5 20 6 4 Horn insulation pad 1 1 5 Horn switch 1 6 Steering column cover 1 7 circlip for shaft d0 17 1 8 Deep groove ball bearing 6003 2RZ 1 9 Adjustable steering wheel swivel seat 1 1...

Страница 189: ...y 1 14 Step slotting pin 8 34 1 15 Cotter pin 5 1 2 16 Direction of the seat 1 17 Hexagon flange bolt M10 1 25 16 3 18 Bolts M6 10 2 5 30 5 2 19 Metal insert hexagon lock nut with flange M6 1 25 2 20...

Страница 190: tapping screw ST3 9 13 3 25 Direction drive shaft assembly 1 26 Hexagon bolt with flange M8 30 1 27 Metal insert hexagon locknut with flange M12 1 25 1 28 Round head screw with cross M4 8 1 29 Horn...

Страница 191: ...2 1 36 Adapter sleeve steering wheel 1 Steering mechanism part No Part Name Qty Remarks Removing the steering mechanism 1 Steering comp 1 2 Diverter bulb assembly 2 3 Hexagon nut M12 2 4 Split pin 2 3...

Страница 192: ...CHASSIS 192 8 Dustproof cover1 2 9 Hex nut M14 1 25 2 10 Steering ball head components 2...

Страница 193: ...embly c Use the special tools pull out the steering wheel CHECKING THE PARTS OF THE STEERING WHEEL Check steering wheel rocky ledge reverse turning clearance crack break Replace loose play Adjust the...

Страница 194: ...nning clearance whether does surpass the limited stipulation Adjust NOTE The reverse running clearance is less than 30mm The grip part which is covered by the foam whether has damaged if it is must re...

Страница 195: ...spline on the steering wheel and outer spline on the steering column is smaller than 0 1mm WARNING If find some problems in the check it should be service immediately to ensure the normal work of the...

Страница 196: shaft c Loose the bolt which is on the steering drive axle the top of spline draws out the cross gimbal d Loose the fastening two pieces M8 13 5 bolt on the steering shaft take down the steering sh...

Страница 197: ...spection situation to instead the parts 2 Check The two ends of the spline on the central axis whether is wear out if so instead the central axis 3 Check The spline in the two ends of the central axis...

Страница 198: ...ering drive axle pull out the top of the steering drive axle 2 Loose the clamp one piece flange bolt in the cross gimbal spline on the bottom of the steering drive axle pull out the lower of the steer...

Страница 199: ...age Replace Damage degradation Replace NOTE When replace the dust boots of the ball must enter 1 2 volume in lithium grease in to the dust boots 2 Check Ball joint steering mechanism turning rocky led...

Страница 200: ...CHASSIS 200 4 Check steering joint Crack distortion Replace BRAKE SYSTEM...

Страница 201: ...nimum mark refill the box with the same type of fluid as was recommended by the manufacturer to ensure to fluid level is higher than the minimum mark The brake should be kept between 3mm 5mm Otherwise...

Страница 202: ...necessary Disk brake plate must be replaced depending on its wear condition 3 Disk brake plate uses hydraulic pressure of the brake fluid Therefore fuel pipe must be periodically inspected and replac...

Страница 203: ...ubassembly 1 2 Right front hydraulic tubing 1 3 Left front hydraulic tubing 1 4 Front right disc brake clamp combination 1 5 Front left disc brake clamp combination 1 6 Front Left Brake Pad 2 7 Brake...

Страница 204: ...ining clip 9 12 Hexagon flange bolt M6 16 9 13 Main Brake Pump 1 14 Right rear hydraulic tubing 1 15 Hexagon flange bolt M10 1 25 25 2 16 Left rear hydraulic tubing 1 17 Hexagon Flange Bolt M12 1 25 1...

Страница 205: ...xagon flange bolt M6 30 1 24 Rear right disc brake clamp combination 1 25 Rear left disc brake clamp combination 1 26 Hydraulic line three 2 27 Brake pad assy 1 28 Rear brake disc 1 29 Parking disc br...

Страница 206: ...CHASSIS 206 33 Hexagon Flange Bolt M12 1 25 2 34 Cylindrical Bush 12 5 22 55 2...

Страница 207: ...specification Check the wheel runout If wheel runout is within the limits replace the brake disc Brake disc maximum deflection 0 10 mm 0 004 in brake disc thickness wheel hub wheel tyre Out of specif...

Страница 208: ...CHASSIS 208...

Страница 209: ...of specification Replace the brake pads as a set Brake pad wear limit 1 5 mm 0 06 in 3 Install brake pads brake pad spring NOTE Always install new brake pads and brake pad spring as a set a Connect a...

Страница 210: ...CHASSIS 210 c Tighten the brake caliper bleed screw Brake caliper bleed screw 6 Nm 0 6 m kg 4 3 ft lb d Install the retaining bolts and brake caliper Brake pad holding bolt 18Nm 1 8 m kg 13 ft lb...

Страница 211: ...aliper is one of the most important security components Disassembly and maintenance must have a rich experience in technology and complete tool Wrong disassembly and reassembly may cause serious injur...

Страница 212: ...d air into the hose joint opening to force out the caliper piston from the brake caliper body WARNING Never try to pry out a caliper piston Cover the caliper piston with a rag Be careful not to get in...

Страница 213: ...nd distort 2 Check brake caliper pistons Scratches rust wear Replace the brake caliper assembly brake caliper cylinders Wear scratches Replace the brake caliper assembly brake caliper body Cracks dama...

Страница 214: ...CHASSIS 214...

Страница 215: ...omponents should be cleaned and lubricated with new brake fluid only before installation Must use DOT4 Brake Fluid Replace the caliper piston seals and dust seal whenever a brake caliper is disassembl...

Страница 216: ...6 INSTALLING THE FRONT BRAKE CALIPERS The following procedure applies to both of the front brake calipers 1 Install brake caliper assembly bolt flange 48Nm 4 8m kg 35 ft lb brake hose copper washers u...

Страница 217: ...hose routing is essential to insure safe vehicle operation 2 Fill brake reservoir Must use DOT4 Brake Fluid NOTE Brake fluid may damage painted surfaces or plastic parts Always clean up spilled brake...

Страница 218: ...CHASSIS 218...

Страница 219: ...CHASSIS 219 The service method of the rear brake caliper is as the same as the front brake caliper please refer to the before mentioned to operate...

Страница 220: ...CHASSIS 220...

Страница 221: parking disc Galling damage Replace 2 Measure parking disc deflection Out of specification Replace Parking disc maximum deflection 0 10 mm 0 004 in parking disc thickness Out of specification Repla...

Страница 222: ...CHASSIS 222...

Страница 223: ...Replace 2 Measure brake pad thickness Out of specification Replace the brake pads as a set Brake pad wear limit 1 0 mm 0 04 in 3 Install brake pads pad spring NOTE Always install new brake pads new br...

Страница 224: ...rk Should the fluid level falls under the minimum mark please refill the box with the same type of fluid as was recommended by the manufacturer to ensure the fluid level is higher than the minimum mar...

Страница 225: brake arm shaft parking brake arm set bolt parking brake arm nut NOTE Apply lithium soap based grease to the parking brake arm shaft and set bolt a Turn the parking brake arm shaft approx imately...

Страница 226: ...CHASSIS 226...

Страница 227: ...CHASSIS 227 3 Install brake pad NOTE 4 Install brake pad holding bolts 17Nm 1 7 m kg 12 ft lb...

Страница 228: ...CHASSIS 228...

Страница 229: ...w out with compressed air 2 Check brake master cylinder kit Scratches wear damage Replace as a set 3 Check brake fluid reservoir brake fluid reservoir diaphragm Cracks damage Replace ASSEMBLING THE BR...

Страница 230: ...CHASSIS 230...

Страница 231: 11 ft lb 2 Install brake pipe 19Nm 1 9 m kg 13 ft lb washer plate brake hose union bolt 27Nm 2 7 m kg 19 ft lb 3 Fill brake fluid reservoir Must use DOT4 Brake Fluid NOTE Brake fluid may damage pa...

Страница 232: ...CHASSIS 232 brake system 5 Check brake fluid level Brake fluid level is under the MIN level line Fill up...

Страница 233: ...TS FRONT WHEELS No Part Name Qty Remarks Removing the front wheel 1 Front wheel rim 2 2 Front tyre 2 3 Cycle valve 2 4 Nut M10 1 25 8 5 Wheel decoration cover 2 6 Nut M24 1 5 2 WARNING Securely suppor...

Страница 234: ...CHASSIS 234 8 Valve spool cap 2 There is no danger of it falling over 9 Bolt M8 4 10 Cotter 3 2 50 2 REAR WHEELS No Part Name Qty Remarks Removing the rear wheel 1 Rear wheel rim 2...

Страница 235: ...e 2 3 Cycle valve 2 4 Nut M10 1 25 8 5 Wheel decoration cover 2 WARNING Securely support the vehicle so There is no danger of it falling over 6 Nut M24 1 5 2 7 Rear hub 2 8 Valve spool cap 2 9 Bolt M8...

Страница 236: ...Over the specified limit Replace the wheel or check the wheel bearing play 3 Check wheel balance Out of balance Adjust Wheel runout limit Radial 2 0 mm 0 08 in Lateral 2 0 mm 0 08 in WARNING The profi...

Страница 237: ...CHASSIS 237 CHECKING THE WHEEL HUB 1 Check wheel hub Cracks damage Replace splines wheel hub Wear damage Replace nuts wheel hub loosen or distorted Replace or tighten...

Страница 238: INSTALLING THE WHEEL TYRE 1 Install wheel NOTE The arrow mark on the tyre must point in the direction of rotation A of the wheel 2 Tighten wheel nuts WARNING Tapered wheel nuts are used for both t...

Страница 239: ...CHASSIS 239...

Страница 240: ...inspect the tyre pressure and profile depth Insufficient tyre pressure can result in not only intensified wearing of the tyre but also instability during the course of operating the vehicle such as ha...


Страница 242: ...ame Qty Remarks Removing the C V axle front axle L R 1 Front left axle shaft component C 1 2 Front right axle shaft component B 1 3 Rubber dust p boot F 2 4 Rubber dust p boot clamp A 4 5 Rubber dust...

Страница 243: ...CHASSIS 243 Front Bridge...

Страница 244: ...ront bridge 1 Front bridge assy 1 2 Front Axle Gear Box Cover 1 3 O type ring 140 2 65 1 4 Bearing 35 62 9 1 5 Cir clip d0 62 1 6 Shaft connector 1 7 Shaft connecting sleeve 1 8 Adjustment washer 71 8...

Страница 245: ...CHASSIS 245...

Страница 246: ...3 Adjustment washer 40 57 0 1 1 14 Drive gear wheel 1 15 Bearing 6007 1 16 Adjustment washer 50 61 5 0 1 1 17 Front axle body assy 1 18 Hexagon screw M10 1 25 16 6 19 Flat washer 10 6 20 Oil seal outp...

Страница 247: ...CHASSIS 247...

Страница 248: ...4 24 Bearing 6007 1 25 Circlip d0 62 1 26 Oil seal drive gear front bridge 48 65 9 1 27 O Ring 14 7 Driving Tooth 1 28 Hexagon flange self lock nuts M14 1 5 1 29 Screw M14 1 5 10 1 30 O type seal ring...

Страница 249: ...CHASSIS 249...

Страница 250: ...25 6 34 Air bag nozzle rear bridge 1 35 Inner Hexagon Screw With Flat Head M8 10 1 36 Pin 5 75 1 37 Fork 1 38 Rack 1 39 O type seal ring transfer 81 2 1 40 Transfer assy 1 41 Inner hexagon screw with...

Страница 251: ...CHASSIS 251...

Страница 252: ...5 Cross joint assy 1 46 C type Washer 20 4 47 Circlip C 1 48 Gas pipe A 1 49 Spring clamp 10 1 50 Front bridge mounting plate L 1 51 Front bridge mounting plate R 1 52 Bushing 10 5 22 36 5 1 53 Hexago...

Страница 253: ...CHASSIS 253...

Страница 254: ...CHASSIS 254 No Part Name Qty Remarks 55 Hexagon flange bolt M10 1 25 20 2 56 Hexagon flange bolt M10 20 4 57 Flat washer 10 4...

Страница 255: ...CHASSIS 255 Front Transmission Axle Assy...

Страница 256: ...t Bridge Drive Shaft Assy 1 2 Transmission Shaft Dust Cover 1 3 Pain Washer A 8 4 Cir clip D0 25 2 5 Front Transmission Shaft R 1 6 Pressure Spring B Drive Shaft 1 7 Transmission Shaft Dust Cover B 1...

Страница 257: ...ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 257...

Страница 258: 25 42 7 4 14 Ball Bearing 6205 2Rs 2 15 Transmission Bearing Seat 2 16 Hexagon Flange Bolt M6 20 4 17 Hexagon Flange Bolt M8 25 4 18 Front Drive Shaft T 1 19 Rear Drive Shaft S 1 20 Connection Fork...

Страница 259: a Remove the circlips b Place the universal joint in a press c With a suitable diameter pipe ben eath the yoke press the bearing into the pipe as shown d Repeat the steps for the opposite bearing...

Страница 260: ...ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 260...

Страница 261: surface of double off set Pitting wear damage Replace Check whether the inner and outer ball cage of the left and right transmission shaft movement is Smooth ceaseless If it is stagnation and obvio...

Страница 262: wrap does not allow to be scratched a slight scratches can damage the dustproof rubber wrap very quickly 3 When reassembles the left and right transmission shaft in the ball cage must sufficiently...

Страница 263: ...s each bearing into the universal joint using a suitable socket CAUTION Check each bearing The needles can easily fall out of their races Slide the yoke back and forth on the bearings the yoke will no...

Страница 264: ...ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 264 C V Axle Rear Axle...

Страница 265: ...Qty Remarks Removing the rear axle L R 1 Rear right axle shaft component B 1 2 Rear right axle shaft component B 1 3 Rubber dust p boot F 2 4 Rubber dust p boot E 2 5 Rubber dust p boot clamp A 4 6 Ru...

Страница 266: ...ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 266...

Страница 267: ...rks Removing the rear bridge reducer 1 Idler Gear 1 2 Driving Bevel Wheel 1 3 Idler Gear Shaft 1 4 Flat Key M10 25 1 5 6205 Bearing 25 52 15 3 6 6206 Bearing 30 62 16 2 7 Transfer Case 1 8 Air Tap Rea...

Страница 268: ...ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 268...

Страница 269: ...Cover 1 12 Oil Seal 30 55 8 1 13 Oil Seal Sleeve I 1 14 Locking Block 1 15 Oil Seal 30 55 8 2 16 Rear Axle Gear Box Cover 1 17 6208 Bearing 40 80 18 1 18 Transfer Gear 1 19 Rear Axle Gear Box 1 20 600...

Страница 270: ...ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 270...

Страница 271: ...Qty Remarks 22 30207 Bearing 35 72 18 25 2 23 Locating Sleeve 1 24 O Ring 75 1 8 1 25 O Ring 58 1 8 1 26 Adjust Gasket 1 27 Press Plate 1 28 Watch Oil Mirror 1 29 Oil Standard Paper Pad 1 30 Driven Be...

Страница 272: ...ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 272...

Страница 273: ...Outer Bolt 1 34 Oil Preventor Cover 1 35 Gasket I 1 36 Cushion Cover II 1 37 Gasket II 1 38 O Ring 26 5 2 65 1 39 Oil Seal Sleeve II 1 40 O Ring 45 62 8 1 41 Anti Rotation Gasket 1 42 Wood ruff Key 6...

Страница 274: ...ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 274...

Страница 275: ...te 1 46 Dash Cover 1 47 Round Nut 1 48 Small Dash Cap 2 49 End Cap 1 50 Cushion Cover II 1 51 Drive Motot Part 1 52 Hexagon Flange Bolt M8 30 5 53 Motor Fixed Support 1 54 Rear Bridge Mounting Plate I...

Страница 276: is as the same as the front bridge parts please refer to the before mentioned to operate NOTE Apply lithium soap based grease to the bearing assembly and o ring and bearing and driven gear and o...

Страница 277: ...ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 277 Shift Operating System...

Страница 278: ...moving the shift operating system 1 Accelerator 1 2 Accelerator Pedal 1 3 Hexagon Flange Bolt M8 20 2 4 Hexagon Socket Cap Screw M6 25 1 5 Accelerator Mounting Plate 1 6 Plain Washer 6 3 7 Cotter Pin...

Страница 279: ...Gearshift Decoration Cover 1 12 Hexagon Flange Bolt M6 16 3 13 Footrest Park Assy 1 14 Hexagon Flange Bolt M8 20 2 15 Park Dust Proof Pad F 1 16 Hexagon Flange Locked Nut M6 3 17 Hexagon Flange Bolt M...

Страница 280: ...ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 280 No Part Name Qty Remarks 21 Torsional Spring J 1 22 Brake Pedal 1 23 Throttle Cable Y 1 24 Oil Pipe Clip I 1 25 Hexagon Flange Bolt M6 16 3 26 Cir clip 12 1 27 Micros witch 1...

Страница 281: ...ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 281 Reverse mechanism parts...

Страница 282: ...ADJUSTING REVERSE MECHANISM PARTS F Forward GEAR R Revers M Middle H High range L Low range NOTE Before shifting you must stop the vehicle and take your foot off the accelerator pedal Otherwise the tr...

Страница 283: ...ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 283 Reverse mechanism parts...

Страница 284: ...e the gear shift mechanism and check whether the linking rod is cracked If so it should be changed 4 Check whether the bouncing spring of gear shift mechanism is intense enough 5 Check whether the gea...


Страница 286: ...ty Remarks Removing the front swing arm 1 Hexagon bolt with flange M10 1 25 55 2 2 Hexagon bolt with flange M10 1 25 55 2 3 Metal insert hexagon locknut with flange M10 1 25 4 4 Front shock absorber a...

Страница 287: ...ont right lower rocker arm 1 3 Hexagon bolt with flange M10 1 25 78 4 4 Columniform bush 10 3 23 50 4 5 Turn up liner for rocker arm 23 28 8 6 Metal insert hexagon locknut with flange M10 1 25 6 7 Roc...

Страница 288: ...ter pin 2 5 30 4 15 Front left upper rocker arm 1 16 Front right upper rocker arm 1 17 Hexagon flange bolt M10 1 25 230 2 18 Turnup bush 15 5 19 4 19 Columniform bush 10 2 15 211 2 20 Front right lowe...

Страница 289: ...s not instead the same spec cotter pin The problem with the shock absorber and maintain method whether it can returns to the position under the pressure and the torsional spring is rupture If it is ru...

Страница 290: ...ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 290 These components should be greased with butter before assembly The surface of components can not be cracked Front Suspension and arm...

Страница 291: ...ut with cotter pin 4 pcs and make these tension rods bisection on feet CHECKING THE STEERING KNUCKLES 1 Check steering knuckles Damage pitting Replace CHECKING THE FRONT ARMS 1 Check front arms Bends...

Страница 292: ...2 Bends damage Replace the shock absorber assembly shock absorber assembly Oil leaks Replace the shock absorber assembly spring Fatigue Replace the shock absorber assembly Move the spring up and down...

Страница 293: arm and front lower arm NOTE Lubricate the bolts with lithium soap based grease Be sure to position the bolts so that the bolt head faces inward Temporarily tighten the nuts b Install the front sho...

Страница 294: ...ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 294 Rear Suspension...

Страница 295: ...ker arm 1 2 Rear left lower rocker arm 1 3 Hexagon bolt with flange M10 1 25 78 4 4 Turnup liner for rocker arm 23 28 16 5 Columniform bush 10 3 23 50 8 6 Metal insert hexagon locknut with flange M10...

Страница 296: ...bolt M10 1 25 40 2 13 Hexagon flange nut M10 1 25 2 14 Hexagon flange bolt M10 1 25 40 2 15 Hexagon flange nut M10 1 25 2 16 Rear shock absorber assembly unit Q gasbag shock absorber 2 17 Hexagon fla...

Страница 297: ...rm 1 24 Hexagon bolt with flange M10 1 25 78 4 25 Rocker arm backplate 1 26 Rocker arm backplate 1 27 Hexagon flange bolt M12 1 25 110 4 28 Spring washer 8 4 29 Round plastic plug 38 8 30 Rear left bo...

Страница 298: ...integrant According to the front Suspension 3 The cotter pin on the head of the install axis which in the rear shock absorber whether is credible NOTE After disassemble the rear shock absorber check...

Страница 299: ...ER 1 Check bar stabilizer Bends cracks damage Replace CHECKING THE STEERING KNUCKLES 1 Check steering knuckles Damage pitting Replace CHECKING THE REAR ARMS 1 Check rear arms Bends damage Replace 2 Ch...

Страница 300: ...1 Check shock absorber rod Bends damage Replace the shock absorber assembly shock absorber assembly Oil leaks Replace the shock absorber assembly spring Move the spring up and down Fatigue Replace th...

Страница 301: ...arm and rear lower arm NOTE Lubricate the bolts with lithium soap based grease Be sure to position the bolts so that the bolt head faces outward Temporarily tighten the nuts b Install the rear shock...

Страница 302: ...ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 302 Nut 45 Nm 4 5 m kg 32 ft lb...

Страница 303: ...t latch 2 3 Backrest assy 1 4 Pan head screw with cross recess M6 25 8 5 Lock catch for the safety belt 2 6 Hexagon flange nut M10 1 25 2 7 Hexagon flange step bolt M10 1 25 20 14 5 4 8 Hexagon flange...

Страница 304: ...L COMPONENTS 304 Operator s Seat Seat To open the seat raise the seat to the forward position CAUTION These components should be greased with butter before assembly The surface of components can not b...

Страница 305: ...han 80 Make sure new batteries are fully charged before using New deep cycle batteries need to be cycled several times before reaching full capacity 50 125 cycles depending on type Capacity will be li...

Страница 306: ...Freezing Point 60 F 0 F 25 F 51 C 18 C 4 C Charger Operation Open the hood and any door enclosures or zippers This will decrease charger temperature which allows it to operate more efficiently and sh...

Страница 307: ...ttempt to charge a frozen or bulging battery Discard the battery appropriately and install a new battery WARNING Improperly connecting or disconnecting battery cables can result in an explosion and ca...

Страница 308: ...08 Batteries produce explosive gases Keep sparks flame cigarettes etc away Ventilate when charging or using in an enclosed space Always shield eyes when working near batteries KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHI...

Страница 309: ...ventilation while charging batteries can result in an explosion Hydrogen gas is emitted during charging and will rise and accumulate at the ceiling Always ensure a minimum of five 5 air changes per h...

Страница 310: ...ger to the extension cord first then plug the cord into a wall receptacle 8 Make sure the charger uses a dedicated circuit to prevent overloading If charging multiple vehicles each vehicle should use...

Страница 311: tablespoon baking soda and one cup water Rinse well with tap water and dry off with clean shop towels Coat battery terminals with dielectric grease or petroleum jelly NOTE Do not allow cleaning s...

Страница 312: ...for damage Repair 3 Check the light or lamps for damage Change the damaged lamps 2 3 When the key switch is at ON position battery indicate light does not turn on and vehicle is not working 1 Check th...

Страница 313: ...witch for damage Change the damaged switch 6 Power indicator displays wrong 1 Check the battery if completely charged Change the damaged charger 2 Check the power indicator for damage Change the damag...

Страница 314: ...g light 12 Speed can not be changed 1 Check the sensor of acceleration Change the damaged throttle sensor 2 Check the cables Repair 3 Check the connect cable of the motor sensor Repair 4 Check the con...

Страница 315: ...Repair 16 Can not run while accelerating 1 Check the power of the battery Charge the battery 2 Check cables whether the function of acceleration protection is broken or not Repair the cable or change...

Страница 316: ...k the parameter of controller for incorrect settings Reset the controller with portable programmer 3 Check the motor Change the damaged motor ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 1 Horn 2 Windlass control...

Страница 317: ...NTS 290 6 Driven switch assy 7 Front bridge differential convert switch 8 Emergency lamp switch 9 10 11 12 Windlass controller switch 13 DC DC socket 14 Ignition switch parts 15 1 Relay assy 2 48V 3 B...

Страница 318: ...MPONENTS 291 7 8 9 10 Checking the switch continuity Refer to CHECKING THE SWITCH and check for continuity between lead terminals Poor connection no continuity Correct or replace The coupler locations...

Страница 319: ...ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 292 1 2 3 Driven switch assy 4 The front axle differential switch 5 6 7 8 9...

Страница 320: ...h WARNING Since the bulb gets extremely hot keep flammable products and your hands away from the bulb until it has cooled down CAUTION Be sure to hold the socket firmly when removing the bulb Never pu...


Страница 322: ...F CORRECT 3 Charging voltage 12V 18Ah Tester lead Battery terminal Tester lead Battery terminal 4 DC DC 5 Wiring connections the entire charging system NOTE Remove some parts before maintenance 1 Cush...

Страница 323: ...8V NOTE Use a fully charged battery OUT OF SPECIFICATION 4 DC DC DC DC 33V 52V DC DC 13 8V MEETS SPECIFICATION 5 Wiring connections MEETS SPECIFICATION The charging circuit is not faulty OUT OF SPECIF...

Страница 324: ...OMPONENTS 297 Check the connections of the entire charging system Refer to CIRCUIT DIAGRAM CORRECT Replace the rectifier regulator LIGHTING SYSTEM CIRCUIT DIAGRAM see 337 page Properly connect the cha...


Страница 326: ...C 68 F CORRECT 3 Main switch Refer to CHECKING THE SWITCH CORRECT 4 Light switch Refer to CHECKING THE SWITCH CORRECT 5 Wiring connection 4 Light switch 5 Wiring connections the entire lighting syste...

Страница 327: ...ons of the entire lighting system Refer to CIRCUIT DIAGRAM CORRECT Check the condition of each of the lighting system s circuits Refer to CHECKING THE LIGHTING SYSTEM Replace the light switch POOR CON...

Страница 328: ...rminal or Yellow terminal Tester lead Green terminal A When the light switch is on B When the light switch is on Turn the main switch to ON Turn the light switch to or Check the voltage 12 V of the Gr...

Страница 329: ...t couplers Tester lead Yellow1 lead terminal Tester lead Black lead terminal Turn the main switch to ON Turn the light switch to or Check the voltage 12 V of the Blue lead on the bulb socket connector...



Страница 332: ...n switch Refer to CHECKING THE SWITCH CORRECT 4 Wiring connections Check the connections of the entire signal system Refer to CIRCUIT DIAGRAM CORRECT 3 Main switch 4 Wiring connections the entire sign...

Страница 333: ...light switch Refer to CHECKING THE SWITCH CONTINUITY 3 Voltage Connect the pocket tester DC 20 V to the bulb socket connector Tester lead Dark Brown terminal Tester lead Black terminal Turn the main s...

Страница 334: ...FOREWORD 307 MEETS SPECIFICATION This circuit is not faulty The wiring circuit from the main switch to the bulb socket connector is faulty repair it...

Страница 335: ...o CHECKING THE SWITCH CONTINUITY 2 Wire connection Check the main beam connected to the gear switch connector is strong CONNECTION IS FIRM This circuit is not faulty NO CONTINUITY NO CONTINUITY Repair...

Страница 336: ...FOREWORD 309...

Страница 337: ...r to CHECKING THE SWITCH CONTINUITY 2 Voltage Set the multimeter to DC12V test the brake lamp voltage at both ends Yellow3 power meter pens Black power meter pens DISPLAY 12V This circuit is not fault...

Страница 338: ...FOREWORD 311...

Страница 339: ...efer to CHECKING THE SWITCH CONTINUITY 2 Voltage Set the multimeter to DC12V test the direction lamp voltage at both ends Dark Brown power meter pens Black power meter pens DISPLAY 12V This circuit is...

Страница 340: ...FOREWORD 313...

Страница 341: ...FOREWORD 314 7 If the four wheel drive indicator light fails to come on...

Страница 342: ...WITCH CONTINUITY 2 Voltage Set the multimeter to DC12V test the 2WD 4WD switch voltage at both ends Red power meter pens Black power meter pens DISPLAY 12V This circuit is not faulty NO CONTINUITY Rep...

Страница 343: ...FOREWORD 316 2WD 4WD SELECTING SYSTEM CIRCUIT DIAGRAM see 337 page TROUBLESHOOTING 1 Check if the 2 4WD switch is working...

Страница 344: ...e rear differential is working a Check the sound When the switch is turned on the magneto valve will make s sound TA to show that it is working and the rear wheel won t be able to rotatable at the sam...


Страница 346: ...FOREWORD 319...

Страница 347: ...FOREWORD 320...

Страница 348: on the electric vehicle The maintenance of the electric vehicle requires the expertise For the problems which can not be solved by you please contact the dealers NOTE The following trouble not inc...

Страница 349: ...d 1 Check the rear inner brake pad whether the return spring is broken or blocked 2 Check the brake cable is blocked or not 3 Check the brake pedal is blocked or not Braking performance descend 1 Chec...

Страница 350: does not turn on and vehicle is not working 1 Check the function of the key switch 2 Check DC DC converter 3 Check the cables 4 Check the fuse Electricity meter display error 1 Check the electricit...

Страница 351: ...ted the front rocker and frame is broken or not Rear wheel shaking while driving 1 Check the bearing in the rear axle case 2 Check the connection between rear axle and the plate spring 3 Check the rea...

Страница 352: ...r of acceleration 5 Check the sensor between the motor and the controller whether the socket is open circuit or not Maximum speed exceeded 24km h 1 Check the controller 2 Check the motor Driving milea...

Страница 353: hose and pipe 9 Oily or greasy disc brake pads 10 Improper brake fluid level SHOCK ABSORBER MALFUNCTION Loss of damping function Shock absorber 1 Bent or damaged damper rod 2 Damaged oil seal lip 3...

Страница 354: ...3 Broken shock absorber 4 Broken buffer rubber of rocker shaft LIGHTING SYSTEM HEAD LIGHT IS OUT OF WORK Head light is out of work 1 Improper bulb 2 Too many electric accessories 3 Hard charging broke...

Страница 355: ...FOREWORD 328 ERROR DISPLAY OF METER Wrong Speed 1 Then sensor on rear axle is damaged or polluted by iron powder 2 The connection between sensor to meter is wrong 3 Broken meter...
