Warranty Certificate
Serial number
W•mimty period
Thn,e (3) year•from d•t• ofpuroha-se ( _/ _)
Cuatom•r n•mt.
Cu11tmrmr- 1:1dd.-m,s
Pl8-l11\.4� w1nin 1:hi:s warmn1y Q':rtiricah'i. D1Aplicah::s cannot ba mit11��1H(1
Cornpl1�t1: ttm ()l'lf1:i'10,1tf1 with Um m(l(J1il numtmr, 11mial mJrnbHr, an(1 rl11t1� of purnhmN1, alonH with your- narrm an<1
mldrmm. ThH pornorml information ymJ pro.,id11 on thi1, form will only tm u1md to prn11ido r-upair- 1:111r-'o'io11 and inlormatioo
about Hioli::i prntluc��• and s11r-'o'io11s
Thi• docurnont cortiM01 lhat tho product hH boon in1poctod and vorilod to conform lo Hioki'• ,mndard,.
Plt1He contact th& place of purch1'11e in the event of III
and provide thit docum"nt. in which c .. e
l'e'peir or r&plec" the product 1ubject to the w•rr•nty tem11 detcribed b&low
W•rranty term•
1. Ttm pr-odu(�: iH uuaran1:iiiid to op◄:1mtli prop(1rly durin9 thH wHnHn1r pmiod (U1nm [3) )'Hm·1, rmm Um datli of purd11110(1)
1-r thH datH of purchm•1 is unli::nown, th(I warrant,- Jmriod ii, dH•rmd m, 1hnm (3) rHam rrom Um datli (month 11nd ym1r') of
r111:1mflai:�Uf'H (at> irn:lioah:1d by th◄:1 tirnt lour di\jih• of 11m 1mril1I numtmr in YYM,._ lommt)
2. U thH product camn with an AC adaptlir-, tho adaptor ii, wanan1iml for onH (1) :;nm from thu datu of p1.m:Jmso
3. Ttm accumcr of m1:1m.i.m1d ¥aluoti and othor data 111irmratod tir ·tho pmduc1 ii. 11u,mmtm1d m, tlm1cdbod in tho prmltJd
,( In Um ol'm1t that tht1 prnduc:I: or AC adaptor malhmctiom, diAdn11 i1i, rm,poctil'11 warrant:, podod duo to a dofod: o1
wmkmam>hip m matudals, Hio-.i will mpair- rn· mplm:e the pmduc1 or· AG ada11ter- fr-nn of char-nu.
5, Ttm followin11 malfunctions and i•stms am not co'J'rn·od hr tho w,.rnm1r and a. auch am not •ubjc:ct to I'm<: mpair- 01
Mal'hlnction• or· dama11e of cormumablrn,, par1�• with a ddined serl'ic:e We, e1c,
2, Mal'hlnction• or· dama11e of connrn:::l:or-•, cablus, uh:,
:-:i, Mal'hlndion• or· dmmJ\jH cauaod t;:, •hipnmnt, droppinj,j, relocation, e1c,, 1d1or ptm.:hm,u ol the 11rnduct
-�-. Malfunction, or l1M1ag• c:•tlHd b:, in•ppropri•t• h•ndling that 'J'iolat .. inlormation round in Iha in,trtlGlion mantJ•I or
on prac:•ution1ry l1b•ling on th• product it .. 11
-5. M.tl'k.Jnction, or d11m•g• c•uH,d by • f•ilur• tl p•r1orm mainillln..noa or inlip•c:tiona H r•quirad by l•w or
r•commandtid in th• in1truction manual
-e. M1l'k.Jnction1 or d•m•g• cauttid by f'ir•, 1torm1 or flooding, HrthquakH, lighl:1ing, pow•r 1nomaliH
(inYolving volt•g•, fraqu•ncy, •tc. ), w•r or ui1rHt, cont.mination with radiation, or oth•r •eta of God
-'7. D1mag• that i• limit•d to th• product'• appHranc• (coam•tic blan1i1hH, d•forn,ation of •nclo&ur• &hap•,
fading of color, •tc.)
-1:1. 0•1•r m1llmction1 or d1mag• for which Hiok:i i• not rHpon1ibl•
6. Th• warranty will bill oon1id•r•d inYalidaillld in th• following circum&t1ncH, in which OI.H Hiok:i will b• un•bl• tl p•rfonn
Hrvic• •uch H repair or calibr•tion
-1, If th• produd hH bHn r•p•irad or modin•d by • company, •ntity, or indMdu■I oth•r than Hioki
-2, If the produd hH been embedded in another pieet1 of equipment for u•e in • •peci■I application (aero•p1ce,
nuclear pow&r, medical u1e, vehicle control, etc,) witiout Hioki'• ho1vi11g ree&ived prior notice
7, If you exparianc& a loM Co1u•ed b)' u•e of the product •nd Hioki detem1iner. th■t it i• 1"6•ponaiblt1 for the underlying iuue,
Hioki will provid& compenHtion in an •mount not ti exceed the purchHe price, with th& follO'llfing exet1ption1:
-1. Secondary damage ari1ing from damage to a meHured device or compommt that wH Cl'tuaed b)' u•e of the product
-2. Damege 1ri1ing from me11urement re,ultl provided by the product
-3. Damege to • devioe other than the product th&t ,... •u•teined 11.1hen connecting the devi� to th& product
(including via network: o:mn&ation•)
8. Hioki reHrve• the right to dt1olin& to pt1r1orm r&p&ir. oalibration. or other •ervioe for produot, Jor which a o•l'min amount
of tim• hH pH1fld 1inoa th&ir m&nufactur•, products whoH parts have bHn di•oontinue.d, end produca th&t oannot b•
rapairad due to unfor•••n oiroum,tenoH
18 07 EN 3